Anything, but Lite
by TheeMahn on Mar.01, 2020, under Ultimate Edition
I built a “Lite” Operating System today, that is anything but Lite.
Using the command: tmosb –build ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-lite.iso compression=fast recommended=no -YES
on Sat Feb 29 21:36:19 EST 2020 by theemahn on JackHammer
Compression=fast almost a 4GB ISO, it was lite at this point. Tested it, it flew. We will talk about compression & recommended later.
Let’s start modifying the O/S:
tmosb –modify ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-lite/ edge
The edge injects the latest sources, not necessary, but will pull in the latest and greatest game for example.
Chrooted in lets begin modifying it (tmosb –modify ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-lite/ edge):
tmmount -a wine #(re-wrote) to auto-detect the O/S, more on that too later.
tmmount -a developers
tmmount -a gamers
tmmount -a full
tmmount -a server
Jacked in a ton of apps I am writing. I tried to add Android Studio. 733MB down. Yes, it does have android-sdk already. While installing it wanted another gig of space (compressed) and failed to build. Re-built, skipping that step adding compression=maximum
DISTRO: Ultimate Edition
KERNEL: 5.4.0-16-generic
LTS (Long term supported): Yes
Type: Lite Default Desktop Environment(DE): Mate
ISONAME: ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-lite.iso
Installed Size: 14,384,238,592 bytes. (Roughly 15GB installed on a 4.0 GB ISO)
Timer: 0h3m34s Calculating CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check):
Want to test it? I want to be forthcoming this is anything but a LITE O/S.
I am betting 8 GB of memory is the minimum to install it and will be slow until installed.
I did say I would discuss compression & recommended.
Compression not providing it in the command line switch will build as it has for the past 10 or so years. adding compression= to the switch two options fast, and maximum. One uses spit in memory and is actually the fastest I have seen a O/S run at least live. I am certain once installed that goes away. Maximum is the opposite.
The recommended=no is not in tmosb right now, but debugging, eventually I will have it scaling in Operating Systems to the positive or the negative in size.
It is easier for me to drop software on then explain it. If you are running a LTS (Long Term Supported) will install the best stable Wine if not the most unstable lol
WineUp () {
# fix it has failed. prior
ISSUE=$(dpkg –add-architecture i386)
# refresh sources
Encapsulate “Refreshing sources”
REFRESH=$(apt-get update 2>/dev/null)
Encapsulate "LTS: $LTS"
declare -a WINEVERSIONS=( 'wine-stable' 'winehq-stable' 'winehq-unstable' 'wine-unstable' 'wine-development' );
declare -a STABLEWINE=( 'winehq-stable' 'wine-stable' );
declare -a UNSTABLEWINE=( 'winehq-unstable' 'wine-unstable' 'wine-development' );
# test installation first
for EACH in "${WINEVERSIONS[@]}"
ISINSTALLED=$((dpkg-query -l "$EACH" | grep "ii") 2>/dev/null)
if [[ "$ISINSTALLED" ]]; then
if [[ "$INSTALLED" != "1" ]]; then
if [[ "$LTS" == "YES" ]]; then
for EACH in "${STABLEWINE[@]}"
ISAVAILIBLE=$(apt-cache search "$EACH" 2>/dev/null)
if [[ "$ISAVAILIBLE" ]]; then
Encapsulate "Stable Wine version availible: $EACH"
for EACH in "${UNSTABLEWINE[@]}"
ISAVAILIBLE=$(apt-cache search "$EACH" 2>/dev/null)
if [[ "$ISAVAILIBLE" ]]; then
Encapsulate "Unstable Wine version availible: $EACH"
Encapsulate "Wine has already been installed."
if [[ "$INSTALLED" != "1" ]]; then
if [[ "$TOINSTALL" ]]; then
Encapsulate "Installing: $TOINSTALL"
apt-get install -f -y "$TOINSTALL"
Error "No wine version to install."
If you accept, that you understand, this is not a LITE O/S. Yes, you can download it.
2020-03-01 00:00:33 (92.9 MB/s) – ‘ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-lite.iso’ saved [4332701696/4332701696] – there is your file size.
theemahn@JackHammer:~$ md5sum ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-lite.iso
32007e2e976766e930019d3036b3a85a ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-lite.iso
Basically 5 Operating Systems in one. Desktop Environments are next. This is what I really love. Ubuntu, etc. Does not know how I did it, don’t worry I will drop the software open source.
Example: tmosb –build ultimate-edition-6.7-x64.iso defaultde=kde xfce mate kde lxde awesome gnome lxqt unity cinnamon budgie enlightenment pantheon deepin
compression=maximum will be mandatory.
10673 in total, when desktop environments are also calculated.
Want me to give you a heads up? I have studied the squashfs, not just the cores is uses. You do know more cores are coming? Even a laptop will have 16 cores / threads this year. By the end of this year you will be able to google “amd ryzen 9 laptop” 15 Watts. imagine that. I have 2 of them and both are 105 Watts. There is over 100 AMD Laptops coming this year, from multiple entities. I had to remember why I am a AMD fella as the stock market plunged. In at $6.97 a share. Almost a 10X bagger. None of that matters until I sell. Why the hell would I sell? This is how Millionaires are made. Plus, after reading the XTB broker review, I feel even more confident about my investment strategy.
The Coronavirus dropped the market on it’s head. 2 days, back to back worst in history. AMD will return. Now, is the time to buy. I bet you money you do not get it for $6.97 a share.
I am still writing software. Soon the Internet will understand how big our Family is.
Setting firefox version 73.0.1 User Agent to:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ultimate Edition 6.6 (Focal); Linux x86_64; rv:73.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0
I wrote software to do that. Detects all that information and now auto constructs your “User Agent”. Sometimes I feel like a pinata. I have to write software to fix their inefficiencies across multiple distributions and platforms. Evidently Firefox 73.0.1 is awarded to all Linux based LTS services. Want me to start building Ultimate Edition 6.8?
Setting firefox version 73.0.1 User Agent to:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ultimate Edition 5.9 (Bionic); Linux x86_64; rv:73.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0
I do not mind telling you when I am wrong. The damn “edge” I told you about earlier & use it almost religiously got me & I write the software.
Actual results:
Setting firefox version 59.0.2 User Agent to:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ultimate Edition 5.9 (Bionic); Linux x86_64; rv:59.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0
I am not infallible. Just a chunk of software. Well here is a 8 core 16 thread laptop, data released? We have almost a whole year to go the 3950X will be taken down by a Laptop. I paid over $800.00 for just the chip. I paid $611.00 for a 3900X. How much are they today?
Well I see it for $219, I promise you too good to be true it is (don’t buy it), however Walmart has a 3900X. 3950X? But why Glenn? I got tired of waiting & will fully utilize such technology. Coming from China they will blame the Coronavirus why I did not get products I have inbound. One I will lose on the other I used Paypal Business Premier. I will get my money back. I actually wonder if Paypal will fold over that. Up to $500 they have to award my account for each hammer “Guaranteed”.
I bet you money you did not see that coming. Oh, that is right they own Ebay as well. As “grievances” fly in because my product is not here, even if China sent it. That is funny, I won’t file on you your hands are full. I am sure.
I will put the hammer on Amazon. They have been jacking my Credit Card. I just gave them $500 yesterday, how about I take that back? That is funny.