RyZen into the future
by TheeMahn on Feb.09, 2017, under Ultimate Edition
Intelligence based on 02/23/17:
As many of you know and I have not hid in any way I have stock in AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) and have since Nov 21st last year (2016) for free. How? I gave a former co-worker a stock-tip at then $6.50 a share (he actually got in at $6.97) for $30,000, 4,038 shares. 2 days later he had made roughly $7,000.00 & offered to give me $5,000.00 of it. I turned down the money in exchange for stock in AMD. I have built literally 1,000’s of computers using AMD hardware in the past. I no longer build computers except for myself and family. I have became quite a buff in understanding what is going on with AMD in my best interest as well as co-worker #1 & #2 (bought in for the second time yesterday 02/08/17 – original date of article).
Before I continue, I want to make it explicitly known the below information is from my perspective beneficial to all parties involved on the user level as it will stimulate competition in the computer market. From the companies involved a totally different story as each company tries to cut each others throats. I am going to do my best due diligence to avoid speculation at least from the factual point of things. Rumors are just that, a a ride on the Hype train & should be taking as a grain of salt.
- Ryzen (pronounced RYE zen) is an AMD CPU aimed at the server, desktop, workstation, media center PC and all-in-one markets. … Codenamed Zen in development, Ryzen is the first major architectural change for AMD since Bulldozer.
- AMD is going to release a new Processor dubbed RyZen was called Zen in production
- AMD is going to release a new Graphics Card codenamed Vega
- AMD is going to release a new Processor based on RyZen as a APU (RyZen with Integrated Vega graphics) for both mainstream & OEM (XBox Scorpio etc.)
- AMD is going to release a new Processor for the server family up to 64 Cores and 128 threads codenamed Naples
I have see this on a personal level as a pre-sale. #1 sold CPU on Amazon was a AMD 1800X (until they sold out in less then 1 hour), #2 Intel 7700 Kaby Lake, 1700X #3, #4 AMD 1700 (non black) One Million units I still have not unloaded stock, nor have I started spending money yet. I got a Google check 2 days ago & I am sitting on it. I have considered buying a 1000 Watt power supply (PSU) Titanium Full modular way overkill as it uses much less juice. I will wait, I suggest you do the same. Do not think AMD has inability of capacitance to produce chips. Their agreement with Globalfoundries Wafer agreement allows AMD to goto other foundries (Samsung for example & tested) if they can not keep up with demand. I have done my homework.
- Within 1 hour of release of pre-orders of 1800X sold out #1 sold on Amazon (still will not see it until March 2nd)
- 1700X – the "Black Edition" of the 1700X also now sold out on a pre-order.
- 1700 you can still pre-order, I am shocked I can still pre-order it. Perhaps it is the lack of motherboards also sold out almost as fast as it happened?
The motherboard and cooling means more then the CPU itself a good “BIN” and cooling means everything. No, I will not run Liquid Nitrogen, happy with my water cooling & used to hate it water and electronics do not mix. I have had my AMD 8150 8 core “Black Edition” Bulldozer for years, evidently called “X” now a 125 watt at 4.8 GHZ stable (a stock 3.6 GHZ chip), what is a 95 Watt 4.0 GHZ CPU going allow me to do? 4.0 GHZ turbo does not mean a 5GHZ 8 core. I will post a video of me building it & a Naples if I can hold out. I am like a kid in a candy store when it comes to computers.
- 17 Versions of the RyZen (I am not happy about – confusion to the consumer)
- RyZen will be released March 2nd, wait for benches of the RyZen to hit the net (Do not buy a RyZen until you know it to be true, just trying to be unbiased).
- How much will a RyZen Cost?
- Is Intel just going to kick back (I do not think it will be enough) & relax?
AMD, has awoke the sleeping Giant, from a consumers perspective it is all good. From a Investor’s perspective in AMD once again all good. I do feel sorry for NVidia <<- Sorry for being bias here and Intel as they have to explain why they have to sell chips for nothing & lose market share. Oh. why I wrote this post to begin with Linux kernel 4.10+ and above has support for RyZen. I am preparing for an upgrade all at cost of unloading AMD shares to buy AMD hardware 😉
I think I will hang in there and unload stocks for a complete RyZen, Vega system on the desktop PC side & the server side if I have the capital. Software development does not stop here, I would rather be a step ahead then a step behind. Hang in there. Would it not be awesome to see it saying using 128 cores and a 1/4 of a second later done? I would begin writing software to loop perfection. Oh, that is right I have already. To be honest with you is a prediction (TheeMahn says) and is in the speculation department will not touch AMD until 1st QTR 2018. As Intel is working hard on 10 nm AMD is setting up 7 nm in the US of A.
Typically the smaller the die the less juice it sucks and more efficient it is. See if I am right. Intel will be grabbing at strawls to catch up
I have seen this before. I was around when Intel and AMD both used the same socket. I am actually hoping they can see through their issues.
February 10th, 2017 on 11:52 am
All good. I decided in terms of bang for buck, at least 10 years ago that AMD was ahead. Kind of like AMD seems to be the Android of the world, where Intel seems to be the Apple of the world. Need not say more.
As far as who will win, probably AMD because more programmers will write their code around AMD because it is more popular.
My first real powerful graphics card, was in fact AMD or rather ATI which AMD bought up in the 90s. ATI at the time was Canadian based. Back then ARI was not as good software/driver wise, because Nvidia offered its driver/control center that worked when you installed it, without having to reboot, and other complications that Catalyst had back then. All of that has pretty much changed. But we were dealing with the All In Wonder and its complexity, or having to install the works in a certain order. Once we got past that hurdle it was simple. I am still using my All In Wonder 9600 despite it only works in x86 and by todays standard is all outdated of course.
Overall you get what you pay for. Intel claims that my new CoreI7 can sort of overclock itself. Well thats cool, but probably like having a turbo charger strapped to 2 liter 4 cylinder motor. Yeah you get that burst of energy but it is just destroying the motor, AMD is more like a Chrysler Hemi, that you have all the power in reserve, but it still only uses it on demand, but wont go beyond. Either way you get the same results. Whther you spec it out to be rated using its maximum performance, or its “real world” performance. Thats how it used to be that AMD rated their products in real world performance, and not in actual performance. Again all marketing hype to sell.
Computers like cars, they all get you there, some get you there in style, some get you there faster, and some just get you there, but they all accomplish it. Women seem to complain but do not care to spend more money to get there faster, where men seem to have to have the fastest bestest newest to brag about and spend way more. Just the way life is.
I happen to be someplace in between. I am not after the best gaming system, but I want to be able to at lest play some high end games. I do want to be able to render video and move data around more. But everything is based on what components you choose and how you organize your world. I have spent way too many hours trying to get things to work, and no longer desire to continue to fix the holes in the operating systems to get me to where I need it to be. For that I count on people like you to make my world better. Its getting there, but still always room for improvement.’
February 11th, 2017 on 8:37 am
I find it ironic Intel is a $173 Billion dollar company to AMD’s 11 Billion today. 60 Billion for Nvidia and going for $120 a share excuse me $113 a share whoops. I left a few things AMD currently has on market. I also left out a deal with Google, Albaba and China. Money is about to fly into AMD. I am hoping a free server for Ultimate Edition, the Desktop PC is a give me. I could cash out and get that now. A Bugatti as placed in a car is a RyZen. Did you know if that car has infinite room to drive at full speed will run out of gas before it peaks full speed.
On the other side of things I am writing softwares as we speak to fix issues on the O/S build side. I see what they do, I go back and fix it as I see it. I want you to bare in mind AMD has not released RyZen, nor does it have a Vega on the market. Big money will drop with introduction of the server market “Naples” a $50 Billion dollar market in itself. AMD stock cap is 12.46 Billion a start. Where did that “Extra” come from?
February 11th, 2017 on 10:19 pm
Hmm one has to wonder if AMD makes the North and South bridge chips as Intel makes its chips, that will be a part of the motherboards that host each processor. That might explain Intel dominance financially. Ihave always rooted for the underdog. AMD seems more rational in its design, where it does appear more logical in design. Surely neither has much difference in power consumption, both offer to designers, all the specs. To a consumer its all about price, that drives the decision. We saw this back when IBM vs the competition, in the original PCXT and so on. IBM was way higher price for less features, than its competition, yet many went IBM because it had a reputation preceeding and business at the time were the major purchasers. In the past AMD was not popular because it had overheating issues. All that has been resolved now, but its why consumers became wary of it. The computer I am using now, is a prime example. Its an E Machine using AMD 64 bit single core. It just isn’t up to par. But it may be more to do with other factors. It was designed around Windows XP and I am trying to run Windows 7. So I am about to build the system that will run ok, because by comparison it is light years ahead in its design and ability. For me its stability over performance. No matter what the OS is. This machine is just too sluggish to even run Linux, it lags badly in mouse pointer jumps and can out type it so makes it impossible to use. I am just lumbering along with it, till next week.