It’s just around the corner.
by TheeMahn on Mar.07, 2015, under Cloud Storage, Gamers, Hosting, Linux, Programming, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
This Operating System was auto generated using:
TheeMahn's O/S Builder (tmosb) 1.9.2, 02/27/2015
GNU tmosb home page: <>.
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Using the command: tmosb --build ultimate-edition-4.2.2-x64-gamers.iso -YES
on Thu Mar 5 19:34:14 EST 2015 by ultimate on
Source Build platform:
====================== is an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630L v2 @ 2.40GHz resonating at 2399.998 Mhz
MEMORY: 65,977,752 bytes
HOST ARCH: 64 bit
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ultimate Edition 4.2 Minimal Server LTS"
Destination Distribution Information
Distribution Base: Ubuntu trusty
Architecture: amd64
Detected Desktop Environments:
Internal Buildtime: 43m38s
Distro: Ultimate Edition
Version: 4.2.2
LTS (Long term supported): Yes
Data Preparer: ultimate
Data Publisher: TMOSB <>
Isoname: ultimate-edition-4.2.2-x64.iso
Installed Size: 13,137,088,512 bytes.
Ultimate Edition 4.2.2 "Trusty Tahr" - Release x64 (20150305)
Build logs: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176536 Mar 5 19:34 .disk/tmosb-1.9.2-build-logs.tar.gz
Please note: The above url, may not work if the release has not been made public.
What are we seeing here above? No, I did not run out and buy a 20 core processor (they currently do not exist BTW). 64GB of ram & a 640GB SSD. Welcome to the world of virtual computing, or VPS (Virtual Private Server).
I want you to be well informed, all the above was while 4 other operating systems were being simultaneously being generated. Does not breathe on that kind of power. A single server answering your beckoning call. My Ultimate intention to soothe the savage beast within you.
At the same time spitting webpages to thousands of people, got to love that 😉 I am enhancing tmosb so you do not have to build your own Operating System. Let 20 cores chew through that with the quickness. Customization is not there YET!!! A few lines of code and that beast wakes up as well.
I am very friendly to PHP, I have wrote an entire CMS (Content Management System) in php in 2004 from the ground up. The integrated caching system in tmosb will do nothing, but accelerate the entire process. From here forward, let nothing I do shock you 😉 You may wonder why the high CPU peaks in the above graph, Parallel processing. I do not care if you have 1000 processors mksquashfs will use 100%. The blue peak on the top outgoing traffic is it shipping the final Operating System off to another server. Ladies & Gentlemen it is coming. It is not above me to drop the storm on that server & have it chewing you perfection. Why use your processor?
I have been absorbing the costs therein involved $640 a month for one server, usually bring it by the hour. We have have 4 servers right now & 13 domains. A balancing act, at least we are up. I have had mass issues with hosting. Eventually, may be $640 X 13, still miniscule compared to youtube, last check a million a month.
A Long way to go, not beyond me to dump money, the laptop for work will wait…

I did not trust them at first. I figured we will go down. I seen the 20 core and understand they are not hurting on resources. I want you to notice I did not refer you to their service at all in this post, let me hog that up 😉 All in a week, will get worse before it gets better. The only negitive I can see is 1 Gigabit per pipe, 13 pipes makes them rethink their service & very quickly.
You do know, default UE 4.2 server puts your stats out there right?
I can shut them down, why?
This very website: Stats updated by the minute & open to the world…
the same as, re-directed traffic.
Take this as a grain of salt, I rip this server down and bring it up under new circumstances all the time:
Want realtime stats? I will not rob you, same site name/linux-dash/ for example:
Chew on the chips 😉 they are defaulted to show you the same info as per server. I’m not trying to hide any info from you. All running “Ultimate Edition 4.2 Minimal Server LTS” It is optional to hide that data from users. Why? Am I lying to you?
I dont care if it the forum: A few million hits this week (do you notice the 5th is zero ppl), and I have provided the tip of the iceburg. Do you understand why we go down? Probably had ten domains to go. Even the hosting companies, Yes that is plural. cant see each other. You should be happy to have a fella of my calibre on your side.
I have done malicious activities in the past over ten years ago, now I look back at that as solid negativity & apologize for the damage therein incurred. I have turned over a new leaf. I know the endorphins fly in malicious activity, I can assure you with the utmost confidence it is ultimate failure.
March 8th, 2015 on 9:09 pm
So to sum it all up, you found a new host, you created a UE server, your previous creations are really bearing fruit, and you are excited about the potential you see in it all!
We are really proud of your creations, but concerned about your need to pat yourself on the back! No one questions or doubts what you have done is awesome!
Thanks, I like UE and recommend it to friends, and put it on friends Window’s laptops that are broken! They never complain and love their new machines!
March 11th, 2015 on 8:41 pm
The software development what I have going on is within a right no joke. What do I see in the future for our users? Do I need a pat on the back, no a slap to the face for allowing the forum to go down every time I delve into this realm. I have taken steps to ensure this does not happen again. Forum users have their own server, rolling on Ultimate Edition Server, have a 4.2.1 server coming in that realm as well. It is w/o a doubt a heavy financial burden I have taken on. Every time I adjust os-builder to bring me 20 cpu cores, 64 GB or ram & 640 GB of space expensive. The knowledge I gain priceless.
The storm has still not touched that server yet, that in itself will be the game changer. I wrote an article about this a few years back, one program replace a few thousand programmers; that sir I do deserve a pat on the back for.
Thanks John,
Glenn Cady