Shall we play a Game?
by TheeMahn on Sep.28, 2024, under Ultimate Edition
Here it comes. Ultimate Edition Arch Gamers has been on the Internet for almost a day. I only have 3 or 4K friends on Facebook. Easy beating on servers, at least here (23 currently). Ironic, I am now building server based Operating Systems. Successfully BTW:

It is about to come off the chain. I have to have tons of games and game support?sudo pacman -Syuu ultimate-edition-games
Here it goes big nose:
O/S Type: Gamers
Desktop Environment: XFCE
Filename: ultimate-arch-gamers-2024.09.27-x86_64-xfce.iso
FileSize: 4,264,341,504 bytes
MD5SUM: fd311e7d988152c80b84a30794a06253
Download: ultimate-arch-gamers-2024.09.27-x86_64-xfce.iso
Do you think we are limited to XFCE?
O/S Type: Gamers
Desktop Environment: KDE
Filename: ultimate-arch-gamers-2024.09.27-x86_64-kde.iso
FileSize: 4,727,418,880 bytes
MD5SUM: fd311e7d988152c80b84a30794a06253
Download: ultimate-arch-gamers-2024.09.27-x86_64-kde.iso
Both built in one day. Can you imagine where I am? I have built multiple server based O/S’s, now working on Minimal Server. 81 New operating Systems every time I do that. Minimal server there will be 0 desktop environments. Made to process data with the quickness. I am still working on it. I started at the top and working my way to the bottom. Petabytes of Transfer. I will bet you money FaceBook, Steam, Google will be interested. In my server platform. We have not talked about severs yet. I have already passed it.