A Step back to the roots.
by TheeMahn on Oct.01, 2012, under Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
I have built UE 3.5 until I am blue in the face. My time being limited, I have taken steps at no cost to the end user to ensure productivity is being taken care of on my end. A bulldozer is in route, a 6 and quad core to do my bidding all raided / nas’d up. I have tanked and totally rebuilt 3.5 from the ground up even admin do not have access to, please stand by. I appologize for the delay. There is a ton involved in what I have accomplished, please be patient with me.
October 1st, 2012 on 9:27 am
Take your time as we know it is the main thing you give to the Ultimate op sys and you get out what you put in.I think 3.3 3.4 are both killer op systems and i wait like a kid at cristmas eager to try the newest 3.5 64bit. Thanks for all you do to make the best op sys out there ULTIMATE….
October 1st, 2012 on 11:11 am
You do what you need to do, cause you know exactly what you’re are doing and know you will once again “Wow us” with the functionality since you truly know how to do it right! Is history in the making and will say it a thousand times is awesome to watch happening! I just wish one day, I will be half as smart and be able to help, when needed! You have done a great service to us making an OS we can use and enjoy everyday! However long it takes, I will be waiting and definitely enjoying it when it is done. My best wishes and thanks go out to you for all the patience, persistence and excellence you have! Will always cheer you on, least always hope to!!!
October 1st, 2012 on 11:54 am
Hi Thee Mahn, no problem..like I always
say..do what you have to do. I cant say I totaly know
the feeling or what you go through to do what you do.
…but I have an idea. Sometimes its tougher than others.
I have faith in you Thee..keep up the good work..and know
there are people who Love you. 🙂
October 2nd, 2012 on 11:08 am
hi TheeMan I cannot wait for the 3.5 version I love this linux it is the first linux that I have used and I like it, no more windows for me, I have left you a donation for all the work you are doing
a lot of my friends could not belive it is linux o/s, they are going to download a version and try it on thier matchines, can you tell me when the version 3.5 is ok download thanks
October 2nd, 2012 on 4:45 pm
TheeMahn, I work in a different field than you, but at this very time, am also “blue in the face”. What I am involved in is to help others, so I march onward. So, as for me, thanks for
informing us and for all you continue to do in spite of your
time restraints! It should be a given that we be patient as you are the one with the weight on your shoulders.(Please allow us to be excited for the prospect of the next work you do!) I wish
us both some rest along the way, so burdens don’t drag us down
and keep us from what we hope to accomplish. Take care of yourself. distrodad
October 3rd, 2012 on 10:47 am
Hey Mahn (should be Man 😉 )
Take your time.
Remember Good has used 7 Days to create the Earth
If I might be of any help let me know
Greetings from Germany
October 5th, 2012 on 5:13 am
Have the time you need Mahn!!! Good vibrations!!
October 7th, 2012 on 11:35 am
Thank you and your team, TheeMahn.
Some of us out here really DO appreciate the amount and depth of effort that is involved in what you do for us all.
Hang in there and just “keep on keepin’ on”. We have your six.
October 12th, 2012 on 2:13 pm
“please be patient with me. TheeMahn,”
You ask so little of us, yet you give so much. Thanks Thee.
November 1st, 2012 on 3:56 pm
UE is ten-years ahead of all of them..
UE treats me like I’m a someone.. It “breathes & beats” with me…
So what if there are a few glitches.. I manage..
UE is like a fist-sized raw diamond with a tiny flaw in it… UE is the best of the best.. I’m bets you are the best in the world to be chatting with around a campfire…
I wonders if a little glitch is associated with the fact that floppy software is running in a machine that doesn’t have a floppy drive..?
I asked a big guy to assist you…
I prays they do it made out of love…