Keep you in the loop.
by TheeMahn on May.04, 2012, under Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Ultimate Edition 3.3 x86 – 32 bit. Up she rolls, what is it? Let me display my response to one of our users to attempt to explain. You never know I may quote you and what I feel vividly answer your question. I am typically bad about providing information perhaps you did not care to know, once again keep you in the loop.
May 5th, 2012 on 8:11 am
After testing out all the stellar work you did with UE 3.2 64bit, I am REALLY looking forward to the same setup but with 12.04 LTS 64bit! Love the way you have everything like compiz etc working with Gnome 3 etc. Very good work!
Thank you for all of your time and effort… also thanx to your team!
As I said… looking forward to the newest LTS release. 😀