by TheeMahn on Feb.15, 2022, under Ultimate Edition

I have been writing software and manuals. I told you I hate writing manuals.
We will leave it at manuals, well maybe not:
UNO (Ultimate Net Optimizer): UNO
Repostorm: Repostorm
Ram Booter: Ram-booter << this will shock you.
Ue-Tweaker: UE-tweaker.
I upgraded my server after 74+ days, now runs in RAM:
theemahn@JackHammer:~$ ssh sledgehammer
sledgehammer@’s password:
Welcome to Ultimate Edition 7.5 Minimal-server LTS (GNU/Linux 5.13.0-21-lowlatency x86_64)
Hostname: sledgehammer
CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor Base:(4672.0698 Bogomips: 7599.86) Max: 4650 MHz
Total Memory: 32780948 kB
Free Memory: 12991284 kB
Swap Total: 0 kB
Swap Free: 0 kB
Uptime………….: 74 days, 01h37m07s
Load Averages……: 0.55, 0.77, 0.87 (1, 5, 15 min)
Running Processes..: 400
/: 469G, 35%
/media/56TB: 51T, 72%
/media/12TB: 11T, 96%
Networking Information
▒ bond1 UP 20000Mb/s Full Other
▒ enp4s0f0 UP 10000Mb/s Full Direct
▒ enp4s0f1 UP 10000Mb/s Full Direct
▒ enp6s0 DOWN N/A N/A N/A
▒ wlp5s0 DOWN N/A N/A N/A
▒ Active Network: bond1 speed detected at: 20000Mb/s▒
Storage Information
▒ rootfs / N/A 503G
▒ /dev/sdc media12TB N/A (USB?) 12T
▒ /dev/md1 media56TB N/A 56T
▒ /dev/nvme0n1p1 N/A (USB?) 503G
▒ total 69T 52T 17T 76% -▒
- Documentation:
Last login: Tue Feb 15 00:31:46 2022 from

You have no clue what is coming. A ThreadRipper Pro is 8 channel RAM. That is only dual channel. Do you know how many people have Ram-booter? The answer is ONE. DDR5 etc. I could go on. I do not know about you, but that is scary shit.
Everything is instant. As soon as I lift my finger off the mouse it is loaded. 256GB of ECC RAM. I do not care what game I want, when I release my finger instant. I am not talking 8 channel ram yet.
I am a programmer. I am done writing manuals for a minute.