Ultimate Edition 4.3
Ultimate Edition 4.3
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Ultimate Edition 4.3?
What is Ultimate Edition 4.3? Ultimate Edition 4.3 was built from the ground up debootstrapped from the Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Thar tree using Tmosb (TheeMahn’s Operating System Builder) which is also included in this release. This release is a Long Term Supported (LTS) release, supported until the year 2019. This release is most certainly worthy of the Ultimate Edition title. I personally hate KDE, and found it very visually attractive in all its “Wobbly Windowness” that I miss from the Mate desktop environment. I must admit I do miss the eyecandy that it provides off the rip. I have included many, many tools I am constructing that reside under the hood of virtually all Ultimate Edition releases, most newer and upgraded.
I spared no expense in bundled, comprehensive selection of applications. Need something that is not there? I did strip a chunk of cutting edge repositories from Ultimate Edition 4.3 in the quest to maintain stability, however they are still there just not enabled. Freedom of choice, if you so desire you can enable them. Stability, may or may not go out the window. This is your Operating system, I feel it is your choice and have set it that way appropriately.
I apologize for the great delay, I have many, many things going on in my life I currently am not at liberty to reference at this point & perhaps will address at a later time.
Screenshots & Screencast – I may add additional later
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 4.3
Architecture: x64 (64 bit)
Release Base: Built via TheeMahn’s O/S Builder (debootstrapped Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Thar tree)
Environment(s): KDE, Gnome, XBMC
Filesize: 3.6 GB 3,909,425,152 bytes)
MD5SUM: 743d81bffdb08136ceda5db4bd44eef6

Release Name: Ultimate Edition 4.3
Architecture: x86 (32 bit)
Release Base: uilt via TheeMahn’s O/S Builder (debootstrapped Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Thar tree)
Environment(s): KDE, Gnome, XBMC
Filesize: 3.6 GB (3,818,432,512 bytes)
MD5SUM: e585073a78a8f14151a3e636a15a01cf