Been a minute.
by TheeMahn on Jul.10, 2024, under Ultimate Edition
Heavy shit is in-bound.
This is scary:
declare -a LINUXTYPES=();
declare -a LINUXTYPES=( “rpm” “deb” “tar.gz” “…
for EACH in “${LINUXTYPES[@]}”
if [[ “${ISARCH}” ]]; then
if [[ “${ISDEB}” ]]; then
Gets better is an EXE… I will re-build windows executables. Probably 100 lines of code, case statement would be faster. Skips all the if statements Drills right down. I do know how programming rolls, over 40 years of doing so.
SMP comes to life. I am the KING of it. Did you think I was the King of AI? I was writing AI before it existed. I actully hate it. Hated it then too. Repomaster was AI driven. Today, it is called RepoStorm. A new RepoStorm is coming. Everything I said is true. I will fuck you all up. I hear I am a narcissist. We will see. I was writing software before Google or FaceBook even existed & building Operating Systems.
How many Millions or is it Billions of downloads do I have? It is Billions. You can’t can’t count my 11 sites, Collages. All are high speed at least 10 Gigabit. PetaBytes of transfer. To be honest Exobytes of transfer. I have had professors asking me if I want more bandwidth.
Think about that.