UE Love!!!
by TheeMahn on Mar.21, 2014, under Linux, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
I was browsing gnomelook.org and found that a user had extended the Ultimate Edition Cursor Pack and added the colors of Green and Orange. I pulled them down and extended / debianized the the Ultimate Edition Cursor Pack. I love it when a Ultimate Edition user spends the time necessary to extend a helping hand.

In the screenie above, we have alot going on. I have been extending the application repairtheme and running it against what will be Ultimate Edition 4.2’s theme a LTS (Long Term Supported) release. We will have a perfect theme, when I am done. It does have errors still remaining. I am writing code to stroke across it and clean them up as well.
You can download the debianized version from our website themelinux.com
Thanks Mark,
A perfect Mate 1.8?
by TheeMahn on Mar.17, 2014, under Linux, Programming, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
A perfect, bulletproof Mate 1.8 coming to Ultimate Edition? I have been Repostorming the entire Mate 1.8 repository.
A clip of Repostorm in action:
In case you do not know what repostorm is the manual: Repostorm
UE 4.3 Already?
by TheeMahn on Mar.08, 2014, under Linux, Programming, Ultimate Edition
I have released Ultimate Edition 4.3 to donors, admin and beta testers for testing an excerpt Notification sent to 324 user(s).:
THIS INFO WILL BE UPDATED AS I APROACH A FINAL RELEASE. What is Ultimate Edition 4.3? Ultimate Edition 4.3 was built from scratch using tmosb (TheeMahn’s Operating System Builder). Ultimate Edition 4.3 was built from the Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr tree a LTS (Long Term Supported) release. KDE Desktop has been added, however XFCE is currently set as default DE (Desktop Environment) 03/08/14: If I were to place a status on this release I would call it in between a Alpha and a Beta.
This release runs as my current main O/S, I have done alot since the installation. I did add the mate desktop (currently non-existant) in the trusty branch. Here is how I did so It has not been officially announced, yet I can see at time of this post the server http://os-builder.com/ has seen about 7 Terabytes of transfer, so I am sure users have figured out how to add the repository. The packages have not been repostormed on the server, but have been on my personal PC. I find the release to be quite stable, however lacks good theming at this point in time. The UE 4.3 theme is in the O/S, just not set as default yet. Alot of work remain in the construction of this O/S and would prefer tmosb construct the OS without my intervention. Time will tell. The tool has alot more work ahead in it’s construction as well.
I look forward to your feedback,
Ultimate Edition your way!!!
by TheeMahn on Feb.23, 2014, under Linux, Programming, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
A new tool and a couple of domains in construction are inbound: http://www.uebuilder.com/ No, it does not just build Ultimate Edition Operating systems http://os-builder.com/ Both sites will land you at the same place. I’m currently uploading data. Please stand by.
Both domain are NOT hosted through the same company as Ultimate Edition websites are hosted through. I have deliberatly done this to curb the server load and continue to provide support for Ultimate Edition. In writing the tool, 1 user I remind you, I chewed up over a Terabyte of bandwidth. I have purchased the hosting for a year, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited storage space. I have learned over the years there is no such thing. NTL, hopefully it is there to stay. Once the tool is released, I personally look forward to seeing other people incarnation of what they feel an Operating System should be.
If you have no idea what I am talking about you can read more about the tool here. Be sure to read the whole thread, to see the tools progression.
I have full intentions of releasing Ultimate Edition 3.9 x64 built by hand and a Ultimate Edition 3.9 x86 built with this tool and 0 intervention on my part.
Dual monitors?
by TheeMahn on Feb.17, 2014, under Linux, Programming, Ultimate Edition
Dual monitors under Ultimate Edition? Touchscreen support?
A revised toy is here to assist. Originally written by me in 2012 revisited today 😉
A new toy!!!
by TheeMahn on Jan.16, 2014, under Linux, Programming, Ultimate Edition
Well not so new, it is built into Ultimate Edition 3.8, 3.9 & 4.0. The toy? ThumbOS, I have enhanced the tool to also support Windows® 7 operating system, no testing has been done on 8, 8.1 etc. at this point. It has more then doubled the size of code by doing so. I could essentially write it to support Mac etc. I do want to go through it with a fine tooth comb prior to releasing the source code to the public. I also want to ensure no-one hoses thier hard disk using the tool.
In order to see the video of what the tool is doing it is best to view in full screen, preferably HD.
More information source code and download are available here.
Better late then never
by TheeMahn on Dec.20, 2013, under Linux, Programming, Themes
I have had a slew and I do mean a slew of request as well as complaints that our themelinux site downloads do not work etc. I do have an itinery and working on that site was certainly not one on the list. I almost forgot second to writing software in C+ I hate writing webpages. It has taken me greater then a year to get around to it, but I have spent the last 2 days bringing it somewhat up to par and consider it my gift to you. I have every Ultimate Edition theme there availible for download minus Ultimate Edition 3.9. I also have 30 additional beautiful themes to add that have been run though my grinder repair theme tool.
I am now going on what I consider a vacation from the computer. I does not mean I will not touch one, but I will not be writing software or building Operating Systems. I have full intentions of spending time with family and friends for the Holidays. I do want to extend a Happy Holidays to you. I hope you too do the same spend your time with family and friends.
Happy Holidays,
A new Copy for you.
by TheeMahn on Dec.17, 2013, under Hosting, Linux, Programming, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Happy Holidays from the Ultimate Edition Team. First a huge thanks to Sourceforge & Baracuda Networks Copy. They have provided I’m sure into the Petabytes of traffic & remained up to the best of my knowledge. Copy is awesome. They are currently hosting 377.8 GB of Ultimate Edition Goodness, yet our usage is 156.1 GB of 1.1 Terabytes total. I have taken the time to debianize thier newest Copy application version 1.40.0196.
We are providing it for download, this isn’t even in recently released Ultimate Edition 3.8. Even though Ultimate Edition technically does not need the extra space, I am providing a referal link. This way if you have not signed up with Copy you can get an extra 5GB of space, 20 GB in total, for free!!!
One of the things I noticed when I downloaded the tar.gz from Copy’s website is the introduction of an arm based application. I have taken the liberty of building it into a deb as well, however I am not going to release it until I have physically ran and tested the application on the MK 809 III. The MK 809 III has not currently arrived, they have until the 19th of December to deliver. I have already built an Operating System for it I am itching to test. 😉
Release name: Linux Copy Client
Architecture: AMD64 (64 bit)
Version: 1.40.0196
Homepage: http://copy.com/
Size: 18.5 MB (18,549,584 bytes)
Download: Download
Release name: Linux Copy Client
Architecture: i386 (32 bit)
Version: 1.40.0196
Homepage: http://copy.com/
Size: 18.5 MB (18,515,496 bytes)
Download: Download
You do not get 20 GB of space until you:
- 1. Sign up
- 2. Verify your email address.
- 3. Install one of the above applications
If you use Windows, iOS, Android, Mac you can get the client from the Copy website. Once you have your own account you can refer others to get both you and them an extra 5GB, what a wonderful deal for free. Just how good is Copy? I tried sharing a single Ultimate Edition ISO, I believe Ultimate Edition 2.6.8 x64 on DropBox and was shutdown the same day I uploaded it. I shared it with a few people on our forums, a small amount of traffic compared to the traffic this website sees. Have you seen how many ISO’s Copy hosts for us?
Enjoy your free webspace & Happy Holidays,
Ultimate Edition 3.8
by TheeMahn on Dec.13, 2013, under Hosting, Linux, Programming, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Ultimate Edition 3.8 has been released worldwide. The full release info can be viewed here. I am simultaneously releasing Ultimate Edition 3.9 to Admin, Beta testers & Donors. This is not a final product. My personal goal is to release Ultimate Edition 4.0 before I even begin to slow down:
The reason for the rapid succession of releases? I was and still am way behind on release cycles. No-one says that you have to upgrade. If you are happy where you are with say Ultimate Edition 3.4.2 etc. Then by all means stay there. Ultimate Edition 3.8 is not a LTS, however unlike Ultimate Edition 3.6 and Ultimate Edition 3.7 is quite stable. The release of Ultimate Edition 4.0 will be from the Saucy branch, naturally Ultimate Edition 4.1 (KDE based) also coincides with Saucy. It is at that point that I will be caught up and can return to programming. One of the nice things about Open Source is the freedom of choice.
The presure and workload on me in pushing releases has caused me to write some new software that at least partially automates my building process, at this point it is w/o error. I’m not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing 😉 Sorry about the incorrect links above, was pointed to the draft. The situation has now been rectified.
Enjoy your weekend,
Let the beating begin
by TheeMahn on Dec.12, 2013, under Hosting, Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Ultimate Edition 3.8 goes gold. Public release slated for tomorrow.
Notification sent to 224 user(s).
Subject [Ultimate Edition Test Server] A post of interest: “Ultimate Edition 3.8 Final”
I would like to bring your attention on a new post published on the blog. Details of the post follow; I hope you will find it interesting.
Best regards,
Ultimate Edition 3.8 Final
Link to the post: http://testue.info/ultimate-edition-3-8-final/
Link to Ultimate Edition Test Server: http://testue.info
Thanks Admin, Beta testers, and donors you have one day to grab it ahead of the crowd.