The Hammer is about to drop
by TheeMahn on Aug.26, 2022, under Ultimate Edition

Sorry Steam! Why did you not treat me as a developer?
WTF were you thinking? I build Operating Systems & have for over 20 years. Your Steam deck uses Arch Linux. Took me one day to port my software to yours. You are fucked.
That is all I will say right now. Last check I am TheeMahn. What will happen tomorrow? I have a ThreadRipper Pro coming up tomorrow. I can promise you that you are hit in the mouth. I did offer to sell you my software. Now I will incorporate in an O/S I build & wipe you out. Mine will be free, and pretty hard to fuck with. Do you think I care about money? You are now screwed.
It is already in the works & just a matter of time. I do like Arch Linux, minus the learning curve. The same O/S Steam Deck uses. I could completely replace the O/S, why not do both? According to the info tool in Ram Booter will only be 5 times faster. I can’t wait to see ram-booter run on the ripper. It has 13 NVME’s won’t matter. I do not care if I had 50 NVME’s all raided, where does that data traverse? Through RAM. I just cut it out. The closer you get to the CPU the faster things get.
Let’s re-illiterate this Steam you are not only fucked, but you are screwed. I am a good guy I will let you know you should add Lutris (released today) to your repo minimally or incorporate it.
What a nice guy, I won’t for the most part tell you what I am doing.