Backup in progress…
by TheeMahn on Jan.03, 2015, under Cloud Storage, Hosting, Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
I have personally taken a 9TB loss in data, I have a 6TB drive in route to replace and will order another one next paycheck maybe a SSD to raid for boot / building. Raid is fantastic where speed is taken into consideration, however the downfalls of the speed of raid 0 can be crippling. I have began backing up our web servers, locally initially then to our cloud. Redundancy at it’s finest. One website 50GB compressed and told it to exclude all ISO’s (Operating Systems). 10 websites to go thereafter.
I am going to sell my 2 28″ higher than HD monitors and buy another 4k monitor, I am sold on 4K. I had no clue until I fired it up, read it was the bomb and found out I will never go back to HD. I have written software for 4K the first day. I love being a programmer, when I see something I don’t like I just “fix it”. I got a new job / position where I work as a Software Engineer. A office, a company laptop and a raise. I do program at home to make my job at work easier. They already have brought up copywriting software I have in works. A nasty tool that would help virtually any company. I’m sitting on it now, royalties or I will Copywrite it after all I did write it on my time off right? Or hire me as a programmer 😉
I took a few minutes of my time and wrote a raid calculator. Wrote it initially with Ironman in mind. He unloaded 6 Western Digital Raptors on me to benchmark against SSD technology. Well I’m not going to half ass it, write a tool. Formatting the drive based on the number of spindles only 4 here we will wake up at least 5 when I am done 😉
The 9 Terabyte raid array I lost 3 X 3TB was 400+ Megabytes per second in speed, what would 4 yield? Smash a SSD at 12 Terabytes? Try and buy a 12 TB SSD, you best work at NASA or better. The loss has not deterred me. I hate to wait for anything in my world.
The backup that is in progress, expect disruptions in service. Next month I have probably $400 in hosting bill due, so anything you can contribute is welcome. I may make better money, but please do not expect me to eat it all. If I don’t have the funds I will shut it all down. I don’t mean to be threatning, but raw facts.