Ready Set & Go!!!
by TheeMahn on Mar.13, 2021, under Ultimate Edition
I added a new “Security Repository” today. What is that? It is unlike the normal security repositories. I added thousands of tools to allow you to do penetration testing. Get this I will be the target. I have spent months closing security holes. Repostorm put me way ahead of Ubuntu as well Kali Linux off the rip. I am working on bringing UNO (Ultimate Network Optimizer) not only to Optimize, but as a security tool. I am still not done, eventually I will drop my IP online and ask you to hack me. Proper term is crack me. Software I am writing is getting off the chain. 93% is where I have been at. Still have internet and still access my network.
Once I have that set I will drop my IP and ask you to crack me. This, I think is really funny. If you put my IP online I will sue you. I am asking for it. Typically, that is true. If I were to put your IP address on the internet the general consensus will drop you offline. There is plenty of ppl that traverse this site that are hackers, err crackers.
All I am doing is closing those holes.