Enter the mix Ultimate Edition 3.5
by TheeMahn on Jan.02, 2013, under Linux, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Sorry for the delay, was planning on releasing Ultimate Edition 3.5 prior to Xmas. Seems some hacker decided to delete my acct on sourceforge. Problem resolved those guys are awesome. Just to bring you up to date, I have Ultimate Edition 3.6 in local testing based on Ubuntu 12.10 “Quantal Quetzal”. I am currently running Ultimate Edition 3.4 Lite based on Ubuntu 12.04 Percise Pangolin with a solo environment of Gnome 2 which is quick quite responsive.
What is Ultimate Edition 3.5?
Please allow time for mirroring or download speed will be slow. You have been warned.
A Step back to the roots.
by TheeMahn on Oct.01, 2012, under Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
I have built UE 3.5 until I am blue in the face. My time being limited, I have taken steps at no cost to the end user to ensure productivity is being taken care of on my end. A bulldozer is in route, a 6 and quad core to do my bidding all raided / nas’d up. I have tanked and totally rebuilt 3.5 from the ground up even admin do not have access to, please stand by. I appologize for the delay. There is a ton involved in what I have accomplished, please be patient with me.
Limited Time…
by TheeMahn on Sep.08, 2012, under Hosting, Programming, Ultimate Edition
Limited time is the nature of the post I have one day off, so I felt the best way to reach out is on a large scale, sorry to ultilize one of our users as an example.
I dropped a post to dougal, one of our forum members.
Please do not ask him for links. I am watching. A vestage or a test of integrity? Please sit tight it is indeed coming.
For those too lazy to click the above link:
dougal wrote:Can I grab a copy for testing. I have a few machines and try every release on them all. Still running 2.6 as the only fully stable release on all machines. Some now must be nine or ten years old. An old HP Pavillion 4800 series.
A Sony and Tosh laptop, both about five years old. A Dell laptop at four years old, a Dell Optiplex 745 and Dell Optiplex 780 and a desktop machine, 8-core.
Main problem is always with desktops and wireless USB dongle. The auto-selection of drivers for two different ones has not happened and I always have to fiddle with the Windows Wireless drivers. Both of them are 150 bps and the thing is that an older 58 bps USB has drivers picked up real easy.
So, I would love to test anything going... I have patience though. Do what you have to Thee to make the OS as good as you can.
Posts: 283
Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:05 pmYes, you can check your PM’s links to snatch both Ultimate Edition 3.5 32 and 64 are there. Does anyone here feel worthy to test it based on the above information. Why is Dougal not at least mod? See what happens when I climb in a box and do not attend to the forums? I have been thinking of sending all donors a link to a private server for them to snatch it prior to the public. I have the donors email addresses. I would have to pay for a site to fly by night and disapear the next day. It would get beat to death, I have been down that road before. I would love to see a hosting company absorb 1 month of abuse. hmm, something to ponder. No official post, just sent to donors and not care if they give it to thier buddies. When it dies it dies. Steam is coming out of the melon now 😉 What am I gonna brew up.
Most ppl know what a Terabyte is now, most were oblivious to it initially on release. I would talk about Terabytes of transfer now ppl have that size drive in thier computer, funny how technology advances. Petabytes a very unfamiliar term, bet it comes common place in a few years. I have like 14TB of info accessable from this very PC if Goliath fires up his NAS. I have transfered 1/2 of a Petabyte of info in one month from users downloading Ultimate Edition in get this 2009. No-one knew or grasped the vast amount of information that is. Shut down 3 times that month I grant you. We are now hosted through Sourceforge’s 32 servers as far as downloads. No-one takes the time to factor in the value of a good hosting company & the crippling effect a vast amount of users can have. I am a connoisseur of understanding in this aspect. I would venture via sourceforge if they were to allow me to see raw stats in transfer are approaching the Exabyte factor, if it hasn’t already been broken by the 1,348,630 download of Ultimate Edition recorded by them.
SO DONT GIVE OUT THE LINKS, it is not hosted on a fly by night server.
I guess the above is incorrect. The hosting companies know, actually bragged initially (yes, I have those emails as well). Until I disrupted thier services.
You can only shove so much water though a garden hose, bandwidth is no exception. A cloud of 6 servers with nothing less the 1 GBPS, how long before I need to once again worry? Paid my bill each month & they were in a hurry to get rid of me due to the “load”, one of thier pipes was 10GBPS, makes me think was not a bandwidth constraint. Our current hosting has superceeded my expectations. Mirrored so what is the issue I beat on the CPU? I will break down my current hosting at a later date.
Ultimate Edition 3.5 WIP
by TheeMahn on Aug.18, 2012, under Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
I know you ladies and gents would love to have your phalanges on Ultimate Edition 3.5. I pushed it to testers technically yesterday, however they did not find out about it until today. I feel it is ready for release, minus one small issue the purple background when dealing with the login screen. Time and feedback will tell. The 32 bit I have not even started, however takes me a day to make the 32 bit counterpart knowing what I now know. Probably a day once I have my head wrapped around what I have to deal with up the chain in what they have changed.
I have new inet so no more 17+ hrs uploading the O/S. Instant certainly not 😉 I want you to look at it this way. My local testers are a 17 hr. over and over again cut off my time as a distrowriter. I wish you could see what I go through in writing an O/S, have to squeeze programming in there somewhere.
Speaking of programming, I have a straight up NASty tool coming for you. Yes, I called it NASty on purpose. Written for NAS drives. I will refrain from going into detail until it is done. I do want to thank donators again many currently unlisted, I can not build the O/S fast enough to add your name to the list in the O/S & 2 monitors thanks to donators. I will work dilligently to ensure your name makes it there.
I am going to add a programming and howto section to this very site. Initally written by me and let my admin take it over. I may then actually be able to get things done 😉 Once repomaster hits, I will no longer possess a life. Let us prey they do not take me out. I am not talking to dinner. The computer industry is a multi-billion dollar environment, give stuff away for free? I am here for that. Solid GPL mahn.
I want you to think for one second I wrote the manual for repomaster; it now does actuallly better then it claims to do. I wrote that a year ago, I cannot understand why it has not been superceeded. When source hits the net, well now? They graciously await. Funny they hammered me over Automatix, err was is Ultamatix. I could go on I still have emails from Jane Siebler then CFO of Canonical, now CEO. They do not like me, understand that clearly.
One Mahn; a true thorn. Wow, am I spartan? Did you know I was supposed to charge you 1 penny to download Ultimate Edition; 1.2 million pennies what is it I lost?
Should I say my GF loves UE 3.5 and was upset with me when I rolled into gnome because I hate KDE. Why did I roll in? To put a epson driver, great they have openly drivers, however once again not open source I can not include that driver. Did you know Adobe has been sued I assure things are changing. Ten million dollars at a time. It would be all bad if I adjusted my thought process to do the same to them. Sorry i am rambling and enjoying a long awaited beer.
UE 3.5 in route.
by TheeMahn on Aug.04, 2012, under Linux, Programming, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
I recently purchased a second monitor to aid in programming.
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theemahn@JackHammer:~$ ./conky-builder.sh
Ultimate Edition Conky builder version 1.13
Please report errors / issues to TheeMahn TheeMahn@ultimateedition.info
Codebase detected: precise
Kubuntu base: detected – odd number release
Distro detected: Ultimate Edition 3.5
Detected current resolution: 3840×1200
Resolution unprogramed defaulting, please report detected resolution above to theemahn@ultimateedition.info
expr: syntax error
Detected Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor
64 Bit O/S detected.
6 Cpu core(s) Detected.
Update interval: 2
MemTotal: 16434440 kB
Network interfaces detected:
Scanning for active…
Interface eth0: up
Active Network: eth0
Interface lo: unknown
Active Monitoring Connection: eth0
Radio Tray Running: Yes
Artist – Song: unknown
CPU Temp detected as: 116
Internal / External storage detected:
/ – Root
Hmm, an error to report to myself 😉 Dual monitors has pushed me leaps and bounds on programming my repomaster, you can learn more about that here; it will change the entire Linux world when complete. Imagine living in a world where errors do not exist – eliminate the human element of error. Computers do not make mistakes, humans do. I would venture to say repomaster is 90% done. It looks like a little work in conky builder as well. I had a fella contact me yesterday to report an issue not detecting ppoe type connections another issue to squash. On a lighter note Ultimate Edition 3.5 is moving right along in development:
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As you ladies and gentlemen may already know I am not a KDE Mahn, that does not mean I do not adhere to our users needs / demands, KDE is the default O/S for the first time in UE history.
Hmm, naughty naughty.
by TheeMahn on Jul.16, 2012, under Hosting, Linux, Ultimate Edition
Seems a hacker deleted this entire site. Some pictures / screenshots are missing. Took me 10 minutes to bring it back up, his / her attempt was in vain. The investigation begins…
Welcome aboard Ultimate Edition 3.4 LTS
by TheeMahn on Jul.01, 2012, under Linux, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
I am proud to announce the release of Ultimate Edition 3.4 a long term supported release. I have also re-opened donations, please show your support.
I have began comunication with sourceforge to understand how many hours I need to provide in advancement, you can at this time obtain x64 of UE 3.4. 8 hrs was not enough for 32 bit, we are movin vast volumes of information across the world. Please sit tight until Monday. Next time I will come like a thief in the night 😉
Ultimate Edition in print.
by TheeMahn on Jun.26, 2012, under Linux, Programming, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Blackwolf on of my fine administrators brought to my attention the other day that we have been published in Linux Pro Magazine June 2012 Issue. I think that is AWESOME!!!
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Sorry for the delay…
by TheeMahn on Jun.21, 2012, under Hosting, Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Where to begin, our previous hosting company hostgator while ok for a low traffic site had stuck me for the last time shutting down services over and over. I am testing the ability of our new hosting company, however most likely this very site will be moved to its own hosting service. I do not want to let the cat out of the bag as far as who is hosting until I can make a determination of service. On a lighter note the forum is back up, still work ahead of me on other sites. Oh, almost forgot to mention Ultimate Edition 3.3 as well as Ultimate Edition 2.6.6 LTS has been released while we were down. Ultimate Edition 3.4 is uploaded been running it for weeks flawlessly. Ah, distrowatch we are not inactive, the hosting company has stuck a thorn in my side.
Please be patient with me much work to do, not to mention working a 7 day a week job. I have a 9 day shutdown coming for the 4th, I will make mass adjustments then. Please stay tuned.
Sites currently fixed / restored:
I will update the above list as I go along.
Please report issues on the forum. I know the repository is not online. The files are there, just a matter of time before I bring it back up. The largest portion of Work In Progress. 😉 The next release will be straight off the chain.
Keep you in the loop.
by TheeMahn on May.04, 2012, under Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Ultimate Edition 3.3 x86 – 32 bit. Up she rolls, what is it? Let me display my response to one of our users to attempt to explain. You never know I may quote you and what I feel vividly answer your question. I am typically bad about providing information perhaps you did not care to know, once again keep you in the loop.