Darkness Settles In.
by TheeMahn on Mar.19, 2022, under Ultimate Edition
I am bringing you a storm.
I am going to be easy about what is coming your way.
I wish I could tell you what is coming. I am going to shut down that server, I do not need it. I wish I could share with you the software I am writing does. When I am done it is all over but the crying. They say a picture says a thousand words, that video must scream a million. I am TheeMahn.

I launched an application I am writing (ue-tweaker) went from Ultimate Edition Developer 6.7 LTS to Ultimate Edition Developer 7.5 LTS. Focal based to Jammy based to put it in perspective. All in-house servers are now down.
I want you to think about this I skipped 7 Operating Systems I have wrote LTS to LTS.