I want you to think…

by on Feb.01, 2011, under Ultimate Edition

I am not writing this to make myself feel more at home, this is a screenshot from about 1 year ago. I want you to pay attention to the day May 11th. Then dual monitors. I really want you to look below the cursor to know that 2.6.1 was already produced.

Have I released it? (sure it is there for those that know)
I have allot of issues for one I am using my girlfriends computer, which she offered to give back to me. I gave to her, I am indian, but not a indian giver & does not hold a candle, I hope you find out later.

I may quit my job. She has level 3 cancer, my job may dimish. Please understand why I am not here. I have been with her 11 years. Does not take me long to weight the balances of life.

41 Comments for this entry

  • jim f

    TheeMahn you do what you have too, the rest can wait.
    god bless and i hope for the best for you and yours.

    Jim F

  • TheeMahn

    Thank you Jim, Things are w/o her intervention her daughter was the one that said tell them. She is going down for kemo Wednesday. She does not want you to know what is going on.

  • gto286

    just do what you have to M8. i will put you in my prayers.
    wish you good thoughts.

  • gjringo

    Thank you for sharing your brilliance (founder and inspirer of Ultimate Edition OS) all this time and for being humble enough to share your concerns and heartache for all to see. I glimpse a truly warm caring soul.I pray for you and Karen and family for strength of purpose and peace to perservere and for God to bind you both in love. You know what you have to do. take care.
    Greg R

    • TheeMahn

      Can I share with you as a god fearing man. Today I witnessed my girlfriend as well as her mother, yes she is still alive. Both were baptised today, her mother for the second time. Karen for the first time. I am sorry I have been gone, not doing my job.

      Let me please explain my situation. This O/S is the last of my concerns as of current, I have quit programming as well. My girlfriend is currently living 50+ miles away from me. It is best this way she is within 10 minutes of travel to receive treatment. She is receiving Kemo and radiation treatment and a 30% success rate is what I feel, level 3 cancer. I miss just laying next to her. I enjoyed that last night.

      I do not ask for donations, I do ask please pray for her, and please forgive me for not doing my job.

      Once again please forgive me for not doing my job. It becomes really difficult for me to do both. This will not happen overnight a 6 week process, please work with me. I am sorry If I do not address comments or concerns. Sorry Greg to use your comment to try and lay out all.

  • lott11

    Hope all that comes your way, in the future is as great as your work and your heart.
    Just take care of the ones’ in your life, the rest can wait.
    Best wishes, and take care of your loving family.

  • drsudharaj

    dear thee

    now things were gone beyond your hands,you can wait and hope for the best leaving everything in the hands of GOD . Chemotherapy definitely prolongs the survival duration,be positive and we all pray for your girl friends health


  • win2linconvert

    I just wanted to let you and your loved ones know that you’ll be in our prayers during this difficult time.


  • lupgaru

    All the best to you and yours. God Bless

  • Bradley Austin

    so sorry to hear about that…
    if anything happens i could help with the production of ultimate edition.

    so sorry to hear that theemahn
    cancer sucks…

  • dwaldrop

    I am new to your site and to UE. The work you do is amazing and much appreciated.

    Please take care of your loved ones first… this stuff will wait.

  • Bradley Austin

    i have an idea…
    quit your job but sell ultimate edition…
    as conocal if it goes against the liscense….


    wish i could help
    remember to keep praying and let the will of God take place…
    sorry i have no better advice

  • Thorzton

    Friendly Greetz from Germany,
    You and your Team did good work, all the gone Years. Take your time, for your girl as long as you need. Youv’e build a lot of stable Versions, with different styles and designs.
    Hope the medicine science ist fast enough to save her health.

  • tatelau

    Blessings. Take time off until you want to do so. This is not the users time right now.

  • distrodad

    Hello TheeMahn You have been kind to let us know what is going on in your life and work. It is sensed how torn you are and I can only pray and hope that you will find your way through all this and that all the hard stuff will somehow make you stronger.
    Just know that I am wishing and hoping the best for you and the ones you love. Take care – distrodad

  • creonte38

    The Mahn I really want that the things will became the best result for you and your family. Even I so far from you I send my wishes of good vibrations! Peace. Ayr.

  • gj09

    Hey Sir can you build a ubuntu version for development means it contains mysql,pgsql,apache,servers plus it has jdk,php,and many other things mainly for programming like how the install dvd of FEDORA

  • triple777

    Things can turn out for the better, my brothers wife was stage 4 over 2 years ago and has beaten the odds and the doctors are just that “doctors”.

    I love to hear a story when someone puts their family first, it really shows where your heart is and it makes all of us UE users happy to be in your camp.

  • cavebear

    Thanks for ue. I am new at linux but only use ue. May the great spirit keep you and yours in his hands. I will keep you in my prayers.

  • hoffa3077

    hope for the best for ya and your girl congrats on 11 years may the two of you see another 11 take your time she needs you more

  • Larry

    Just lost my mother to cancer, hard way to end life in the flesh.
    My prayers are for her comfort, strength, courage to stand against the ordeal and for God to reveal Him self to her as only He can. My prayers for you are for strength to cope, wisdom to know your limits, and courage to lean on Him in your time of need. & I pray God sends laborers across your path for guidance, understanding and compassionate guidance.
    Isaiah 53:5

    Love 2.6.1 !!
    Thank You!

  • Bradley Austin

    Damn it! For all of us! This is insane! Stage 3 sadly i dont think she will make it as no one i now has survived! I am praying but im only one man! UE has converted me back to windows…

    you said that ue was supposed to be super stable but it is crap a quick mod on ubuntu and thats all… i have started my own project that will out number ue and crush it its not done but at least it wont destroy pc’s!

    forgive me for being mad but i have stopped caring… i lost someone to cancer and all i got was shit!

    • TheeMahn

      I went down and seen her today. Should I say up, we spent quality time together she told me it was the longest time she has been awake since she has been there. The drugs & kemo do wipe her out. I am going to share a few things I have written a while back with exception of a new Ultamatix (written recently). I do have UE 2.9 done as far as I am concerned, just not a release worthy UE 2.9 x86. I am trying to balance my time. Any chance I get to go see her I am gone 50 miles there 50 back, I am sorry it may appear I am not doing my job at times. Come to think of it I have not “officially” released UE 2.6.1. Maybe I should handle it all. Even a UE 2.9 x64 public release, I will try and make it up. I have been running weeks w/o issue, I wanted x86 done before release. I may sit on it at least until I have done.

      I can clearly see how much you care for people. Your solution piss on everyone, wow you are special. After what you said I am probably better off without your “type”. Please feel free to “crush” me.

  • D1Knight

    Hello TheeMahn. 🙂 I thank you kindly for the victory report. Welcome to the family of God. All thanks, praise and glory be to God the Father! :)Because of the Lord Jesus, the Grace of God, “The angels in Heaven rejoice over one sinner (We are all sinners, saved by the Amazing Grace of God and the Holy Blood of Jesus.) that repents.” There is also rejoicing over the prodigal son or daughter that returns to Jesus the Christ. The fear (awesome respect for, reverence for, in awe of) of God is the BEGINNING of Wisdom.

    Father God has made our bodies, he shall bring them back to perfection. This illness-this too shall pass. I shall continue to pray for her complete wholeness, Glory be to God the Father.

    All is forgiven…..all. 🙂 I do understand and I am sure anybody else that is reasonable understands as well, that you do what you need to do: God 1st, then family & friends, Church, then you and UE is somewhere down the line. 🙂

    Let the Holy Spirit guide you in all. May the Peace of the Lord Jesus, the Christ rule in your heart, Amen.

    David E.

  • distrofun

    Hello ThreeMahn,

    I thank you for all the beautiful distros you have offered us, and I would like to tell you the same as DJKnight said.

    Keep your trust and believe to the God, and pray for her recovery.

    Wish you all the best.

    Pascal S.

  • rick550

    I hope the best for you and your girlfriend.

    Don’t let people like Bradley Austin get to you.

    To anyone else that replies,leave your negative thoughts to yourself.


  • alvinh

    Theemahn, shalom! I can see that Karen cares a lot for what you’re doing. Just to let you know, ubuntu basic is a very barebones platform. I introduced ultimate to a colleague who never saw linux before in his life, he’s a microsoft dynamics consultant, now he’s a Linux evengelist! I feel really good telling others about Ultimate, unlike Mint & other ubuntu variants, it doesn’t chew up more CPU compared to ubuntu & has almost every software on earth preinstalled, configured, & ready to go!
    In the meantime, look after Karen. We need her too! You best feed her lots of green tea & Linzhi;

    Kemo will sap her strength bec it kills all the cells regardless of cancerous or not. The herbs help to rejuvenate the dead cells. This does not reflect on your lack of faith, it is a natural herb that God provides for healing! In the same way, God turns water into wine every day! Many of your brothers above are praying for you, I guess Friedrich von Schiller was right, Alle menschen werden bruder!


  • phantom

    Hello,I´m Markus from Germany.I cannot speak English very good,but I have to leave a message here in this serious thread.
    As a UE user,I feel really sorry for hearing this cancer message and the private problems of the creator of the UE OS.
    My mom had many years ago cancer too,and she had a kemo and all the therapies too.She is still alive and everything worked well.I just say it,because I heard that it is really important to keep the positive thinking.Best thing is to forget the disease.So plese say this to you girlfiend TheeManh…
    On that cancer time I made a deal with god,when my mom will be still alive,I have really to do something for him.It worked well,and the funny thing is that he never wanted me to do anything for him:)hehehe
    Heey.. TheeMahn I will make the same wish for your girlfriend,hope this will work again:)

    I have read some messages here from some people who have lost somebody of their families.HEY maybe you all should read a James Van Pragh Book.He´s making contacts to the next world.I don´t know the real english name for the paradise,I just say the next world.
    I had an Out of Body expierence,so I´ve seen the other side.To be honest with you…it´s kind of boring there:)and very silent.
    I still don´t know if an Out of Body Expierence is the same like a Near Death Expierence,but it looks so.

    So head up guys..and especially you TheeMahn..our life is just a step of many steps we don´t need to fear anything:)And if someone loose somebody,he only need to go to a medium or psychic and make a contact to the other world.So simple…:)
    I could imagine myslef that someday all people can go to the other world and go back to our world again.Funny imagination..
    Maybe it will take many years till the people can do this,but I´m shure they will laugh about our thinking and what we thought today about the death and that we cried when someone leaved our world.

    So take care!!!


  • D1Knight

    Hello TheeMahn. 🙂 1st: I am glad to hear, that you got to spend more time with your girlfriend. 🙂 I hope she is doing better.

    2nd: “I can clearly see how much you care for people. Your solution piss on everyone, wow you are special. After what you said I am probably better off without your “type”.” Whut? My other post was in reference to your 2nd post-“Once again please forgive me for not doing my job. It becomes really difficult for me to do both. This will not happen overnight a 6 week process, please work with me. I am sorry If I do not address comments or concerns.” It sounded like you were really concerned. My post was only meant to say, that I and others, realize you have other priorities to take care of right now and that anyone who has been around the forum, for any amount of time shall realize that there are others that are capable of “holding down the fort”. While you doing what you have to do. I apologize to you and anyone else, that I may have unintentionally offended. 🙁 My intent was not to offend.

    3rd: “Please feel free to “crush” me.” No. I shall continue to pray. If you desire that I do not visit this website/forum/blog or use your distro anymore. I shall miss it 🙁 , but I shall honor your request (out of respect), if this is your wish.

    Your friend 🙂 ,


  • SaltyDog

    Thee Mahn,
    Please take the time to check these links:
    My father was healed thru Kathryn Kuhlman,
    my sister-in-law thru Billy Burke- terminal cancer.
    Cancer is gone.
    Thanks for your contributions-
    may the Good go around.

  • SaltyDog

    Thee Mahn,
    Your contrbutions are amazing- not able to say thanks in any way commensurate.
    Moderators haven’t posted my previous comment- not req’,
    but hope they at LEAST forward it to you.
    Want to help in any way I can.
    Best to you both,

  • mikec

    terrible news about your partner. Are you ok? Is she handling therapy? One of my workmates had breast cancer and lots of chemo, and radiation therapy but is now back at work. I have no idea what we could do to help but please let us know.

    • TheeMahn

      I called her today and had what I feel is good news. They are talking about sending her home with Oxygen. I Should not say home. She will remain in Columbus with her mother, but at least out of the hospital. I will go down and spend time with her. I will know more tomorrow. Thanks for caring.

  • D1Knight

    Hi TheeMahn. 🙂 Excellent! Thanks for the victory report. I am glad to hear she is doing better. 🙂 Yes, being out of the hospital, sounds much better. A change in scenery definitely helps with a better perspective. Plus gets the mind, IMHO more focused on healing and feeling better. 🙂 Good, good news! Thanks and praise be to the Lord. 🙂

    Thanks again for all your hard work and for sharing your excellent distro with everyone. 🙂

    God bless.

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