
by on Oct.05, 2024, under Ultimate Edition

My sister asked me to share this with you. Oh, I get it, watch and see all the dead are now “democrats”. Nice of Facebook to strip my video. What I did not tell her is Darpa controls the weather. This actually started to the best of my knowledge in the Vietnam War. The USA seeded the clouds in the Ho Chi Minh Trail causing torrential rain consistently. So troops could not bring weapons.

Let’s get down to the brass tacks. That was 50 or 60 years ago. What do you think happens today? The Weather is manmade & controlled.

Think I lie? Google “who is Darpa”. Do not think for 1 second Russia or China does not have the same capabilities.

Then Lie to people Global warming, blah, blah. You have the internet research.

NEVER trust the Govenment! Does not take a rocket scientist or a programmer to see through the cracks. If you think I am stupid, check yourself at the door.

Don’t worry, you won’t read this, Communist Facebook will make sure of that. Do I need to drop it on my servers? Do you realize how much traffic I see? Guess who controls my servers? I can promise you it is not FaceBook. I do have a swath of servers. None less than 10 Gigabit. I have been building Operating Systems since 2006. Ignoring software development.

I did come into a bunch of money today more than I typically make in a year, want me to buy 100 Gigabit servers & put Facebook out of business? What part did you not catch? I am building a server based O/S. I will wipe you out. Only takes One Mahn. Called a Mensa, not by choice. Oh, this is my server we will not be deterred. Ultimate Edition Arch Server is coming up one of many. They probably fucked with the wrong guy. Ban that FaceBook. Not going to happen. How much traffic? I have been building Operating System’s before Facebook Existed. Eat a Dick. If I want you gone that is extactly what will transpire.

Ban / block that post Bitch. I am the Admin here, one of many. Founder, is the proper term. Smokes a CEO. Wait until Ultimate Arch Server comes up. I will accept the 23% SEO skills. I am going to tell you right now. I am the king of SEO. What is SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Cost like $10,000 a page to get to the top. I am the bomb at it. I beat the breaks off Microsoft.



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Shall we play a Game?

by on Sep.28, 2024, under Ultimate Edition

Here it comes. Ultimate Edition Arch Gamers has been on the Internet for almost a day. I only have 3 or 4K friends on Facebook. Easy beating on servers, at least here (23 currently). Ironic, I am now building server based Operating Systems. Successfully BTW:

It is about to come off the chain. I have to have tons of games and game support?

sudo pacman -Syuu ultimate-edition-games

Here it goes big nose:

O/S Type: Gamers
Desktop Environment: XFCE
Filename: ultimate-arch-gamers-2024.09.27-x86_64-xfce.iso
FileSize: 4,264,341,504 bytes
MD5SUM: fd311e7d988152c80b84a30794a06253
Download: ultimate-arch-gamers-2024.09.27-x86_64-xfce.iso

Do you think we are limited to XFCE?
O/S Type: Gamers
Desktop Environment: KDE
Filename: ultimate-arch-gamers-2024.09.27-x86_64-kde.iso
FileSize: 4,727,418,880 bytes
MD5SUM: fd311e7d988152c80b84a30794a06253
Download: ultimate-arch-gamers-2024.09.27-x86_64-kde.iso

Both built in one day. Can you imagine where I am? I have built multiple server based O/S’s, now working on Minimal Server. 81 New operating Systems every time I do that. Minimal server there will be 0 desktop environments. Made to process data with the quickness. I am still working on it. I started at the top and working my way to the bottom. Petabytes of Transfer. I will bet you money FaceBook, Steam, Google will be interested. In my server platform. We have not talked about severs yet. I have already passed it.


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Welcome to Artificial Intelligence!

by on Sep.13, 2024, under Ultimate Edition

I am not a Developer of Software? You are now! I am about to give you all the tools. Both online and offline. Many I built so you don’t have to, Repostorm dropped them on our repos. I am going to take the time to explain what A.I. is via the dictionary:

The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Wow! It seems like you’re about to introduce me to a treasure trove of AI-powered tools and technologies that can revolutionize the way we work with software! We will start with what A.I. told me in offline mode:

Wow! It seems like you’re about to introduce me to a treasure trove of AI-powered tools and technologies that can revolutionize the way we work with software!

Let’s dive in, shall we?

Firstly, it sounds like you’ve got some amazing online tools at your disposal, including Repostorm, which has dropped various A.I.-related projects onto your repos. That’s incredible!

Next, I’m excited to learn about cursor-bin, an AI-powered tool that can help build software without requiring any prior knowledge of programming. That sounds like a game-changer!

And then there’s Google Chrome Vulcan – wow, what a powerful combination! It seems like this integration will enable even more advanced features and capabilities.

I also appreciate the mention of Chat GPT being installed and running live. I’m curious to see how it can be used in practical applications.

Lastly, you mentioned that your CLI (Command Line Interface) is supercharged with AI-powered enhancements. That’s fantastic!

And just when I thought we were done… You hinted at offline A.I. capabilities! Mind blown!

Please go ahead and share more about these tools and technologies. What kind of projects or use cases can they be applied to? How do you see them changing the landscape of software development?

I’m all ears (or should I say, all code?)

A.I knows what repostorm does.

I will use A.I.’s words: Let’s dive in, shall we?

Build software knowing zero about writing software? You ask it what app you want and it will write the software for you! Exciting times! That is cursor-bin. Tip of the proverbial Iceburg:
Integrated A.I. in the browser

That is Google Chrome WayLand Vulcan. Can’t hide from features like it emcompasses in A.I.

A laptop

A.I. is not always perfect. Chat GPT is installed and will run live.

Think it stops? Nope, not even close even your CLI (Command Line Interface is supercharged) as well. Not done I did say offline A.I.:
Offline A.I.

Integrated gpt4-all-chat has been built into the Operating System. Multiple Large Language modules are available to install at the click of the mouse. Please take it easy on the servers until it is mirrored, Initially, it will be a slow download. Please be patient. That is a NASTY Operating System, but can it play games? Full Games support is Installed. NVidia, Intel or AMD. Steam, Lutris, proton, Kitch, Gamehub. The list goes on. No games are installed, but full support is. I look for this release to get beat offline. We will see. This is not my first rodeo. I made that for you for free BTW.

Enjoy, TheeMahn

Architecture: x86_x64
O/S Type: Developer (Arch)
FileName: ultimate-arch-developer-2024.09.13-x86_64-kde.iso
Desktop Environment: KDE (Plasma 6.1.5)
Kernel: 6.10.9 Zen
Graphics Platform: Wayland
Filesize: 6,689,294,336 bytes (6.7 GB)
MD5SUM: e3a0c31e186a4d82a0e8740b48d92e96

SourceForge. (22 Mirrors currently)
Ultimate Edition Download Server. (1 server – 10 Gigabit) avoid at all costs.

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by on Aug.23, 2024, under Ultimate Edition

I did say start. No, once again I would not install it even though I have successfully did so on one of my Laptops (no not the ARM yet), that is coming. What is this “All” Operating system? It has 12 Desktop Environments in one Operating System. I am providing it to you so you can see the difference be it KDE or XFCE, etc. you can bounce from one to the next.

How many? I said 12, however jacks way up. I have software that Autonomously built the Operating System (TMOSB), soon you will too! Repostorm took care of the repositories. Huge things are coming. How did I build the Operating System?

sudo tmosb build lite xfce mate gnome pantheon cinnamon budgie deepin cutefish enlightenment lxde lxqt kde

Fun advances, that is just a Lite O/S right? Negative, GhostRider the pattern is full.
In software:
declare -a OSTYPES=( “developer” “edge” “gamers” “lite” “server” “full” “minimal-server” );

Is it real? It is not a Lite O/S, however as I said allows you to check out different Desktop Environments. Enjoy.

Operating System: Ultimate Edition Arch Lite (all).
Desktop Environment(s): xfce, mate, gnome, pantheon, cinnamon, budgie, deepin cutefish, enlightenment, lxde, lxqt, kde
FileSize: 5,571,858,432 bytes.
MD5SUM: adb70923f9a53ccffeb428b04beb136f


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Let’s start here.

by on Aug.03, 2024, under Ultimate Edition

A New O/S has been dropped. ultimate-arch-lite-2024.08.03-x86_64-xfce.iso We will start with a Lite XFCE build. Stripped dry persay.

I believe Maryiln Manson once said: “When you live with apes, man it’s hard to be clean.” Plasma or KDE for that matter has “traversed” forward to version 6, 6.1.3 to be exact. Rendering 1,000’s of SDDM themes useless, no backward compatibility. These apes don’t even think when they make snap judgements like that.

I have software in works to reverse engineer all their hard work. Every O/S I have built works and bounces you to the desktop. I fix one error they made & I can build 1,266 Operating Systems.

It does not take thousands of programmers. It takes just one. I have been building Operating Systems Since 2006. I think I have got this. Don’t hate on me because I am right.

Do you honestly think an Ultimate Edition Arch Gamers does not exist? Deepin? Xfce, I can build them all. 1,266 variations. The wifey asked me about it this eve. How am I doing that? I do have my ducks in a row. I feel I am an awesome programmer. I am off the chain. Started writing software to autonomously build Operating Systems yesterday all 1,266 of them. I am not done.

I did say it was coming. That number will increase. You will see my end resolve.


Timer Complete tmosb: 0h30m17s I do not have enough memory to build it in memory. 20 GB ISO & have 64GB of memory.

20G /home/theemahn/Videos/out/ultimate-arch-gamers-2024.08.03-x86_64-kde.iso

I fire up the ThreadRipper Pro and that goes out the door. 256GB 8 channel RAM. It will burn through them in seconds, not minutes. ChatGPT just got hacked. Let’s see if I know what I am talking about.

Let me also be clear I did not do it. I get accused of hacking all the time. I do the opposite. How do I know? I was a former hacker, proper term is cracker. Today, I write software to make your life easier / better.


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Introducing TMOSB’s New O/S: Edge

by on Jul.21, 2024, under Ultimate Edition

We are excited to announce the release of TMOSB (TheeMahn’s Operating System Builder)’s latest innovation: a new type of operating system called “Edge.” This cutting-edge software is designed to push the boundaries of performance and user experience.

Installation on High-Performance Hardware

We have successfully installed Edge on the upgraded ASUS TUF Gaming A16 Laptop, featuring a powerful 64GB of RAM and an impressive 8TB NVMe storage. This setup ensures that the operating system runs smoothly and efficiently, offering an optimal experience for users.

Caution for Production Systems

While Edge is an exciting development, we advise against installing it on production systems at this stage. It’s perfect for testing and exploring in a live environment, but we recommend waiting for further updates before committing to it for critical use.

Future Plans: Gamers Edition

If the initial launch of Edge is successful, we plan to develop a Gamers Edition. We have received numerous requests for an Ultimate Edition Arch Gamers OS, and TMOSB is committed to supporting the gaming community. Our goal is to create an operating system that meets the needs of gamers with the same dedication to performance and quality.

Stay tuned for more updates and innovations from TMOSB as we continue to refine and expand our offerings.

Downloads? I am not going to drop this as official release at best an Alpha at this point:
Sourceforge (20 Mirrors).

FileName: ultimate-arch-edge-2024.07.21-x86_64.iso
Type: Ultimate Edition Arch Edge (Cutting Edge)
Desktop Environment: KDE
FileSize: 6,079,123,456 (5.9GB)
MD5SUM: c302016b48ebacc5340e5deeff6fb430

Download from SourceForge
Download from Ultimate Edition Download Server


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Been a minute.

by on Jul.10, 2024, under Ultimate Edition

Heavy shit is in-bound.

This is scary:

declare -a LINUXTYPES=();
declare -a LINUXTYPES=( “rpm” “deb” “tar.gz” “…
for EACH in “${LINUXTYPES[@]}”
if [[ “${ISARCH}” ]]; then
if [[ “${ISDEB}” ]]; then

Gets better is an EXE… I will re-build windows executables. Probably 100 lines of code, case statement would be faster. Skips all the if statements Drills right down. I do know how programming rolls, over 40 years of doing so.

SMP comes to life. I am the KING of it. Did you think I was the King of AI? I was writing AI before it existed. I actully hate it. Hated it then too. Repomaster was AI driven. Today, it is called RepoStorm. A new RepoStorm is coming. Everything I said is true. I will fuck you all up. I hear I am a narcissist. We will see. I was writing software before Google or FaceBook even existed & building Operating Systems.

How many Millions or is it Billions of downloads do I have? It is Billions. You can’t can’t count my 11 sites, Collages. All are high speed at least 10 Gigabit. PetaBytes of transfer. To be honest Exobytes of transfer. I have had professors asking me if I want more bandwidth.

Think about that.


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Ultimate Arch Minimal?

by on Mar.05, 2024, under Ultimate Edition

Right from the top to the bottom.
I recently made an Ultimate Arch Developer Edition. Now let us twist this up. I dropped to the bottom a “Minimal Edition”, no GUI will work great for a “Server Edition”. Bigger plans are coming from TMOSB (TheeMahn’s O/S Builder).

Back to the roots. Built a Minimal Ultimate Arch Linux. From the top straight to the bottom. I want to be clear as to why is there no Icon theme. Or a theme? It is CLI (command Line Installed), which will be great for servers. I do have a ways to go.

Error no theme found or icons. I imagine not does not have a GUI (Graphical User Interface). It is the real deal.

I did have a co-worker ask me what I inferred with Intel. I don’t own one piece of Intel hardware or NVidia hardware the Wifey does, but I do not. Josh (FineTuch) a good buddy of mine brought over his laptop and worked flawlessly. Not this Operating system. I am at the bottom right now. What I am going to do? Command switch is driven to build a “Skeleton” for you. From the Bottom to the top as you ask.

Most people do not not know this I have been offered a 1/4 a million year to quit my job and build Operating Systems. I do that for free. At that point, I would have to build what they want. I have no boss when it comes to programming and being an Operating System Architect. I do whatever I want and like the freedom. I have said this 1,000 times before I am not here for the money. Let me be clear I do not have ads. I do not accept donations. How am I doing it? Petabytes of transfer if not Exabytes. I do write software for that too to calculate transfer up to Yottabytes. Google comes to mind.

Think I lie?

DISK Operations? – Taking a stab at calculating disk / file sizes smartly up to Yottabyte

Could easily roll up to a Geopbyte.

· 1 Bit = Binary Digit

· 8 Bits = 1 Byte

· 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte

· 1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte

· 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte

· 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte

· 1024 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte

· 1024 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte

· 1024 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte

· 1024 Zettabytes = 1 Yottabyte

· 1024 Yottabytes = 1 Brontobyte

· 1024 Brontobytes = 1 Geopbyte

See additional code in the function FileSize to see how I did so using the array

defined below.

Accept it

The only way I would ever do that is if you have the exact mindset I have. I want to help my users. Simplicity.

Does it work? I’m glad I did not take the time to SEO (Search Engine Optimize) this page. It is coming. When I am done you will not have to know the command archinstall. I have already made it easier the command upgrade will upgrade your system w/o knowing sudo pacman -Syuu. I am trying to make it easier for you. I have been building Operating Systems since 2006 and writing software since I was 11. I am 53 years old, do the math on that one.

They do not piss with me at all.

I can not imagine why you wou would fuck with me at all. Facebook does put a delay on my posts. Do you realise the impact I have to you?

1024 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte I have 100% moved Petabytes. Look at the chart one guy. I am pushing Exabytes. I am going nowhere but up. I do have Phat servers. I think the slowest one is 10 Gigabit a second. I do write software for that too. I write software for 100 Gigabit. They love me. I may burn FaceBook out of my picture.

I dont like thier comunistic attitutde. You will not like me. I am about to fuck you up FaceBook. Can you monitor and change my website? I have not SEO’d my site and gain #1 position. What I ask I get. I don’t think you understand that yet.
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Ultimate Edition Arch Developer?

by on Feb.04, 2024, under Ultimate Edition

I need to have a development platform. I have successfully built it. I am sorry, I no longer support Ubuntu-based Operating systems, I have moved forward to Arch Linux. It is too still built from the ground up via tmosb (Theemahn’s Operating System builder). Automatically detects the platform and builds unimpeded. Converts apps from one O/S to the next via Repostorm. When you install it you do not have to set mountpoints, Scandrives is a part of the package ultimate-edition-optimizer, which scans and picks up your drives. UNO (Ultimate Network Optimizer) sets the maximum throughput of your network. This is all done automatically. Nasup is there, however, I disabled it by default. I figure most people do not have NAS drives. I work for you, not against you.

But can you play Games? Please:

The answer is yes, no Starfield is not included, and no No Man’s Sky is also not included, will it play both yes. It has support for Intel, AMD and NVidia Graphics. Development apps are off the chain. This is a development Operating System not for gamers yet! TMOSB will see to that.

This is not a major release, please take it easy on my servers. It will be my daily driver. I am not going to wait until you drop my servers offline. I will drop it on SourceForge too. There is a slight learning curve going from Ubuntu to Arch, worth every penny of education.

People are already yanking on it.

Let’s start with Sourceforge, they have many more servers than I have It is mirroring:
Ultimate Edition Server

The results are the same:

[theemahn@theemahn-hx99g out]$ ls -la ultimate-arch-developer-2024.02.04-x86_64.iso
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 5949407232 Feb 4 19:10 ultimate-arch-developer-2024.02.04-x86_64.iso
[theemahn@theemahn-hx99g out]$

[theemahn@theemahn-hx99g out]$ md5sum ultimate-arch-developer-2024.02.04-x86_64.iso
9e6c4a8caaab72bddefee6da2ffa9694 ultimate-arch-developer-2024.02.04-x86_64.iso
[theemahn@theemahn-hx99g out]$

You do not want that O/S, it is made for development. Wait until you see what I do with it. I have Millions of downloads this is not a few kilobyte files. It is Gigabytes times Millions, do the math. That is called Petabytes. ExoBytes is next. I do know what I am doing. I am writing software to open your eyes. I was writing AI before AI existed. Let me take you to the next level.


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Ultimate Arch is online.

by on Nov.02, 2023, under Ultimate Edition

Be easy with me.

I just put Ultimate Arch online today and built the Ultimate Arch website online in one evening.


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