WordPress Amazing?
by TheeMahn on Oct.30, 2020, under Ultimate Edition
They Automatically upgrade my websites. Sounds great does it not? We have multiple sites.
Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email.
In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, Advanced User Agent Displayer. Thanks for telling me 11 months later (a few minutes ago). Do I have time to roll through my Email – Millions unread at least they caught it, turned it off and guess what they were right. My job is to program not write php etc. At least they caught it, you can now comment all 160,004 registered users, just this site. Millions overall. I do my job, start doing yours.
I will tell you what you do not know. I have been building Operating Systems all day. A single flaw rm -R * start over, re-write the software. I am looking for perfection. Rebuild.
I am curious, how many Millions of downloads? Do the math on that at 4.4 Gigabytes for example. We move data up in here.