More Toys?
by TheeMahn on Jul.02, 2021, under Ultimate Edition
I think this a impressive and almost comprehensive package I have inbound. I stopped working on UNO (Ultimate Network Optimizer). I replaced it in a single package. Currently:
UNO (Ultimate Network Optimizer)
UE Tweaker (Ultimate Edition Tweaker)
Ram Booter
Let’s start with Ram Booter. I know most people don’t have 128 Gigabytes of RAM (Random Access Memory) yet! That will soon change DDR5 is in works, it was in 2018 Glenn! I promise you it is coming. I just bought a 32 GB kit of DDR 4000, pulled my ram and dropped it in the server. Let me show you something a picture says 1,000 words:

The entire Operating System is loaded in RAM. How?
While that may seem frivolous or a waste of memory to many of you right now. I can promise you, you will think differently. Did you know not even my beta testers have it? I will not talk about the UE Tweaker or UNO today. Time is now on my side.
If a picture says a thousand words, surely a video says Millions:
Know it is coming. Wait until I show you a video of it running in RAM. Lightning fast, did you think that was fast? That is spit compared to running in RAM. You can not even read what it is doing. Yes, it is that fast. When it comes to speed, almost impossible to topple.
214748364800 bytes (215 GB, 200 GiB) copied, 21.0706 s, 10.2 GB/s that is really funny that is the server. Check this out:
This software cannot be run from inside the Ram Session. ▒
▒ Timer Complete ram-booter: 0h0m0s
The software knows. Do they make a NVME that pushes over 10 Gigabytes a second? I am writing the application for one purpose, software acceleration. It does so near perfectly. I mean across the board. BTW the server has 4 X 8GB sticks of DDR4 3200, we are not Talking DDR5 YET! The impact will be massive. This will be the last time I say this DDR5 is coming & I do not mean 3 years from now.
I hope you understand what will happen when software like that is launched on DDR5. Things will get done, and I mean right now. Think about it, I attacked CPU‘s first. I even took the time to benchmark my computer 32 times. To study the impact. I even provided software.
First to accelerate software. Memory was next on my list. Do you think I am done? Mensa. I scare companies. Take a nap on that one, I will have to work tomorrow. Mandatory overtime, thank you July 4th time off. First time I have had to work overtime. Thank you. I do have 2 jobs. Blows my mind they have 1,000’s of employees , I will take them down, not just one company, but multiple.
They are done stealing from me.