Introduction to UE server begins
by TheeMahn on Feb.28, 2015, under Cloud Storage, Hosting, Linux, Programming, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

This Operating System was auto generated using:
TheeMahn's O/S Builder (tmosb) 1.9.2, 02/27/2015
GNU tmosb home page: <>.
E-mail bug reports to: <>.
Be sure to include the word tmosb somewhere in the Subject: field.
Using the command: tmosb --build ultimate-edition-4.2-x64-minimal-server.iso
on Fri Feb 27 15:15:48 EST 2015 by theemahn on JackHammer
Source Build platform:
JackHammer is an AMD FX(tm)-8150 Eight-Core Processor resonating at 3612.493 Mhz
MEMORY: 16,331,160 bytes
HOST ARCH: 64 bit
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ultimate Edition 4.4 Lite"
Destination Distribution Information
Distribution Base: Ubuntu trusty
Architecture: amd64
Internal Buildtime: 7m23s
Distro: Ultimate Edition
Version: 4.2
LTS (Long term supported): Yes
Data Preparer: theemahn
Data Publisher: TMOSB <>
Isoname: ultimate-edition-4.2-x64-minimal-server.iso
Installed Size: 1,430,790,144 bytes.
Ultimate Edition 4.2 "Trusty Tahr" - Release x64 (20150227)
Build logs: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 59609 Feb 27 15:15 .disk/tmosb-1.9.2-build-logs.tar.gz
Please note: The above url, may not work if the release has not been made public.
One tends to begin to re-think the entire objective of Ultimate Edition in general. Software development is not new to Ultimate Edition users and sophisticates alike. We enjoy and embrace new technology as it raises it’s head. I read an article on Facebook & a programmer of over 30 years claiming programmers are at a loss due to ever changing hardware. This is not true, ladies & gentlemen. The answer is centralize hardware on a cloud.
Even though the above, would seem that I generated the first Ultimate Edition Server Operating System. Which It did, however the raw facts is uecorebuilder (a sub program of tmosb) generated the Debian file which technically built the Operating System that is online now, allow me demonstrate the 6 step process [2 are optional]:
STEP #1: Create a droplet:

What the hell is a droplet, you may ask as I have heard 100 times in the past few weeks. It is a virtual computer or Virtual Private Server (VPS) of your selected power, cpu cores, ram etc. Sitting on high speed connectiviity or Internet to generalize it.
STEP #2: Setup DNS [optional]

Let set up our domain, in this case it will be shut down, I selected this domain for a reason. I will talk about that at a later date. Why is it [optional]? I can access the website via IP, in this case yeilds the same results as
STEP #3: Virtual Total Control

This is w/o a doubt required, you are at this point setting a root password, funny if the server gets hacked (highly unlikely even though I am providing 90% of the info to hack it.) It is going down anyway, like I said more on that later. It takes me about 3 to 5 minutes to bring up a new server 😉
STEP #4: Now Rooted up

For the lazy types of copy and paste:
STEP #5: TheeMahn up

We don’t care it is a server right, I did say not to install it on your rig right? I know the lazy types:
dpkg -i ultimate-edition-4.2-minimal-server-core-files.deb
apt-get install -f

It will prompt you multiple times to set your password, for mysql, apache etc.
STEP #6: TheeMahn up

I am sorry to take credit for #6 and 5 as well. The package will automatically set your server up.
STEP #7: Upgrade [optional]

STEP #8: Reboot the server

What did the package provide? Secure Apache2 off the rip, FTP server, php support, ssh support, wordpress. A server online with next to 0 effort. Not to mention stats setup off the rip. <- updated every 10 minutes for your viewing pleasure. <- Not good enough? Realtime stats.

I am going to provide it as a <live distro to begin testing, the same server I pushed online will provide it to you. No where else on the internet. Try and beat it offline 😉
Enjoy your weekend,