Ultimate Edition 2.5

Ultimate Edition 2.5
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Ultimate Edition 2.5?
What is Ultimate Edition 2.5? Ultimate Edition 2.5 was built off Ultimate Edition 2.4 (Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 based) all upgrades pre-installed as of current. It has KDE, XFCE, and Gnome user selectable at login. 3 new themes and tons of apps. This release is huge obviously bigger then UE 2.4 😉 I am not going to spend my time writing this webpage to the full extent even though it is a very worthy release. I have alot on my plate in programming and other activities & I do mean alot.
Screenshots can be viewed on the forum as well as additional download links. I am going to provide only one dowload link (25 mirrors) on this page from sourceforge.
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.5
Architecture: x86 (32bit)
Environment(s):Gnome, KDE, XFCE
Code base: Ultimate Edition 2.4 (Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 based)
File size: 3.1 GB(3,187,867,648)
MD5SUM: cf13b6229a2094658c64cf815bc606ff
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.5
Architecture: x64
Environment(s):Gnome, KDE, XFCE
Code base: Ultimate Edition 2.4 (Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 based)
File size: 3.1 GB(3,205,941,248 )
MD5SUM: 72699b8b11c7ebe8ce6e7e5071269079
This is not required, but an option we accept donations:
Thanks to: ekoice, JonaLinux, unixheads, University of Maryland, l337buntu, Cavedog for mirrors & Admin / mods / beta testers.