I did not forget what LTS means.
by TheeMahn on Aug.27, 2014, under How to, Linux, Programming, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
LTS (Long Term Supported), does not mean those that are running Ultimate Edition 3.4.X have to suffer as Ultimate Edition 4.2.1 for example advances. I have now incorporated code into TheeMahn O/S Builder (tmosb) 1.8.9 to upgrade existing Operating Systems. The screenie below is very large due to dual monitors higher then HD, thank you multi-monitor application for setting it up for me.

In case you can not figure what is going on or cant see the large photo, I am upgrading Ultimate Edition 3.4.1 to what will be Ultimate Edition 3.4.3 using:
tmosb --upgrade ultimate-edition-3.4.1-lite-x64.iso
uecorebuilder 3.4.3 lite
I will eventually push into one command:
tmosb --upgrade ultimate-edition-3.4.1-lite-x64.iso 3.4.3
Did you know it took me over an hour to install Ultimate Edition 3.4.1 because of mediabuntu repos being non-existant? KeySnatcher has automatically rectified that situation as it is upgrading the distro.
When all the tools I have written (pages still to write in previous link) come together, they will sing in harmony of a perfect Operating System as well as Operating System constructor. I am currently sorry tmosb 1.8.9 is not available to the public until I see solid release, after solid release; built with the tool.
On a lighter note, I have seen people building Operating Systems using the same tool, however using as the base for example running Ultimate Edition 4.2, building Ultimate Edition 4.3. I will formulate the tool to not care what Operating System you are running and just provide exactly what you want. I built Ultimate Edition 4.4 (Ubuntu Utopic Unicorn 14.10 based) with 5 additional DE (desktop environments) 2 or 3 days ago and very sucessfully I may add; it is just a matter of time.
September 10th, 2014 on 3:27 pm
Ok Thee, I currently running 3.2.2 as it has all the stuff I want, without having to install from a repo myself LOL…I am excited to know that you have developed this tool to do distor upgrades with.. I have tired in the past for the hell of it, to do the upgrade when asked and it always ended up in a disaster.. Now when you finally release this, I will finally be able to get my UE of my choice upgraded with the latest Ubuntu distor. Thanks again for all you hard work to make UE the Ultimate OS to use…