Ultimate Edition 2.3 Gamers has been released…
by TheeMahn on Sep.21, 2009, under Gamers, Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
Note: All ISO downloading from “MAIN” have been disabled due to being on Distrowatch‘s homepage & Softpedia‘s Linux homepage; 29 people per second were trying to download "Gamers" nearly knocking us offline. They will be re-enabled once the traffic resumes a normal level. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please use a mirror.
10/03/09: The server has now resumed normal operations, we are now no longer on the homepages of the above. While this may sound like Oh no, to me a relief 😉 I may write a post about what was the true cause of the issue, “Welcome to the Cloud”. Now for the original post:
I am not going to make a huge deal out of this, but it certainly is a nice toy. Especially for you gamers out there. I will copy the details as sent to my admin / mods & mirrors, because I feel lazy today 😉
New release ladies and gents:
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Gamers
Architecture: x86 (32bit)
Code base: Ultimate Edition 2.2 (Jaunty) upgraded
File size: 3.8 GB (4,049,158,144 bytes)
MD5SUM: dfed949027ff6c1702f3736e8ad2f2b6
Download: Torrent, MAIN, University of Maryland, Unixheads, Linuxfreedom, Germany, United Kingdom, Ultimate-Network, Ukraine, Australia Bigpond users.
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Ultimate Edition 2.3 Gamers has the following games pre-installed:
- 3D chess
- Airstrike
- Aisleriot Solitaire
- Barrage
- Blackjack
- Boswars
- Brutal Chess
- BzFlag
- Brutal Chess
- Chess
- Dream Chess
- Five or more
- Foo Billiard
- Four-in-a-row
- Freecell
- Gbrainy
- Glest
- Gnometris
- Gridwars
- Hearts
- Lango
- Kslotski
- Majongg
- Mines
- Nexuiz
- Nibbles
- Nimuh
- Open Arena
- Play On Linux
- PokerTH
- Robots
- SameGnome
- Sauerbraten
- Snoballz
- Suduku
- Super Tux 2
- Tali
- Tetravex
- Tremulous
- Vetris
- Warsow
Play on Linux included in this distro, which allows playing of windows games in a nearly seamless manner. Many additional Linux games available though Ultamatix tool also included in the distro. It uses the Ultimate Edition 2.4 theme pack, but is Jaunty based.
I have been uploading every version of Ultimate Edition I have 26 in all when complete & will be located here.
Enjoy & thanks mirrors,
Don’t have the bandwidth or a slow connection? You can buy it. <<-- No they are not paying me 😉
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Ubuntu ultimate gamers edition 2.3 - Foros de CHW
September 21st, 2009 on 7:15 pm[…] LOS POSTEE YO TAMBIEN LO HARE AQUI yo lo estoy bajando para probarlo, mas info en la pag oficial: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Gamers has been released… | Ultimate Edition ALGO SOBRE ULTIMATE 2.3: Ambiente de escritorio de KDE (ambos) Ambiente de escritorio de XFCE […]
..:: Linux 4 PR ::.. » Ultimate Edition Gamers 2.3 basada en Ubuntu 9.04
September 22nd, 2009 on 5:00 am[…] esta disponible la nueva versión de la distribución para Gamers, Ultimate Edition Gamers 2.3 basada en Ubuntu 9.04 “Jaunty Jackapole”. Al anadir todos los juegos incluidos esta […]
Ultimate Edition Gamers 2.3 esta basado en Ubuntu 9.04 « Machiques Linux Users Group
September 22nd, 2009 on 7:03 am[…] por TheeMahn el 21 de septiembre, el Ultimate Gamers Edition 2.3, una distribución de Linux basada en el popular Ubuntu, brinda a los usuarios de Linux 3,8 GB de […]
Ultimate Edition 2.3 ‘Gamers’ liberada! « Soft-Libre
September 22nd, 2009 on 8:04 pm[…] visitar el anuncio completo para más […]
Osss.cn 开源社区 » Ultimate Edition Gamers 2.3发布
September 23rd, 2009 on 1:38 am[…] Theemahn在Ultimate Edition Gamers2.3发布正式公告中说:“在这个发行版中不仅可以玩Linux游戏,同时还可以玩Windows下的游戏。” […]
Ultimate Edition 2.3 "Gamers" | Linux Zone
September 23rd, 2009 on 3:54 am[…] Más links de descarga e información aquí. […]
Ultimate Edition 2.3 “Gamers” | Full-Linux.com
September 23rd, 2009 on 11:01 pm[…] Más links de descarga e información aquí. […]
Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.3 “Gamers” ya está aquí | YouZone!
September 24th, 2009 on 1:24 am[…] Más links de descarga e información aquí. […]
September 22nd, 2009 on 4:27 am
Excellent work.. Can You add Enemy Territory with the True Combat Modification to this distro. I am surprised no one has done this yet. They are both great game and Free!
September 22nd, 2009 on 5:24 am
The distro is just about as large as it can be. Enemy Territory is 700+ MB and is installable through Ultamatix. They also require acceptance of a license agreement. True combat is something I could also incorporate into Ultamatix.
September 22nd, 2009 on 9:29 am
Im wanting to know if there will be a 64 bit version from this release.
If the answer is “yes”, I’ve another one: do you think it will be better than the 32 bit version?
September 22nd, 2009 on 9:38 am
No, there will not be a 64 bit version many of the games are 32 bit only.
September 23rd, 2009 on 3:33 am
Here is a mirror. it only has 2TB of bandwidth. Lets see how long it lasts.