Thanks Justin.
by TheeMahn on Mar.19, 2018, under Hosting, Linux, Programming, Server, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
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First, who is Justin? Justin owns Unix Surplus & has a store on Ebay. I do believe he bought Mr. Rackables. What has Justin done to deserve a post on our main website? Justin sent us a free server which is building Ultimate Edition 5.9 64 bit as I type this. That is not the only thing that server has done, we have two of them now.
What are they BTW?
1U Supermicro Server H8DGU-F 2x AMD Opteron 6272 16 Core (Total 32 Cores) @ 2.1 GHZ
1 x Samsung 850 SSD
2 X 500GB Mechanical HD Raid 0
Dual Gigabit LAN (I have been asked about this)#2
1U Supermicro Server H8DGU-F 2x AMD Opteron 6276 16 Core (Total 32 Cores) @ 2.3 GHZ
1X 2TB Mechanical Hard disk.
Servers are very expensive, some $4,000 to $5,000, we paid $410.00 for the first one a real steal. I did drop a SSD and dual mechanical hard disks in Raid 0. Super fast, builds Operating systems faster than my liquid cooled Ryzen Rig which I paid $1,250.00 (Actually free too, thanks to AMD stock). I leave my window open in the winter & still stay warm 😉 Last Sunday, Finetuch and I have started the process of shoving both servers to the basement. Saw all hole is cut, Cat6E terminated. Base plate 3 more need done. Will probably need to buy Fish tape to finish it.
I know the big craze has been Bitcoin mining. The reason it is hard to buy a good video card w/o breaking the bank, but how does a 32 core CPU stack up?. I was going to have our new admin do a post on it, but has been flaky my findings?
128,000 KH/s total via avg 4,000 KH/s per core 32 X 4,000 KH/s. Both working in tandum would be roughly 256,000 KH/s, or roughly $8,000 a month. I did drop the Ryzen Rig into the mix in benchmarking, which is ~ 5,000 KH/s per core, but only 16 cores. Per core the Ryzen is faster. I did not get them to make money. One currently serves you webpages etc, the other is building Operating Systems. I have been looking into clustering them to double the overall “Get ‘r done” factor.
We will also discus cluster based servers in the future. I did build you a new gem Ultimate Edition 5.7.2 Server. Which is running on the new server. Did you know my RyZen rig also runs Ultimate Edition Server 5.7.1 NTL?

I have been asked many times since I build Ultimate Edition Server, what is the difference? Tons of networking has been setup for you. Internal networking for the most part, only external is Apache to allow you to spit webpages. Don’t like that aspect of server?
sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2
You can learn more about Ultimate Edition Server here, do not let the word server intimidate you. Things go well in sales, Justin will send more servers.
Thanks again Justin.