Let’s start here.
by TheeMahn on Aug.03, 2024, under Ultimate Edition
A New O/S has been dropped. ultimate-arch-lite-2024.08.03-x86_64-xfce.iso We will start with a Lite XFCE build. Stripped dry persay.
I believe Maryiln Manson once said: “When you live with apes, man it’s hard to be clean.” Plasma or KDE for that matter has “traversed” forward to version 6, 6.1.3 to be exact. Rendering 1,000’s of SDDM themes useless, no backward compatibility. These apes don’t even think when they make snap judgements like that.

I have software in works to reverse engineer all their hard work. Every O/S I have built works and bounces you to the desktop. I fix one error they made & I can build 1,266 Operating Systems.
It does not take thousands of programmers. It takes just one. I have been building Operating Systems Since 2006. I think I have got this. Don’t hate on me because I am right.
Do you honestly think an Ultimate Edition Arch Gamers does not exist? Deepin? Xfce, I can build them all. 1,266 variations. The wifey asked me about it this eve. How am I doing that? I do have my ducks in a row. I feel I am an awesome programmer. I am off the chain. Started writing software to autonomously build Operating Systems yesterday all 1,266 of them. I am not done.
I did say it was coming. That number will increase. You will see my end resolve.
Timer Complete tmosb: 0h30m17s I do not have enough memory to build it in memory. 20 GB ISO & have 64GB of memory.
20G /home/theemahn/Videos/out/ultimate-arch-gamers-2024.08.03-x86_64-kde.iso
I fire up the ThreadRipper Pro and that goes out the door. 256GB 8 channel RAM. It will burn through them in seconds, not minutes. ChatGPT just got hacked. Let’s see if I know what I am talking about.
Let me also be clear I did not do it. I get accused of hacking all the time. I do the opposite. How do I know? I was a former hacker, proper term is cracker. Today, I write software to make your life easier / better.