
by on Oct.05, 2024, under Ultimate Edition

My sister asked me to share this with you. Oh, I get it, watch and see all the dead are now “democrats”. Nice of Facebook to strip my video. What I did not tell her is Darpa controls the weather. This actually started to the best of my knowledge in the Vietnam War. The USA seeded the clouds in the Ho Chi Minh Trail causing torrential rain consistently. So troops could not bring weapons.

Let’s get down to the brass tacks. That was 50 or 60 years ago. What do you think happens today? The Weather is manmade & controlled.

Think I lie? Google “who is Darpa”. Do not think for 1 second Russia or China does not have the same capabilities.

Then Lie to people Global warming, blah, blah. You have the internet research.

NEVER trust the Govenment! Does not take a rocket scientist or a programmer to see through the cracks. If you think I am stupid, check yourself at the door.

Don’t worry, you won’t read this, Communist Facebook will make sure of that. Do I need to drop it on my servers? Do you realize how much traffic I see? Guess who controls my servers? I can promise you it is not FaceBook. I do have a swath of servers. None less than 10 Gigabit. I have been building Operating Systems since 2006. Ignoring software development.

I did come into a bunch of money today more than I typically make in a year, want me to buy 100 Gigabit servers & put Facebook out of business? What part did you not catch? I am building a server based O/S. I will wipe you out. Only takes One Mahn. Called a Mensa, not by choice. Oh, this is my server we will not be deterred. Ultimate Edition Arch Server is coming up one of many. They probably fucked with the wrong guy. Ban that FaceBook. Not going to happen. How much traffic? I have been building Operating System’s before Facebook Existed. Eat a Dick. If I want you gone that is extactly what will transpire.

Ban / block that post Bitch. I am the Admin here, one of many. Founder, is the proper term. Smokes a CEO. Wait until Ultimate Arch Server comes up. I will accept the 23% SEO skills. I am going to tell you right now. I am the king of SEO. What is SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Cost like $10,000 a page to get to the top. I am the bomb at it. I beat the breaks off Microsoft.



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