Here it comes, brace yourself.

by on Oct.30, 2018, under Cloud Storage, Debian, Gamers, Hosting, Linux, Programming, Server, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

Today I was asked if TheeMahn’s O/S builder (tmosb) would build a Unity based Operating System, after all it built a Gnome Based Operating System the other day (Something I have not done in years). Well, it is indeed on the list. Pantheon is not in the GUI (Graphical User Interface) yet. I am still writing it in Python. tmosb will build 5,460 Operating systems when I am done click, click and done to your liking.

Please give me a minute, I am building Operating Systems sometimes 260 at a time & writing software as it is doing it.

It will get really nasty when I introduce repostorm into the mix. A bug free (Autonomously fixed) Operating System.

It does not take 1,000 programmers, it takes one years to do it right. Eliminate human error.

Take a breather, a bunch is coming.


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New & Improved

by on Oct.21, 2018, under Gamers, Linux, Programming, Server, Themes, Ultimate Edition


We have a new release:
Ultimate Edition 5.9 Server
and a Improved. Wayne McGuiness (Benjamin_Breeg) told me Ultimate Edition 5.8 Gamers was broken when you install it. Hopefully, I have smashed that issue. Found three Errors I wrote, yes I am human & prone to error. I will eventually write pages for them respectively.

theemahn@ultimate:/media/12TB/Releases$ md5sum ultimate-edition-5.9-x64-server.iso
df6e798fc81a42d11fddb80fc0dc59cb ultimate-edition-5.9-x64-server.iso
theemahn@ultimate:/media/12TB/Releases$ ls -la ultimate-edition-5.9-x64-server.iso
-rw-rw-r-- 1 theemahn theemahn 4156790784 Oct 19 10:27 ultimate-edition-5.9-x64-server.iso
theemahn@ultimate:/media/12TB/Releases$ md5sum ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso
82b21a8a9dd500fde3fd35151226541e ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso
theemahn@ultimate:/media/12TB/Releases$ ls -la ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso
-rw-r--r-- 1 theemahn theemahn 4194246656 Oct 21 08:21 ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso



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Re-writing our FAQ.

by on Aug.22, 2018, under Linux, Programming, Server, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

FAQ’s are excellent, lets start here:

Much has changed since I wrote Ultimate Edition 2.6. Since even 3.6 I have written software that now makes Operating Systems I believe at last check 5,500 of them all autonomous builds, well not quite yet. I have not injected Reposorm yet & do not have servers building it for you YET!!! Be patient. I do have alot on my plate.

Chill out for a minute and let me contemplate my next action. Way too many Yets. I look at that statement & think which one can I smash the fastest, that would be TMOSB (the O/S builder). The servers in the basement at least have been rendered offline until the Wifey goes back to work by her conjecture. Repostorm? Nasty product, I have been avoiding.
Highly complicated. I have been asked about it, it uses general AI to fix problems. phenomenal once I open it up, Android (your phones etc. will reap it’s awards)

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Can you give me a “D”?

by on Jul.31, 2018, under Cloud Storage, Hosting, Linux, Programming, Server, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

I have bonded Dual Gigabit Ethernet (aggregated). We have a 48 port Switch / hub. With a 10 Gigabit uplink. I have started benchmarking our websites. Faster then 87% websites ever tested. I know I would not like to wait a whole one second to wait for a website to load.

I am starting to think differently.

I have been playing with Link Aggregation, has many names.
Link aggregation is sometimes called by other names:

  • Ethernet bonding
  • Ethernet teaming
  • Link bonding
  • Link bundling
  • Link teaming
  • Network interface controller (NIC) bonding
  • NIC teaming
  • Port aggregation
  • Port channeling
  • Port trunking

Got to love confusion. I have put the server online with 2 Gigabit, sounds fantastic does it not? In theory yes, in practice…

Jackhammer (my main rig) becomes the bottleneck. I can still only pull at Gigabit (117.6 Megabytes per sec), capable of twice that. Sound like a waste now does it not? Well not totally, If I am pulling a Gigabit & 2 Smart TV’s and the wife PC is pulling a Gigabit. I may drop a second Gigabit NIC (Network Interface Controller) in my rig and try to aggregate them to see if I can pull 2 Gigabit, if I can it is on. I will drop a third in the server and a third in my main rig. I do have a 48 port Gigabit per port Switch / Hub with 10 Gigabit Uplink.

Once I hit 750 Megabytes a sec the server becomes the bottleneck. The fastest the drives can send information 2 X 8TB peak at 750MB a sec. Add a third drive I am sure a Gigabyte a sec. We can only dream at this point. It will take 6.3 Gigabit cards to max out the server. I am already starting to do math on it. They do make quad port Gigabit Ethernet cards.

A experiment down the road.

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I feel the need for speed.

by on Jul.19, 2018, under Linux, Programming, Server, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

I wrote 2 new operating systems today. Ultimate Edition 6.1 Server Alpha and Ultimate Edition 6.1 Alpha. I am looking into making software write 100’s of Operating Systems in one day. Automation is beautiful in software development, you eliminate human error. I have not incorporated repostorm yet. Things are getting close to nastyville up in Ultimate Edition land.

Would I install either of the above releases absolutely not, was fun to test them. Both releases are in a alpha state. I am far from done. I know you are yearning to have your hands on Ultimate Edition 5.9. It is a LTS (Long Term Supported) release. I probably could have released at least an initial release of 5.9. Quit hacking my servers. Next time I will post your IP online, first and last warning. That exposé will cost me roughly $400.00 when done. I do not print money or work at a bank, quit.

That is a funny subject line to me. I heard my company commander in the Navy say exactly that across the 1MC (speakers throughout the entire carrier) as he blew by our aircraft carrier at over twice the speed of sound. We had the president of Turkey onboard, had a airshow in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. The F-14D is and will always be a nasty plane to me, I used to work on them.

Have fun testing Ultimate Edition 6.1.


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by on Jul.19, 2018, under Linux, Programming, Server, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

Congratulations, you dropped our servers offline 3 times in 45 minutes. I took extreme measures and flashed our router with a Linux based Operating system and bricked it. New router is inbound. I paid $320 for the router you burned up essentially. I did try and tell you to leave me alone as I advanced your O/S. I did think about dropping your IP here and let the masses take care of you, but that makes me no better than you.

I did write an article about that on Facebook

Do you know what is messed up? That is a server based Operating System. I do make a minimal server as well, never has it seen the day of light. I have never released a Android version of Ultimate Edition, have I made it YES. I could take over you phone, only a few Billion there. We are playing with a server today, what does that mean? I fix issues on a server level I fix Millions of issues in one stroke.

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Doesn’t this look better?

by on Jul.09, 2018, under Hosting, Linux, Programming, Server, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

I have been writing tmosb (TheeMahn’s Operating System Builder) for years & gave it away freely. I wrote this years ago from this very website. Well, I am now looking to jack that up phenomenally. I have it almost fully functioning. I have had it running and building a O/S for your convenience from a web browser. I am writing php code to make it recognize the server it is running on. I find that ironic, most people want to obsure the O/S they run on I want to let them know. Security? I have closed roughly in my figures 90%+ of their holes. DOS (Denial of Service) fellas, they do not know it yet. I have been throwing them in jail, 0 on the ban list today. They have dropped me offline 3 times thus far. It is a war they will loose as I tighten security for you and me. Funny, my Hard drives send me emails me when they drop offline.

I suggest to those that want to hack me with a DOS attack, let me tell you when that is appropriate. I guess 3 of you were successful. I have just started working in your department, I do not recall asking for that. How about I take all three of your IP’S and render you offline permanently? I will not sink to your level. Big things are coming.

All automous.

I am not done.


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by on Jul.03, 2018, under Hosting, Linux, Programming, Server, Themes, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

If you’re looking for the largest range of league of legends accounts for sale then you have to visit this site They have hundreds of lol accounts with rare skins for sale, as well as plenty of lol smurf accounts for various regions. If you want to buy league of legends account for your friends to play on the rift then be sure to check out their account store. With hundreds of level 30 League of Legends accounts for sale, there is no better place to buy your LoL accounts online than Unranked Smurfs with its excellent buyer protections and payment security, as well as full account information provided with every order.

Things are getting Large and in charge in Ultimate Edition Land. Didn’t I just build 2 Operating Systems yesterday? Only released one. 5,500 Operating systems I can make what is coming tomorrow?

theemahn@JackHammer:~$ wget
–2018-07-02 23:50:39–
Resolving (…
Connecting to (||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 4203364352 (3.9G) [application/x-iso9660-image]
Saving to: ‘ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso’

ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso 100%[==============>] 3.91G 23.7MB/s in 2m 27s

2018-07-02 23:53:06 (27.3 MB/s) – ‘ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso’ saved [4203364352/4203364352]

theemahn@JackHammer:~$ md5sum ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso
e66bf5442ab5e8abbce707dc162f56d0 ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso

Uploading to sourceforge as I type this, much faster then my server in the basement where bandwidth is concerned. The server in the basement has been working overtime. Did you know I can build 5,500 Operating Systems with that tool? What is coming next? I felt it was time to make a few Gamers happy. I may not be done for the day.

I do see a few flaws in tmosb when building a Gamers edition. It installs all of the Ultimate Edition Themes, we only want one theme the currently requested version (more space for games), I will eventually look into it. This release has all themes from 3.2 to 5.9, even though it is a 5.8 release. I may remove kodi and xbmc from the mix, another flaw in software. We are here to game right?

This Operating System was auto generated using:
TheeMahn’s O/S Builder (tmosb) 2.0.2, 06/30/2018
GNU tmosb home page: <>.
E-mail bug reports to: <>.
Be sure to include the word tmosb somewhere in the Subject: field.

Using the command: tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso -YES
on Mon Jul 2 22:34:48 EDT 2018 by legion on

Source Build platform:
====================== is an AMD Opteron(TM) Processor 6272 resonating at 2100.0000 Mhz
MEMORY: 20,548,084 bytes
HOST ARCH: 64 bit
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=”Ultimate Edition 5.9 LTS”

Destination Distribution Information
Distribution Base: Ubuntu bionic
Architecture: amd64
Detected Desktop Environments:
Crash Logs: NONE
Distro: Ultimate Edition
Version: 5.8
KERNEL: -4.15.0-24-generic
LTS (Long term supported): Yes
Data Preparer: <>
Data Publisher: TMOSB
Type: Gamers
Default Desktop Environment(DE): Mate
Isoname: ultimate-edition-5.8-x64.iso
Installed Size: 9,455,730,688 bytes.
Ultimate Edition 5.8 “Bionic Beaver” – Release x64 (20180702)
Build logs: extract-cd/.disk/tmosb-2.0.2-build-logs.tar.gz

Please note: The above url, may not work if the release has not been made public.

Wine has been included to allow you to play Windows Games in Ultimate Edition. Yes, I do try and think of you Windows buffs too. Updating the webpage for it on main now.

Upload finished:

I suggest you wait for it to mirror on sourceforge & do not pound on my server. That is a server based Operating System I am still developing. Tmosb when done will build that for you & me too, when I am done. I have added it our Ultimate Edition Gamers page Published on: May 22, 2010 @ 15:56. Ripped the donation links from the page while I was there.

I will tell you why. I scrapped roughly 100 GB of data from souceforge & intend to scrap roughly 1/2 a Terabyte more, our older releases. If you want a older release snatch it now. I am not done.

Enjoy, TheeMahn

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I will not repeat myself.

by on Jun.29, 2018, under Hosting, Linux, Programming, Server, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

Let’s turn a new leaf:

I am crushing one or 5 issues at a time. Many, I have integrated into software. I love those fixes better then a onetime fix.


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