Happy bday to you?
by TheeMahn on Jan.26, 2012, under Linux, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Today is my birthday. I thought I’d share a little gift with you. It will be uploading this eve.
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Night and day difference 3.0 v/s 3.01. Hopefully after the admin, mods and testers run it through the ringers we will have a release.
Advancing your O/S.
by TheeMahn on Jan.22, 2012, under Linux, Programming, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
I know it has been a long time since my last post. I would like to take the time to give you an update on what I am doing / trying to accomplish. I wrote a small wireless article on facebook of a "case study" I was trying to conduct. Well now, not a good idea; before I could even buy the product to begin testing personally they were bought up virtually Internet wide. Come to find out Facebook picked up my article and made it into a "Sponsored story". Luckily my sister has allowed me to use the one she bought so testing resumed. Needless to say, I will not publish an article until I have the product in my hand. I have advanced wireless support traumatically in what I will be re-releasing as Ultimate Edition 3.0. Why 3.0 and not 3.1?
The last build of Ultimate Edition 3.0 was a conjunction and build by multiple people. No pun intended, but I am a perfectionist by nature and was not satisfied with the product at hand. I am running it now and is night and day from what Ultimate Edition 3.0 was. It has not been released to any beta tester but one. I’m hoping to change that this Friday. I have rebuilt the entire O/S from the ground up and have a few minor issues that I will be addressing prior to releasing to administrators, mods and beta testers. I have new hardware for testing and will be ordering more Friday. I am hoping to have a 100% successful release soon. I personally apologize for releasing what I feel was shoddy and incomplete work. I have also been spending time programming, so you may have a few new toys to play with upon release.
I do want to welcome aboard BlackWolf as our new "Main" forum total admin. One less job for me, thanks Blackwolf. I suppose we will call what I release Ultimate Edition 3.01, there will not be a 3.02, even though I have a 2.64 also unreleased.
Compounding Factors…
by TheeMahn on Dec.14, 2011, under Hosting, Linux, Ultimate Edition

Pounding is more like it. Traffic and spam have had their toll on Ultimate Edition websites, traffic from the new release and now onto the spam. I have personally stepped in to combat the spam issue. Spam bots have ran a muck on our forum. I have not cleaned up the spammers, however I have put a stop to new ones rolling in the door. Admin will have their hands full for some time, sorry I can’t be of more assistance I have more pressing matters. I will be dropping a few phone calls to assist in education, best I can offer at this time. I want to thank everyone for blowing up my phone. I thought the world was ending. No Ultimate Edition Main and the forum is DOWN!!!!!! lol
The techs at hostgator are top notch, and offered optimization tips for main as well as the forum. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please be patient as we take out the trash.
Thanks everyone…
by TheeMahn on Dec.13, 2011, under Hosting, Linux, Ultimate Edition
I would like to thank everyone for multiple things.
- Users, without you none of this would have been possible.
- Donators, we have hosting paid through the first quarter of next year. Without you we would not have websites.
- Beta Testers, Admin & mods. Without you, I would be totally bald from pulling out my hair. 😉
- Sourceforge for eating the tremendous bandwidth.
We have seen records in traffic and quite the rise in position on distrowatch:
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According to Sourceforge 67,102 GB (thats not a typo) of transfer in just Ultimate Edition 3.0 over 19,000 downloads @ 3.5GB at the time of this post.
I intend to do a much better job in Ultimate Edition 3.1; I will have the time thanks to the holidays to finally spend. 😉
Thanks again,
Ultimate Edition 3.2 Contest results
by Meister on Dec.10, 2011, under Ultimate Edition
First and foremost I would like to thank everyone who participated in our contest. That being said the winners are posted HERE please check them out and congratulate our winners.
On the 3.0 front we have this review and mirrors from softpedia.com you can read it HERE.
Thanks again for all the support.
Good things come to those who wait…
by TheeMahn on Dec.06, 2011, under Linux, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Sorry for the great delay in release of Ultimate Edition 3.0. I have been plagued with both physical and emotional trauma, you can rest assured a snowball effect is about to transpire. I have built UE 3.1 (still needs some work) & our dev team has developed 3.2, just waiting for me to drop Ultimate Edition 3.1. Time is a commodity that I have not had on my side. I may soon get some time off for the holidays and perhaps change that.
Ultimate Edition 3.0 is unlike any previous release. Ultimate Edition 3.0 was built from Linux Mint 11 "Katya", which in itself was built from Ubuntu Natty 11.04. I hope I did not lose anyone there 😉 A slew of issues have been resolved. I have dubbed this release ULTAMINT. It is a real piece of eye-candy & has a comprehensive software package. I have included repositories from Getdeb, Ubuntu and Linuxmint. If there is something missing you just can’t live without, just a few clicks of a mouse away. On behalf of the UE Dev team please enjoy Ultimate Edition 3.0.
Fall Cleaning
by Meister on Nov.19, 2011, under Ultimate Edition, Uncategorized
Today I have banned over 250 spammer accounts. With over 14000 accounts to go through it is a daunting task. Since I am human if you get banned and are not a spammer I apologize and you can email me at meister@ultimateedition.info and i will fix you up. I appreciate everyones patience as i clean up our forums and make it a better place to be.
Edit via TheeMahn:
Sorry to edit your post brother, but did not realise the impact of the situation:
Akismet has protected your site from 218 spam comments already.
There are 47 comments in your spam queue right now.I had similar issues on themelinux, the forum is 100 fold.
I would like to openly thank our admin for putting the situation under control.
I have had users ask me to remove them from the list because I sent them porn, alrighty then. I personally hate spam why would I do so? It is a gift when I send an email. Xmas is coming and the goose is getting Phat. I have only personally sent one email globally. This year will be my last email. I do not “Blow up” your phone, nor your computer.
Happy vets day.
by TheeMahn on Nov.12, 2011, under Ultimate Edition
I am a vet of Desert storm / operation provide comfort era. Today I went to work my Saturday, had a fella that bought the shop dough-nuts & never served, however appreciation was there he bought them. Well a twist to a situation, today i worked and assumed I would do the same tomorrow. The foreman told me if I tossed out a ton of parts I would not have to work Saturday. Well the joke is on me none of them do. They all knew I was oblivious to the situation, why play a joke on TheeMahn? What comes around goes around right? What fire me so I can look for a real job? lol. Hard to drop apps on a Saturday, does not mean I can not adhere to the situation at hand. I have bought a few toys
I bide my time, perhaps a day off is all I asked for; a little global impact.
No, I am not dead.
by TheeMahn on Nov.06, 2011, under Ultimate Edition
Wow, what a turn of events. A job a good thing right? Been there 5 weeks 4 of which mandatory overtime including my first week there. Sure Friday no problem, get you there Friday tell you we need you Saturday as well. I am going to blow off a little steam. 4 ten hour days what I signed on for sure occasional overtime. 4 of 5 mandatory. Lets analise the situation 40 hours a regular week of work right? Sure I have it out of the way in 4 days. Does not my Friday become most ppls Saturday? Time and a half great O.K. Now we need you Saturday, my Sunday double time not a chance. Work you those kind of hours and not pay. 60 hrs a week, I am sure I have ample time to drop 3.0 When I have only one day to myself do you think I should make it a UE day?
Sorry like I said blowing off steam,
Happy Halloween
by Meister on Oct.29, 2011, under Ultimate Edition
Since its Halloween weekend thought we would offer you a holiday wallpaper. You can get the wallpaper Here. For an added treat head over to Themelinux.com and download the Halloween theme.