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by on Dec.11, 2010, under Ultimate Edition

I wish I could tell you it is coming (will shock even the most avid user), each day goes by the doors closes. I said I was done neglecting this site. I want you to see what I have in store for you. I probably should not show that until it is in place. I attempt not hide things. I am torn, I have been writing a survey, my local admin tell me #1 question should be How knowledgeable are you in Linux / Ultimate Edition? Thinks we have a ton of noobs here, this is o.k. I told him throughout the survey I would provide info. What is Unity, what is Gnome 3? I want to provide those answerers unbiased. He feels 100 questions is too much what is your thoughts? Major changes are coming and I want to get to the bottom of it. I have the ability to build your O/S. Think of it this way:
Your IP is It appears that you are currently running Ultimate Edition 2.6 (this can be inaccurate, but will be recorded). Only one vote is allowed by each user. According to our database this IP has not voted yet. I would like to thank you for taking the time to help me, help you to make a better operating system. Your username if you have registered here or on the forum is optional, however the weight in which decisions will be finalized will be based on a formula which allows registered users a higher percentage on the outcome.

How many questions are appropriate. He said 100 from a guest, is not going to happen. I said 1% votes as a guest @ 100,000+ a day? I am not here to speculate. What is your thoughts before I delve into Surveyville.

42 Comments for this entry

  • Protocol84

    I think 100 questions is great!! I know so many people that go on social networking sites and fill out 20-50 question surveys just to find out some arbitrary result that they can post on their page.

    100 questions may seem like allot but that will make it so the people that are answering are the ones that really enjoy Ultimate Edition and want to see it made better. Having that many question in a way will also give the people filling out the survey a feeling of contribution to this distribution.

    • TheeMahn

      I am going to at the very least try and cut it in half. My buddy had a point I know I have said piss on this site when they ask too many questions. The survey I am writing is not to help me, but to help you as a end user, hopefully ppl will take that into consideration. You are correct it is contributing to the effort of UE not to mention the Linux community in general. I will keep statistics public information. The whole point of the survey is because I care. If I can use my knowledge to make things better, sign me up. Someday I will drop a post explaining how I got my nickname, yes there is something behind it.

  • jshuford

    I think that if anyone is truly committed to what they are doing then the concept of “too much” is the wrong way to approach things. Give the visitor an option to finish where-ever they want, may be a better approach! Then when-ever a visitor has had enough for themselves…

    Either-way I will answer as much as I can with the commitment of having been frequently called the “question-man!”

    • TheeMahn

      lol frequently asked question-man! I wish I could be around more for the people. I have a ton on my plate, I came back here to get some code for themelinux’s website and all the comments, I try not to ignore. I have 100’s of pm’s on the forum unanswered, 1000’s of the same in email. I need a secretary 😉

  • MarsUltar

    I’m totally a noob, a friend of mine showed me UE a few months back. I swiched out of hatred for how long my windows OS was loading. You can check the forums too as when I post, it’s things that I am having trouble with (ie Toshiba fan issues.) As lame as it sounds, I feel that I don’t really have much to contribute. So asking me to do a survey kinda puts me on the fence. In one side, I feel like I am contributing, yet on the other, I don’t want my lack of knowledge of the OS and its workings to get in the way of what users need the most.

    • TheeMahn

      I will try and to take all issues into consideration when I ajax the graphs. Noobs as well as hardcore nix users. I would appreciate you taking the time to do the survey. A few of the local testers have seen it and have voiced their opinions, almost like starting over before I have really gotten started. You are contributing by just taking the survey. Thanks.

      • MarsUltar

        Well I do appreciate the fact that my opinion will be put in to consideration. I like the feeling of family. You put the survey down and I’ll totally get on it. BTW I don’t think I ever got the chance to personally thank you TheeMahn. I’ve been a Windows user for 15 years and UE kicked me into shape. Totally can’t wait to see what is beyond 2.8!

    • DEMON PS3

      December 11th, 2010 on 5:46 am
      Chromium 8.0.552.215 Ubuntu

      “I’m totally a noob, a friend of mine showed me UE a few months back.”
      I feel alot like Mars, I’m def a noob here and to Linux but I love UE and want so bad to learn it better. Can’t contribute much in some ways but if you want to know what someone who is SICK of windows thinks, and what I need to keep me from ever going back to it, I’m your guy. 100 questions is not enough…lol. I can’t wait for the day windows does not share a drive with my UE.

      peace out,
      DEMON PS3

      • TheeMahn

        That is excellent, I look forward to your answers. Many ppl think I should put the weight on a solid nix user. I not only want the hardcore nix user I want the noob. I want to wake up the world. I only have 1 true competitor, hmm I wonder who that is.

  • masnich2

    Although I am a senior citizen (72 years of age) this is really my first participation in a forum like this.
    The comment that I am making stems from the fact that I am so favorably impressed with the Ultimate Edition.I am a relative newbie to Linux,having just over 1 years experience.I began with Ubuntu (great) through at least 15 other distros, all them out of curiosity rather than a lack of satisfaction.At present,Ultimate has the #1 place.

    • TheeMahn

      Well thank you. It really means a ton to me when ppl feel that way. I helped a friends father out and installed UE 2.6.1 recently for him (he browses 1 too many porn sites). I know I will never see that computer again & he can browse all the porn he likes 😉 I was over at my friends house installing UE on his machine and his wifes laptop, he stopped in and could not thank me enough. To me it makes all the time I spend worth it all. Thank you for taking the time to stop in and tell me how you feel. I hope to only make it better for you.

  • wannacme16

    I have faith in your ability to get things done as the work that you and the U.E. team have done is my only choice of O.S.. If you feel that a 100 question survey would be beneficial in providing the best O.S. to the end user than all I can say is bring it on. While not technically knowledgeable in the inner workings I have no problem reading and learning new concepts. Some of the reasons I chose Linux is that it is not Microsoft, things are not simply clicks of a mouse. There is a learning curve that I value as it provides an opportunity to expand my knowledge base and not to mention the highest value I found in Linux – freedom. Your survey seems to be appropriately lined up with the concepts that Linus sought at the beginning. I appreciate your consideration of us (the end user) in compiling the next U.E., personally I cant wait to see and try out the latest U.E. team masterpiece. As it seems Ubuntu is heading into some areas that may produce some undesirable results in end user satisfaction I feel compelled to ask a question I’ve been wondering about for a while. With the fact (and I do mean fact) that U.E. surpasses all the distros I’ve tried thus far (and I’ve tried nearly all of them) why is U.E. not a distro in itself. Just wondering as the work that the U.E. team compiles is unsurpassed by a majority of the distros than why not?

  • gto286

    100 questions is a bit much i agree there for sure
    i think maybe 25 ? should do the trick keeping with the most important questions you need to know.

    keep up the good work
    from UE2.7

    • TheeMahn

      Well what I was wanting to know what a majority uses by category IE media player, Ripper Some do not even use ripping software for example. I suppose you are right, I will take the time to whittle down the list and scrap some of them. 100 to 25 is going to be rough.

  • 2hi4u2cn

    An awesome work you do, thanks for your efforts from a true linux convert. Have tried every release since. UE 2.2. Am presently using UE Gamers

  • bob

    Just fired up live CD. Nice job. Need to install.

  • tomwild

    At first i thought 100 questions was a bit much but then i thought of how much time you spend on this distro (the best in the world) and i decided that answering a few questions is the least i can do. Thank you for everything you do for us all. This really is the best. I’m not a noob but i’m not an expert either. I’ve tried many distros but always default to Ultimate. Thee Mann, you are my idol.

  • ganzeegeezer

    I’ve been using UE since 1.4 (I think…it’s been a while now!); up until recently though I’ve had to use Windows as the main OS on my machines due to various incompatibilities with programmes and legacy stuff that would only run on Windows, now though I’ve got my server PC, my laptop and even the wife’s laptop running on UE, I have to say that I extol its virtues at every occasion as it’s a wonderful OS.
    I rarely boot into Windows now as I can do almost everything I need to in UE, I’ve tried just about all other major Linux OS and UE beats them all as an all rounder.
    Keep up the good work guys, thanks for the ride and can’t wait for 3.0.

    • TheeMahn

      Probably the highest stature (2nd definition) I have received, well at least close. It is excellent when I see someone roll up in here to tell me I am doing a good job and no “but”. I have many things coming in your direction to put us over the top, all UE users. I would love it if I was able to just do my job without intervention. I do not look for this to take hold until it is understood across the board.

      stat·ure Noun /ˈstaCHər/ listen
      o noun: height, size, figure
      A person’s natural height
      a man of short stature
      she was small in stature
      Importance or reputation gained by ability or achievement
      an architect of international stature

  • silversurfer

    Hey mr Thee, sounds good! I will answer any questions you put out there. Using UE 2.8 now. Have used UE since 2.3, and really miss that great voice on Login! Have found some irritating stuff lately in UE 2.8. When I try to change colors in the UE theme 2.8, iit is not possible..not good, because using Opera browser I cant read my e-mails cause the background is black and the text also, so I have to use Ultimate Slickness! I love the blue color in UE 2.8, but… Anyway keep up the great work. Cheers from the snow and cold (-10) in Norway

    • TheeMahn

      This is not a forum, nor a place to ask questions as you have. I had a fella on IRC ask me how to fix such things and in the future may provide the “kdeglobals”, I want you to understand KDE and Gnome do not communicate well. Another project for me? lol.

      Make sure no kde apps are running, open a terminal & try this:
      mv .kde/share/config/kdeglobals .kde/share/config/kdeglobals.bak

      Fire up your kde app.

  • aybesea

    I would gladly answer 100 questions if it helped to shape an operating system I would be happy to use. I don’t think that’s even close to being a problem.

  • D1Knight

    Here is my 2cents. :; A 100 question survey is not too long, IMHO the more input the better. After all you are taking your own personal time and effort to attempt make an O/S that is pleasing to as many people as possible. Which, I thank you kindly. 🙂 I say if there is more questions needed to help make your life, even some what easier, then go for it.

    Now, here is my thought, an 80 to 100 question survey, start with the first half being the “essential” necessary questions. Then an option to either submit those 40 to 50 answers and/or continue on to the next 40 to 50 questions. Strongly recommending that you do continue on, to better help TheeMahn to help you, create the UE you desire.

    “Just a few clicks away towards your next awesome UE.” 🙂

    Anyway, I hope this is good food for thought. God bless. Peace.

    • TheeMahn

      Do not think that idea did not cross my mind, I do not want to screw our users I want to be straight open and honest. I appreciate your thoughts & obviously a smart man.

      I mistook that being to “opt out”, you know that is an option. You are off the hook. That is a great idea 4 part questionnaire 25 questions at any time you can say I have had enuff. General questions progressing to advanced user will make that happen.

      Food for though D1Knight Thanks.

  • average joe

    I Believe 100 questions is a good round number. Most users should have no problem answering a small amount of questions about this great os. But, if not 100, at least 50. The more questions you ask, (obviously) the more information you get. If you’re not serious about answering a survey, 10 questions would be to many. Just my opinion. But, a survey is still a great idea.

    • TheeMahn

      I would love to believe as you, I am sure you would answer 100 questions and not think twice, knowing the end results. This is on the back burner right now. It will not be 100 question & intend to make all questions visible a one page one shot thing, I will not try to candy-cote it.

      • daniel

        I believe that Ultimate edition 2,8 is a very good operating system, it use constantly and am so in agreement that I am forgetting Windows 7, to my agradaria one to know as I can clear the blue bottom of the programs by ej. k3b, dolphin and others, the truth respect I say the blue one yet to it is very strong, the letters are ilegibles, I create for my is the unique thing who encontre difficult in this exelente distribution thank you very much and them breath to that they follow ahead, the good thing always prevails. From Argentina thank you very much.
        please it knows to excuse to me if there are errors is because I do it with a translator.

  • Hartford3

    Hay, Mann, I love questions. Let her rip. You are doing a great job. Sure made our family computer trouble free and FUN. And I believe these Forums are the most complete, friendly, and easy to use. Being from Ohio I can guess how you got your name, man! 100 Questions.

  • hoffa3077

    ahh very noob here but so far this is an awesome os.

    • TheeMahn

      Thanks. If you have an issue forums are there. I am sorry, I do not have the time to devote as I used to. Users helping users. I feel like a POS because of it, my list of tasks of completion are nasty. I am sorry if I can not be there for you. I hope you can understand.

  • distrodad

    I say we the users of your creation should be willing to answer any amount of questions that you feel would help you understand what it is we love about your distro and would like to see added or subtracted etc. to make this even more a great
    computing experience! Many thanks for going the extra mile for us also! Hope you are all well and have a Merry Christmas.

    • TheeMahn

      As many hours as I devote to ensuring so. You would like to think that, but I know how I am. More then a page of questions — later website. How about this, store answers when they see page 2 and quit I still have their answers at least from page one 🙂

      I refuse to to do so to our users or even a guest. I have had my hands full. I have not been on the survey currently. I will address it, just right now time does not permit.

  • triple777

    Eye Candy is important. Boredom is something overlooked!!

    You started it, fixed it with the Christmas Edition, and we love it!!

    A simple poll with at least 30 possibly 50 selections of “what needs to be fixed or what people are having problems with” instead of overlooked. This gives the end users a voice and the designer a response to what may have been hidden all along.

    Wow 72 years of age masnic2, speaks for itself, you couldn’t even give me a MAC, no thanks!!

    The CPU Scaling monitor GUI options are poor, no save, each CPU has to be set.
    The all in one indicator applet – email and volume combined? It is things like these which make the end user say uh?? Of course we know you didn’t make these but maybe there are alternatives that can work.

    Thanks for my main OS, you already know it, but I will say it again, you rock!!

  • SirBismuth

    TheeMahn, you could make it a 500-question survey, and I would gladly answer each and every question. So at least I can put something back in, for all the effort you and your team put into UE.

  • eric3938

    I don’t think 100 questions is unreasonable, if you are really willing to go to the work to create an OS that has everything everyone wants. Ultimate Edition already comes with so many apps that I may never even use, but it’s nice to have them there just in case (and they don’t take up that much space). I know enough about the OS to get done what I need to do. UE has been my main OS since I installed it, somewhere around a month ago and I really enjoy it previously I was using Ubuntu. I keep Windows 7 on my computer just in case I need it (though I haven’t really). Additionally, UE hasn’t really given me any problems. If I do have a problem, I have found that someone in the Linux community has already solved it (if there is a solution, stupid Dell AIO printers with no linux drivers). Basically, from my experience, UE is one of the best OS’s that I have had the pleasure of using.

  • A1977Corvette

    I have enjoyed your great programing and artistic skill since 2.2 (I think). And each version gives even more.
    To me, it would be a pleasure to help in any way.
    I agree with the many others that say, what ever you would like for questions is fine. The time to answer 1 or even 5 hundred questions is nothing compared to all the time you have invested into giving and helping others. And it is a chance for us to mold the future. Why Not? All I can say is Thanks, God watch over you and yours, and when ever it’s good for you, Bring it on! PS: Any updates on your Girl Friend? Our prayers continue to go out for her. Thanks again, You are very gifted…

  • deckin

    100 seems fine to me as long as those which aren’t relevant to my usage of UE can be skipped rather than just filling in a blank to complete it. To expand on “my usage” a little, I am sort of the family IT guy and strive to provide trouble free time in front of the screen. I’m done sending any more money to Redmond and as such will donate to the your cause and one known as “put the fun back in computing” which is a slogan posted on I find little pleasure updating anti-virus and spyware scanners just to keep a machine running at a pace “Bill” has approved. Installing UE and tweaking it to fit the users (remember family) preferences is definitely back in the fun for me. UE is probably #12 twelve or so of the distros I’ve used and it has all of what I need and like. Thanks

  • cstudler

    This OS caught my attention a couple of years back. I was playing around with different distro’s, as I still do today, and I keep coming back to Ultimate. You’ve created a distro that has everything I look for when I try out a new distro. Ultimate is my primary OS on all my systems. Please keep up the excellent work.

    As for the questions, have you considered using two different surveys? Perhaps a short 25 question survey and the full 100 question on another? Just a thought.

  • diablo10000

    100 questions? bring it on bro, being simply a user is just bleh. the least all of us could do is give some input to the UE team. been with you since UE 2.5 now on 2.9 and loving it to the fullest, just wish there were better support for nvidia cards, nvidia has a driver for mine , but i’ll get info from the forums. keep up the excellent work on the best F**kin OS on the planet, it can only get better from here.

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