Speed is of the essense
by TheeMahn on Feb.03, 2012, under Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
I have many projects in hand. Ultimate Edition 3.01 as I have announced and released at least admin side, has been met with scrutiny. I love our admin, not afraid to nit pick. I ordered a few toys out of pocket to accelerate my job a couple SSD’s:
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Hmm, no 64 bit Ultimate Edition 3.01 or 3.0 for that matter It is in works utilising as a tool admin feedback. Please sit tight. I have a few other things I will upload simultaneously. The screenie shows 2.6.4 does that exist? 2.6.5 has been produced. Like I said sit tight. A gig a second when I ask my computer to get things done won’t be long.
I want you to think in this way, if they did not scrutinise you would have crap. Delay is a welcome delay. Thank you 50+ admin.
February 4th, 2012 on 7:52 am
Is that a 11 second boot time I’m seeing in that image?!? Hmm, perhaps I should get an SSD too…
As an IT admin type fellow, bring on the delay! Much rather wait and know that I’m getting something that will do more than “just work”!
February 4th, 2012 on 4:37 pm
When building O/S’s I see over a gig a sec throughput. When I boot 3.01 I do not get to see the plymouth splash goes straight to the desktop. ~$300.00 well spent. They went up in price the day after I bought them.
February 4th, 2012 on 10:35 pm
Ultimate edition is a primary operating system. Almost all proprietary oses take years for a new release.
Thats blazing fast speed!!!!!!!! Yipeeeeeeee. Im quite sure by years end we shall see ssd prices fall to nearly half.
February 7th, 2012 on 7:49 pm
That was a fairly pricey upgrade & get this the day after I bought them they went up in price. Do people follow what I post and price gouge others? I bought a wireless booster, strictly for testing wireless, posted an article about it and every one of that model was bought up virtually US wide, not just that site. Wipe the site out of the product and moved on to google. Crazy how I perceive how things work. I couldn’t get one for myself and had to use my sisters to conduct the tests. I will never post my findings until I have the product in my hand, err in that case in my PC 😉
February 4th, 2012 on 10:46 pm
11 secs it took about 5 seconds to find the raid array. Somthing else I need to re-write? 🙂
February 5th, 2012 on 6:15 am
Any ideas from the brainiacs who make this fantastic distro on laptop power consumption? I am using wattospm & powertop and they help some but of course M$ Windoze has the advantage of OEM factory installs which are tweaked for specific machines. 2.6.3 running great on my desktop and two notebooks one of them a netbook can you believe it? 2.7 on my classroom computer works like a champ too. Looking forward to the real 3.0″x” since the last one was was a compiz nightmare and gave some flakey sound “effects” on skype and other audio stuff. But it made me appreciate how good your stuff is and how little we wrestle with problems since UE always works out of the box. Buggy 3.0 even helped me to praise God for all the other blessings when things work so well. We just got a bit lazy and spoiled, I guess. Thanks for the hard work TM and all you guys who work on this thing.
February 7th, 2012 on 7:41 pm
A Ultimate Edition 2.6.5 is coming soon to a server near you. I can not say enough good about what it is. I am running it now building a new incarnation from it. I stride for a stable platform to build from and it is the ticket. I spend more time in 2.6.5 then any other O/S. Unfortunately it’s lts cycle will die. That does not mean it will not continue to function. I have considered pulling all source and making it my main development platform including gnome 2 as my only platform. I have seen where they are heading & for the most part as of current hate it. There are however leaps and bound taken daily. Do not think I do not pay attention. I have to learn it in order to fix it.
Gnome 3 for example has a bug they have no intention of fixing they called it a cosmetic issue. The icons in the tray area suck up way too much screen resources. Research and development that issue does not reside here. While it may seem minuscule to most. Call this a joke if you will, the admin section has referred to me as the Orkin Mahn. A simple example of one of many issues I have steeped upon. Some are heavy; that is light, but none the less.
February 5th, 2012 on 9:47 pm
hey i heard that windows 8 will be the lightest O.S compare to all those Now a days O.S So why don’t you concentrate to develop such O.S which Will compete O.S’s like Windows OR Mac. See Ubuntu Has the Ability To Compete with windows like OS but you guys must think to Microsoft level… Sorry for inconvenient comment. i Expect more from Ubuntu ultimate…
February 7th, 2012 on 7:28 pm
I have ran windows 8 & as of current posting has serious flaws, while I do not agree with where Ubuntu as well is heading. All I can do is squash bugs and take the trip. I do not possess the time to build from initrd up. This is one of the main reasons I changed gears to mint. I have already smashed many of their bugs as well Gnome 3. I have a long road ahead of me in both departments.
February 6th, 2012 on 8:17 am
Lol, no… I saw the 11 sec “time” entry inside the image, didn’t quite realize what the rest of the graph was indicating (noob moment I’m afraid) 😛
I must ask though, how do you get a graph like that? Is there a program you use?
February 7th, 2012 on 7:23 pm
Yep, built into virtually all Ultimate Edition Distros the software is called bootchart look in /var/log/bootchart/ for your boot times. I need to write a article called “Under the hood”. There are many many tools in Ultimate Edition most users do not know that they are there.
Newer UE’s have a tool called “apt-fast” google that bad lad. The command line tools in UE are off the hook if you know they are there and their purpose. Time permitting will do so. I am sure that will take a couple days.
February 7th, 2012 on 4:09 am
I have a few of there older series ssd’s they are sweet. By the way if you check out there fourum they have a iso, that will erase or reset thier ssd along with others and also update firmware. works like a champ have used serveral times. Keep up the great work on best OS there is.
February 7th, 2012 on 9:37 pm
For long time I used Fedora; I like the linux distributions that have most of the applications already included.
Next I did start to check others distributions: I did found Ubuntu U.E. at version 2.9. This is the best distribution that I ever found; contain all the apps and possible customizations.
Because of my new hardware, I’m forced now to use Ubuntu 11.10 x64: but it is far away than that is offered by U.E., even after I did some customization
I hope there will be sun also a x64 edition of U.E. 3.01.
Thank you for this wonderful work.
February 8th, 2012 on 6:40 pm
I uploaded on Sunday the following 30 hrs uploading, perhaps they are overwhelmed in testing:
ultimate-edition-2.6.5-x86.iso 06-Feb-2012 04:22 2.6G
ultimate-edition-3.01-x86.iso 05-Feb-2012 21:31 3.0G
ultimate-edition-2.6.5-x64.iso 05-Feb-2012 14:11 2.7G
ultimate-edition-3.01-x64.iso 05-Feb-2012 07:28 3.0G
So yes a 64 bit is in testing. I built all 4 O/S’s the same day each multiple times – the ssd’s made that happen. The slowest thing in your computer is called a bottleneck. Even raided SSD’s mine remains the hard disk, crazy isn’t it. 1.1 Gig a sec hard disk throughput, ram capable of 16 gig a sec. Why do hardware manufactures cap hardware? Perhaps it is so they can sell more 😉 Let’s say I bought 6 SSD’s and raided them I see 1.1 GB a sec out of 2. 6 would in only theory yield 3.3GB a sec. Still minuscule to DDR3. Do you know what is my current bottleneck in my computer? I am now thinking me lol.
Gigabit, gigabyte per sec, confusion begins to sink in. I preached petabytes of transfer in the past. Do we have knowledgeable candidates to understand what that is now? Rest assured I am under a magnifying glass.
Ultimate Edition downloaded a million times yet? Last check 1/2 million and does not include my records or any university records. Petabytes. I am all about education. I just wish I had the time to do nothing, but educate. I would miss programming.
February 22nd, 2012 on 7:35 pm
To put it bluntly. No 64 bit , might as well be dead. I’m holding onto my 64 bit 2.9 for the time being and would hate to migrate to another version of this great OS.