A new twist to the old.
by TheeMahn on Sep.11, 2016, under Ultimate Edition
I updated Ultimate Edition 5.0 to Ultimate Edition 5.0.1 it is Long Term Supported (LTS) and released an Ultimate Edition 5.0 for the x86 (32bit) users based on Mate this weekend. 2 Operating Systems this weekend. Yes, I know there are many users that want to get their hands on Ultimate Edition 5.1. O.K. first we are playing with LTS releases. I have been playing with Ultimate Edition 5.1 based on KDE for a long minute, when I released Ultimate Edition 5.0 I was already running Ultimate Edition 5.1. I actually have a Ultimate Edition 5.3. Newer, is not necessary better. That could change as we advance. I want to make things very apparent 5.0.1 is not 5.1 has no KDE in 5.0.1 that is. You KDE buffs will have to wait. I have been running Ultimate Edition 5.1 for a long minute, didn’t I already say that? I would like to fix issues before release. If I was you I would wait patiently.
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Mean while, FineTuch, Mr. Breeg and I dropped Laminate flooring in the house, did I mention I have 3 job titles 😉 I have a Home Security System / Home Automation system dropping to the house this coming week, my job is never done. I am going to place Home Automation in my house. 300 Devices in total. I will speak and the house will listen. I will write software to accelerate that factor. I love the Open source movement, did you know you can do the same with a Raspberry PI? Google it.
September 21st, 2016 on 1:42 pm
Theeman, can you direct me to where to download or apt-get the debian for the OS builder? Am hoping to create a Live or iso using it, to run on a flash drive. Am mostly wanting to do a Live (persistant) build to use to boot up computers with bad hard drives, etc. I am also going to switch over to the current build as soon as I have time and desire to destroy my current (Mint) in flavor of yours. I prefer the XFCE for my desktop as I have been able to easily tweak it out without much problem.
The competition on the rpm world side (OpenSUSE) has broken thru with suseStudio. However myself I think your methods hold much more promise, rather than placing trust that something in the clouds can create a live media. I havent had any luck in getting their live .raw image to boot from my flash drive (yet). Anyhow you can check them out, on susestudio.org I still side with Debian which I am more a fan of because it offers more software overall. I would like to thank you for your efforts in making Ultimate Edition as Ultimately the best Debian based distro ever. And trust me I have tried them all.
October 13th, 2016 on 9:22 pm
If you are running Ultimate Edition it is built in. I have not worked on persistence yet in TMOSB. I have spent a chunk in bringing ARM to the table. I appreciate your thought process in ditching Mint. XFCE, we have custom builds floating the net Mr. Breeg takes the spotlight there.
You do know back in the day I wrote software for building operating systems well prior to TMOSB? I bet it would shock you. I wrote software for reconstructor a initially python based application and now fully web based and not called reconstuctor anymore. Your final statement ” I would like to thank you for your efforts in making Ultimate Edition as Ultimately the best Debian based distro ever. And trust me I have tried them all.” Hits the heart hard. I appreciate the humbling event you drop on me. Thanks. I do have a itinerary and it involves Billions not the Millions we have. I want to protect your privacy, however I have been shut down so many times I am losing grips. Providing bandwidth for that many users constantly looking for better. I have settled on 5 X 10 Gigabit metworks and shut down. The only real answer is to slip away from the grid. Traffic has slowed and I am actually happy about that. We could be off the chain.
October 13th, 2016 on 10:17 pm
Well first let me say, that I can see that having a way to reply directly to you is something few get. SO I am running it on my Dell Notebook, and so I am slowly learning the whole world of Debian Ubuntu based Linux.
Here is the few things I have encountered. And Again we all know there is always limitations to everything. This is not related to your product but more to the Linux Kernel, and how it works in a network. Among the one thing I seem to encounter and suspect others too, is the age old problems with things like Browsing the Network, getting the time outs. I discovered a long time ago, the fix was simply to change the search order in samba.conf file. But nobody seems to change it for the live distro and also for the installed software.
See my goal is to see you have a release that a novice can simply install and use, without the need to tweak it out. Among the things I am discovering, is that Firefox while a great browser, does not compete with Chromium/Chrome. Mainly the flash problems, that may never get resolved. The other problem is I love Thunderbird, but if Firefox is installed it always wants to launch Firefox. So for that reason I just ditch firefox by completely removing it. Also I have not figured why Windows drives and well any hard drives, are not auto mounted at startup. Yeah I figured it out, but editing fstab with bad information is well Bad. Kernel Panic is the result. It forces the user to then have to use gksudo from the live DVD in order to gain access to your Installation and undo the problem you created in fstab.
Do you see where I am going with all of this? I desire a Linux that can live in a Windows environment, without any terminal based editing. Also have never figured out why it can never seem to remember forever shared folders, which it does seem to remember for afp shares, but never for smb shares.
So in my futher hair yanking, I so mistakenly chose to install Linux Mint 18 Sarah. That created a whole new disaster. So it seems that somehow they completely removed the ability of programs to open up files and folders from your network. I open up Thunar it shows me my network shares, but if I try to open same things from the applications, the Network is not shown.
So back to 17.3 and YES I will be putting Ulitmate XFCE in once I find the time.
So yes I have lost faith in Linux Mint because it is just too hard to find any support for these things. and they are just too busy going past all that.
Anyhow I am hoping to see Ulitimate Linux overcome all these issues to make it as user friendly as possible.
You know what would be a huge bonus for your Live DVD/USB is to offer a boot option that boots up and has an icon on the desktop or in the boot menu, that allows you to logon to your installed Linux to allow one to fix things. Not having to use gksudo but a nice icon that says Mount your currently installed linux partition thus to allow you to fix things as root.
Otherwise everything is as good as it gets. You have created a great Eye candy, full fledged distribution that rocks in comparison to all the rest.
October 13th, 2016 on 10:44 pm
I certainly hope you take this to heart. I have turned off my phone and I mean dis-continuing service. I have a we will call it a “Dick Tracy” watch arriving here this Monday I may flick it back on under a new number. I am hoping more efficient as well as dispersing my phone number to only my #1 people. I am sure I will hit the notch as Mint has, they however are 1000’s of programmers. I am one. To be honest with you I prefer less traffic. Life in general becomes overwhelming. I dropped Cams in a bar last weekend, does that make it 4 jobs I have? I have no life. I did manage to write a fresh program for you and all the world. I will not tell you about it untill I can fresh install an O/S an it “just works”.
Eye-candy as I too enjoy it is a waste of resources. If your PC has got it flaunt it. I will tell you a few things. Functionality is Job #1 or is #2 I lose track in these things. Days blur for me. I try and will continue to try to think of mankind in general when I build software.
October 14th, 2016 on 11:06 am
Yes I understand burned out, and I have no interest to call you. But I understand that your coming from a ‘This is my baby” point of view. But honestly removing a lot of the power user stuff to create a more simplistic, and GUI mainly based is really what if ever marketed is going to sell. Its amazing how people think that when you look at a computer in Walmart, that the demo they run will be the experience you get. Myself yes I consider myself a power user, but Linux gives you WAY too much rope to hang yourself. Because of its modular design, it brings the average user to wonder why the swirling icon keeps swirling. Then just leading to frustration, and wanting to give up. I know it is coming but when Linux apps catch up to Windows not so much in terms of hiding everything. Programs that deal with media, should all be able to mount and unmount as needed. Nobody understands what that means and will compare to windows. Network resources also should open and close automatically, not be required to be mounted. That is what the creators of the Kernel need to work on, and that would make everything so much better. Public folders should be shared and not need one to connect to them from their windows boxes with a user name and password.
If all that is overcome Linux will be able to compete.
October 15th, 2016 on 4:57 pm
Applications I typically write, not all are written for the CLI (Command Line Interface). When you can get an application to work there, what you have is beauty. A GUI front-end is squat.
What does the suppress do? Communicates with the Python GUI.
October 17th, 2016 on 11:56 am
I agree that I should get more comfy with the terminal commands, and so should everyone. But my point was only that to succeed to make Ultimate Linux completely user friendly, that I see all over the place, Is there a GUI to do this? The computer noobs are ok with GUI but are a total loss to the ancient art of typing into a black box to get results. And being that Linux giving you more than enough rope to hang yourself, yeilds too much power to the average user, and so they cause more damage and frustration.
Not saying your goal in life is to become the next Microsoft or Apple, but to create a product that the Live Distro, can be nearly completely GUI out of the box. One that the Live Distro is totally user friendly and with little knowledge or information has the Install that walks the user thru the process, and works perfectly the first time.
Yeah there is no such thing as Utopia, but to start out as close to that, as possible. Then your product can compete on that level.
Beyond that, we both know that screwing up Linux is very easy, and may lead to end user frustration, but to give them a solid product/ What happens beyond the initial install is totally undetermined.
Also in the live boot, an invisible way that you can determine UEFI so that the install knows automatically to support it or not. And as suggested in the boot screen to allow you to logon to an existing installation to repair damage, edit configuration files etc. If you wrote a tool that could roll back changes that would be even greater, but mostly just a way to gksudo from a GUI application, that can restore configuration files such as fstab and smb.conf and grub repair and reinstall to get most major booting issues and kernel panic to easily be repaired.
December 31st, 2016 on 7:26 am
Hello on UE 5.0.1 x64 always crash my clock on desktop.
I’m happy to use XFCE LTS:)
Happy New Year 2017 for all UE and Linux users!