Happy Turkey day & a new toy ;)
by TheeMahn on Nov.25, 2010, under Gamers, Linux, Ubuntu, Ultamatix, Ultimate Edition
Welcome aboard Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers
Happy Thanksgiving. Please be forewarned at time of posting Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers it is not fully mirrored so expect slower download speeds. Typically it takes 5 hrs or more to mirror across all 31 servers & sorry for the redundant screenshots.
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Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers is unlike any other gamers edition built in the past. Beyond the updates / upgrades many tools have been ripped out of Ultimate Edition 2.8 (the base of the release), prior to build to maximize room for additional games. In Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers you will not find Openoffice, we are here to play games right? This does not mean you will not have a media player, just the very basics & a vast quantity of high quality games. Hand picked by bnjamin_breeg & I. The newest PlayOnLinux (at time of build) is also included to allow installation of ® Windows based games and applications as seen above. What games have been pre-installed?
- Urbanterror
- Armagetronad
- Gunroar
- Hedgewars
- Kobo deluxe
- Pingus
- Bzflag
- Chromium-bsu
- Gridwars 2
- Criticalmass
- Defendguin
- Assaultcube
- Frozen-bubble
- Kapman
- Kblocks
- Fretsonfire
- Vgacard games (4 card games)
- Gtkboard games (32 board games)
- Warzone 2100
- Glest
- Barrage
- Enemy-territory
- Scorched3d
- Performous
- Boswars
- Orbital-eunuchs-sniper
- Warsow
You can only fit so much on a DVD and some games are huge, we understand this. A new repository filled to the hilt with games has also been pre-added to allow the end user to install additional games if so desired. Many of these games are unavailable in ® Ubuntu’s repository. Ultamatix, is also available with 48 games at your disposal.
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Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers
Architecture: 32 bit
Build Base: Ultimate Edition 2.8 (Ubuntu 10.10 – Maverick Meerkat)
Environments: Gnome
Size: 3.9 GB (4,206,417,920 bytes)
MD5SUM: c7b214de3c0e2b3d94718b09931dbe38
Download: X86 – 32bit
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers
Architecture: 64 bit
Build Base: Ultimate Edition 2.8 (Ubuntu 10.10 – Maverick Meerkat)
Environments: Gnome
Size: 3.9 GB (4,215,861,248 bytes)
MD5SUM: 0697cfe81259c3009b610f0d63f5b990
Download: X64 – 64 bit
I am going to let the storm settle before the release of Ultimate Edition 2.8 Lite. Please feel free to send me a slab of turkey 😉
You can check out the review of Ultimate Edition 2.8 gamers here. There is also a video based review Thanks, Jim:
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Ultimate Edition 2.8 „Gamers” | thecamels.org
November 26th, 2010 on 1:05 am[…] Cady ogłosił wydanie systemu Ultimate Edition 2.8 "Gamers". Dystrybucja ta opiera się o system Ubuntu LiveDVD i zawiera w sobie 48 gier. System nie zawiera […]
Gustavo Pimentel's GNU/Linux Blog
November 26th, 2010 on 6:08 amUltimate Edition 2.8 “Gamers”…
Glenn Cady anunció el lanzamiento de Ultimate Edition 2.8 “Gamers”. Ultimate Edition, es una distribución Linux cuyo primer lanzamiento fuera en el año 2006, como un fork de Ubuntu. Este proyecto persigue la creación de un sistema operativo…
Вышел Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers – вариант Ubuntu для игроков
November 26th, 2010 on 10:33 am[…] Вышел релиз специализированной LiveDVD-сборки Linux-дистрибутива Ultimate Edition 2.8, основанной на Ubuntu 10.10 и укомплектованной подборкой предустановленных пакетов с популярными игровыми приложениями. Размер загрузочного iso-образа – 4 Гб. […]
Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers « TecnoBlog – Software Livre, Linux e Tecnologias
November 26th, 2010 on 1:08 pm[…] Mais: [1] Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers: http://ultimateedition.info/ultimate…py-turkey-day/ [2] Download do Ultimate Gamers 2.8: […]
[Linux] Ultimate Edition Gamers 2.8 With Linux Games for All Ages
November 27th, 2010 on 7:14 am[…] lots οf games, fοr аƖƖ уου players out thеrе!Ultimate Edition Gamers 2.8 var a2a_config=a2a_config||{};a2a_config.linkname="[Linux] Ultimate Edition Gamers 2.8 With Linux […]
Einige Linux Scheiben von dieser Woche « Lothars Blog
November 27th, 2010 on 7:40 am[…] Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers: Eine Sonderausgabe der auf Ubuntu basierenden Ultimate Edition. Es ist eineDVD, die randvoll gepackt ist mit Spielen. Und wem diese noch dann nicht ausreichen, für den gibt es auch noch ein neues Repository, aus dem man sich noch mehr Spiele herunter laden kann. […]
Вышел Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers | AllUNIX.ru – Всероссийский портал о UNIX-системах
November 27th, 2010 on 12:48 pm[…] Вышел релиз специализированной LiveDVD-сборки Linux-дистрибутива Ultimate Edition 2.8, основанной на Ubuntu 10.10 и укомплектованной подборкой предустановленных пакетов с популярными игровыми приложениями. Размер загрузочного iso-образа – 4 Гб. […]
Rilis Ultimate Edition 2.8 “Gamers” | LinuxBox.Web.ID
November 30th, 2010 on 2:54 pm[…] Untuk informasi lebih detail, anda bisa membacapengumuman rilis. […]
Una distribuzione linux per i videogiocatori, anche con giochi per Windows | WebGenerate
December 1st, 2010 on 2:41 pm[…] Potete scaricare Ultimate Edition comodamente da questo link. […]
Ultimate Edition 2.8: la distribuzione per chi ama giocare! | TUXJournal.net
December 1st, 2010 on 2:43 pm[…] Tutti gli interessati possono scaricare la distribuzione da questo indirizzo. […]
Ultimate Edition 2.8 "Gamers" | Linux Zone
December 2nd, 2010 on 7:58 am[…] Anuncio oficial y relación de juegos incluidos: aquí. […]
Ultimate Edition 2.8 “Gamers” | Noticias del Cerebro Digital
December 2nd, 2010 on 2:09 pm[…] Anuncio oficial y relación de juegos incluidos: aquí. […]
Ultimate Edition 2.8 “Gamers” | Ayuda Linux
December 2nd, 2010 on 2:16 pm[…] Anuncio oficial y relación de juegos incluidos: aquí. […]
Ultimate Edition 2.8 “Gamers” | Superlinux
December 2nd, 2010 on 5:46 pm[…] Anuncio oficial y relación de juegos incluidos: aquí. […]
Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers | Eye On Linux | Don Bishop's Blog dweb98
December 7th, 2010 on 5:13 am[…] What’s New As with the regular edition of Ultimate Edition 2.8, I was not able to find a definitive list of what’s new. Here’s what I was able to find for the regular edition and for the gamers version. […]
13box Blog
December 29th, 2010 on 9:57 am[…] Anuncio oficial y relación de juegos incluidos: aquí. […]
Ultimate Edition 2.8 Gamers | Eye On Linux
March 10th, 2011 on 3:25 pm[…] Happy Turkey day & a new toy 😉 | Ultimate Edition December 8, 2010 at 12:21 AM | Permalink | Reply […]
November 25th, 2010 on 5:50 pm
Thank you.
November 26th, 2010 on 6:49 pm
You are welcome.
November 27th, 2010 on 10:04 pm
its a great distro always wait for my internet cafe, but i still wait ultimate gamer with dvd double layers, that make many games linux included, look like supreme supergamer, thank you, n you are the best remastering
February 3rd, 2011 on 3:37 pm
hola soy nuevo yme gustaria saber si puedes pasarme el scrip del conky que muestras en las imagenes o pasame el link de donde poder descargarlo es que me gusta mucho ese diseño sale bye
February 17th, 2011 on 10:10 am
I THANK YOU SO MUCH…SORRY FOR ALL-CAPS THO! Here I will go into regular. PLEASE there is a technology known as Rife Tech which you and your girlfriend need to know about. There is also something called M-state materials that is natural tech which is essential for you both to know about also. I have studied computers for 30 years and will assist you with ANYTHING you need to do with YOUR DISTRO, IT ROCKS! Please message me. If you want the two best websites I have found in my 30 years of use that I tell everyone THEY ARE BOTH HEALTH related, and contain free information that is astounding (like 2.8 Gamers edition DVD ***** 5/5) #1 is Rubysemporium.org & #2 Doctoryourself.com Rife was discovered 85 years ago, and M-states mainly about 35 (main researched=David Hudson)
February 21st, 2011 on 12:05 am
As soon as my girlfriend gets better and that is my mode of thinking. I have a program I have been writing that will change at least the Linux world as it is known. Bradley Austin, please be prepared to pay me. There is no getting around it. I am shocked no-one has thought outside of the box as I have coming. The end users will have free, ~30 years of programming say I am right. I wish I could dedicate 100% of my time, by his mindset let her die so I can get back to my job. I am sorry to call him out, but I know what I am sitting on & he claims he is going to “crush” me. As soon as it is copywritten everyone will understand. Sometimes people can be so heartless. I am thinking of everyone, minus other O/S builders, because of him.
I should not do that one bad apple does not speak for everyone. I have seen it in the past as a O/S builder, I have met many types. No pun intended to you, just blowing off steam. The software I have coming I am not going to candy-cote it will change many peoples mode of thinking. I will put my career on it.
Trinityseven, none of the above directed to you, sorry I am upset. The last thing I need now. I will not lie I have lied in bed sometimes for days, soildly depressed. I love the woman, I am Man and have lost many a tear. I was raised never to cry. Honesty is a bad factor in todays world, I hate it.
February 20th, 2011 on 12:16 pm
Dear People this is a VIRTUAL MASTERPIECE of a DISTRO!!!
I just wanted you to know how happy I am after starting using computers thirty years ago, that I have finally found a linux that works out of the box FLAWLESSLY. Certainly better than any other OS in existence for NUMEROUS REASONS I can list. People, if you were like me hunting for years for a PROPER DISTRO that can do everything you want it to and more, PLEASE LOOK NO FURTHER THAN UBUNTU 10.10 MAVERICK ULTIMATE EDITION 2.8 GAMERS DVD (or regular version). It simply astounds me how good this actually is. ALSO if you would like GOOD FREE INFO then please visit http://Rubysemporium.org & http://Doctoryourself.com for accurate paradigms that you can share with others 🙂 BECAUSE as they say, one good turn deserves another. THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE that put this together and shared it with us all! I really don’t know what else to say…OH YEAH, if you need my help with your future projects, I can certainly lend a hand. I’ve got some skillz…PLEASE MSG ME 🙂