Here it comes.
by TheeMahn on Mar.01, 2022, under Ultimate Edition
Networking is being taken care of first. That Thread Ripper is a reality.

I am trying to work with the devs of Ubiquiti catch this his name is also Glenn. I hope I do not get mad. Do not buy into the “Not secure” Do you see the port? That is not an issue. The Asus Router has dual 10 Gigabit ports & can be aggregated. Solid 20 Gigabit throughput throughout the house. A NVME would be slow in comparison. Funny, I will be able to boot from the network @ 20 Gigabit. The Main server has been down since the routers arrived. I do not have time to drop it in. I have to work this weekend, it will wait.
I will rip the top one out. I am moving to solid Fiber Optic. I suppose since both are here and installed. I should tell you what I purchased:
ASUS RT-AX89X AX6000 Wireless Dual-Band Gigabit Gaming Router (poor packaging), I had to fix the Antenna. They are sending me a new one tomorrow. I tried to cancel it. They charged me $482.61 for that & had to fix it. I am still pretty pissed off about that.
Ubiquiti UniFi Switch Aggregation | Managed Layer 2 Switch with 8 SFP+ 10G Ports
I also bought a Server Rack accessories kit.
I will need a computer & network speed & it is not free. Dropping money like a “Drunken sailor”, that is right. I have been drinking and a sailor. I do not take donations and don’t use ads. I have got this. Just got a raise today. I also find that funny the company made it effective 03/12/2022. I hired in 03/11/2021. I love the company I work for. I actually like my job there. I run a CNC (Computer Numeric Controlled) Plasma Burner.
When I worked at Timken I liked the money & hated to be honest the Supervisor. He was a condescending prick, worse then me. Hated going to work. I seen seven people quit in one week because of him. I will admit my faults, I have a low tolerance for stupidity. That fella was off the chain. I told him I build Operating Systems & he immediately left me alone, but he came back. They need to fire him.
I have a new domain I have not told you about yet. The ThreadRipper Pro will roll on that domain.