Not in vain
by TheeMahn on Sep.24, 2022, under Ultimate Edition

I guess I did, I was downloading over 4 million files at the same time, 10 at a time. I will shut down the SledgeHammer, the Jackhammer is offline. JackTheRipper is w/o a doubt the fastest computer I have ever seen. Quite an endorsement coming from me. Yes, it is that fast. 1 computer will totally replace 3 servers and a desktop. 120 TeraBytes of space (almost an 1/8th of a PetaByte in just one computer). I can always turn on the Sledgehammer or Legion to retrieve data. I did sell Legion 2.
Welcome aboard JackTheRipper. As it sits:
- JackHammer offline
- Legion offline
- Legion 2 offline (sold)
Coming soon SledgeHammer (not for sale).
Data flows. I can promise you shit is getting done so fast it scares the competition, I am sorry what competition? Is that Ultimate Edition 7.7? Did I miss something? Just so you know I upgraded to 7.7 with just a command dropped in the terminal. A rolling release? That was a bunch of money. I am going to use it to its full potential. I hope you know Repostorm now builds Arch Linux packages as well as Arch Linux Repositories. You better watch your ass Steam Deck. Currently, I am working on getting a drive replaced. I will tell you how that goes. I have bought 11 X 14TB drives from them and not one return. I think they sent me a bad apple. I am still waiting for their response.
If they do not make it right, I will contact Amazon to get a refund & never buy from them again. Do you know how much money that is? The first 4 I bought were $350.00 a piece. I broke one, my bad. Now have bought 2 more actually 3. All I can say is they better make it right. If they find out who I am, I can promise you they will make it right. Could be a huge loss or gain in their business. How much traffic do you think this site sees on a daily basis? I will try to open your eyes: 204,943 registered users, just this site. How many sites do I own?
Did you know after I bought Legion, the same guy sent me a free server faster than the one I bought? Sales… The traffic I do have. I am positive he has more than made his money back. Once he seen the sales, I am sure he thought & contacted me, can I send you a free server? Well, that is a no-brainer. Just so you know the entire ThreadRipper Pro system I paid for out of pocket. There is nothing adjusting my thoughts.
What would happen if I introduce “Free Games” exclusively to the Steam Deck? You can see I have the ability. How large is that repository? Thank you Repostorm & autonomously built. Did you think I was fucking with you?
What part of the developer did you not understand Steam? I will take a large chunk of your users. I did not fuck up, you did, and now you will pay. Are all free games not attractive? You will beg me to stop. You probably fucked with the wrong guy.
Surely free games to the steam deck will not exist:
FREE STEAM DECK Games, I bet I own that website. I am just warming up. I just bought the domain, I mean business. let me tell you how this is going to work, I am not just a CEO, I am a webmaster. Let’s take the time and search on google for “Ultimate Edition” #1 result you are coming to see me. Does Microsoft not make a Ultimate Edition? If I can overtake Microsoft and have for years, what do you think will happen when I unleash on the Steam Deck? Pay close attention, the word is free. I just dropped steam. People will search for free steam games. I have got you. I am a scary fella in what I do.