No pat on the back necessary, YET!
by TheeMahn on Mar.11, 2015, under Cloud Storage, Hosting, Linux, Programming, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Sounds like a notation from a prick, far from the truth:

I apologize for the downtime on the forum, things will no longer effect you as a general user. I am diligently working to advance things to perfection w/o disruption to your services. Manage 13 services, I did ask no-one “WANTED THE JOB”. I am shocked I have now a secretary, handling millions of emails & might I add a top notch beta tester. Kudos comes with jobs & job titles. I have asked 50+ admin if they want that job, negative. Police 17,000+ people they are ok with that. Imagine my position.
If I ask you to do something please do it for me… Can you imagine what my job is like on the Ultimate Edition side? It is not my only job BTW, I work 40 minimally before I come to ask you.
I do have heavy things coming your way, dont tie my time with setting up servers please.
TheeMahn; Glenn Cady,
March 12th, 2015 on 9:57 am
Hi “Thee Mahn” Glenn 🙂 when you get a few minutes to spare please give me a way to contact you and talk with you, I am Irish living in Poland, maybe skype?
I will try to help you out but I may spark you to do new things as well 😉 I am an innovator, I am the nexus.
Tnx Ross
March 12th, 2015 on 10:27 am
Indeed greatness Just built 4.3x64server with mutiple de’s runnig live in kde typeing this….