Put on you big boy pants.
by TheeMahn on Nov.12, 2018, under Cloud Storage, Debian, Gamers, Hosting, How to, Linux, Programming, Server, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultamatix, Ultimate Edition, Uncategorized
I watched FaceBook shut me down. Thousands lose what I am going to tell you.
Why would Facebook want to shut me down? Last check I am a Operating System Architect and a Leading Developer of Ultimate Edition Operating Systems.
I am writing software that will disrupt the world. Sure, I am sure they are upset. We are talking a multi-billion dollar industry. I am talking gone in minutes. Keep me alive gentlemen. I was happy to have served you.
November 12th, 2018 on 1:54 pm
You will not see Repostrom in any of the above pics. They already know.
November 12th, 2018 on 2:08 pm
Give me a Billion and I will quit. Paid 34 Billion for a company & begin to sweat over me? I will quit for a Billion.. I will sell out for a Billion. All sites, software and programming. I have been building Operating Systems since 2006. This is your first and last time to buy me out. If I continue you are history.
November 12th, 2018 on 2:29 pm
This will piss you off. I can goto bed and it continues to build Operating Systems’s The world has not seen that yet. I point out the word “YET”.
November 12th, 2018 on 2:38 pm
Do you want me to give you a day to think about that, Let me sleep on it.
November 15th, 2018 on 8:03 pm
Hmm I have never doubted what you can do!Repostrom is like a AI to fix Os,yes?Your operating system can make OS that never existed?
Proceed with great care my friend.Remember N. Tesla.We would have free power now,but that did no suit a lot of peeps.Just saying. I remember the orig Christmas edition. Always have a Ultimate OS running since way back then.Hats off to you sir.