UE 3.5 in route.
by TheeMahn on Aug.04, 2012, under Linux, Programming, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
I recently purchased a second monitor to aid in programming.
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theemahn@JackHammer:~$ ./conky-builder.sh
Ultimate Edition Conky builder version 1.13
Please report errors / issues to TheeMahn TheeMahn@ultimateedition.info
Codebase detected: precise
Kubuntu base: detected – odd number release
Distro detected: Ultimate Edition 3.5
Detected current resolution: 3840×1200
Resolution unprogramed defaulting, please report detected resolution above to theemahn@ultimateedition.info
expr: syntax error
Detected Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor
64 Bit O/S detected.
6 Cpu core(s) Detected.
Update interval: 2
MemTotal: 16434440 kB
Network interfaces detected:
Scanning for active…
Interface eth0: up
Active Network: eth0
Interface lo: unknown
Active Monitoring Connection: eth0
Radio Tray Running: Yes
Artist – Song: unknown
CPU Temp detected as: 116
Internal / External storage detected:
/ – Root
Hmm, an error to report to myself 😉 Dual monitors has pushed me leaps and bounds on programming my repomaster, you can learn more about that here; it will change the entire Linux world when complete. Imagine living in a world where errors do not exist – eliminate the human element of error. Computers do not make mistakes, humans do. I would venture to say repomaster is 90% done. It looks like a little work in conky builder as well. I had a fella contact me yesterday to report an issue not detecting ppoe type connections another issue to squash. On a lighter note Ultimate Edition 3.5 is moving right along in development:
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As you ladies and gentlemen may already know I am not a KDE Mahn, that does not mean I do not adhere to our users needs / demands, KDE is the default O/S for the first time in UE history.
August 4th, 2012 on 4:51 pm
cool cool cool ..
you are the best Thee Mahn..
UE,,the best! ✌☮ ⌨
August 4th, 2012 on 9:17 pm
Computers don’t make mistakes? My USAF son when he was nine years old received a notice in the mail stating, “You now qualify for a Platinum Visa card!’ I figured if I waited a couple days maybe my dog would get one, too.
On the day after my son left for Air Force basic training he received in the mail an application to join AARP.
I know it’s not really the computer’s fault – it’s the loose nut behind the keyboard, right?
Have an awesome day, TM!
August 6th, 2012 on 8:44 pm
So when will UE 3.5 be finished?
September 24th, 2012 on 11:51 am
UE is excellent !!!! I’m glad your back to UBUNTU… 3.4 seems to have sound issues. Also there is no add to panel..
October 12th, 2012 on 3:39 am
does any one know when UE3.5 will be finnished for download thanks