Told You!
by TheeMahn on Sep.24, 2021, under Ultimate Edition
Almost a year ago.
I enjoy Intel has finally gotten off their rump & tried to do their actual job. I do see they are becoming competitive again. Let me know when they take out a 64 core / 128 Thread ThreadRipper Pro. I do not care if it is their server line. I do not feel bad for NVidia, they are about to taste what Intel tasted. I typically do not talk about the stock market. Everything, I said it coming to light.
I predict the ARM deal for NVidia will fall through, due to the anti-competitive advantage it would provide them & a Monopolistic advantage at that. I highly doubt I am wrong, under Biden I can’t say that with confidence. I do want to say the same with confidence AMD’S Deal will go though. By Jan next year will fly through the roof, let’s see if I am right again.
I started telling you the same in 2017. Let me tell you something else. To this day I do not know what: AMD patented project Quantum computing is. If they took the time to patent it, i would almost bet it is real. The stock market is a gamble at best. 401K you are paying someone to make an educated decision. I just have more control over where my money goes & a larger return. Smart is a prerequisite.