Any Gamers in the house?

by on Aug.24, 2014, under Gamers, Linux, Programming, Ultimate Edition

Ultimate Edition 4.2 Gamers 32 bit 100% exists today due to TheeMahn O/S Builder (tmosb) 1.8.8, 08/22/2014. Documentation is in the works.

Testing, Ultimate Edition 4.2 Gamers

Testing, Ultimate Edition 4.2 Gamers

Building Ultimate Edition 4.2 Gamers

Building Ultimate Edition 4.2 Gamers

All 100% built automously with TheeMahn O/S Builder (tmosb) 1.8.8, 08/22/2014, I am now going to provide the same application worldwide. The application will not only build Ultimate Edition 4.2 Gamers a Long Term Supported (LTS) release, but will build 83 other Operating Systems (many currently non-existant) with the simplicity of a single command dropped in the terminal in this case:

tmosb --build ultimate-edition-4.2-x86-gamers.iso

It does not stop there, let’s say you also like / want XFCE environment:
tmosb --build ultimate-edition-4.4-x86-lite.iso XFCE

You no longer have to wait on me to build your Operating System for you. Due to the advanced caching system, I can build a new Operating System every 17 minutes:

theemahn@JackHammer:~/wip2$ tmosb –cacheinfo trusty
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ TheeMahn O/S Builder (tmosb) 1.8.8, 08/22/2014 ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
▒ GNU tmosb home page: <>.              ▒
▒ E-mail bug reports to: <>. ▒
▒ Be sure to include the word tmosb somewhere in the Subject: field.▒
▒ Total cache usage: 22G ▒
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Caching System Information ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
7.1M extract-cd.tar.gz
7.6G precise
2.6M quantal
2.6M raring
3.2G saucy
631M tmp
8.5G trusty
1.9G utopic
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ trusty Caching Information ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
1.1M ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu_90_all.deb
524K ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu_90_all.deb
1.4M ultimate-edition-4.2-gamers-core-files.deb
1.4M ultimate-edition-4.2-lite-core-files.deb
1.5M ultimate-edition-4.3-gamers-core-files.deb
1.5M ultimate-edition-4.3-standard-core-files.deb
4.4G x64
4.2G x86

Tmosb Caching system

Tmosb Caching system

Want to know what it is capable of building?
tmosb --build

tmosb –build will list the availible O/S’s it will construct for you, please copy and paste. Please by the same token take note, the cache will accelerate each subsequent build, so do not be mad when your first build takes you an hour or better 😉 I wrote the tool to remove one of my many jobs, the information thus provided there is much less then the current pdf provides.

My Ultimate Goal is for this tool to 100% replace me as an Operating System Architect. Relinquish my time for support on the forums, Webmaster of 11 websites and return to software development. Damn, no wonder I can’t read my email of 100,000 unread lol.



1 Comment more...


by on May.23, 2010, under Gamers, Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

We have released a Gamers edition in the past, we now have Ultimate Edition 2.6 Gamers and a page for the releases. Bnjamin_breeg built them both x86 & x64, you can read more about that on the page.

I hope to catch you on our gaming server, for a little Urban Terror beat down 😉

Ultimate Edition 2.7 it will be some time before you see a release. I still have a few bugs to squash.

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Ultimate Edition Gamers

by on May.22, 2010, under


Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0



Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0?

What is Ultimate Edition Gamers? Ultimate Edition Gamers has been around for some time and has become known as a clean fast gaming OS. Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0 is the first Gamers release built from a lite edition. This allowed us to add more games while maintaining a fine selection of applications for every day use. Gamers not only comes with over 30 games that rock out of the box, it includes emulators allowing access to virtually 1000’s of additional games. Still not happy? Wine, winetricks and PlayOnLinux is also pre-installed allowing you to play your windows based games. Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0 has the most games pre-installed of any release to-date.

Each Ultimate Edition Gamers is based as per release ie Gamers 3.0 is built off Ultimate Edition 3.0 LITE with all updates pre-installed.

Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0 game and emulator list:

  • childsplay
  • capitalism
  • billard-gl
  • chromium-bsu
  • megaglest
  • 0ad
  • scummvm
  • spring
  • gridwars
  • dreamchess
  • warzone2100
  • nexuiz
  • supertuxkart
  • defendguin
  • speed-dreams
  • redeclipse
  • xboard
  • djl
  • scorched3d
  • torcs
  • enigma
  • gnome-games
  • armagetronad
  • gelide
  • tremulous
  • alien-arena
  • extremetuxracer
  • freeciv-client-sdl
  • pax-britannica
  • mangler
  • dolphin-emu
  • visualboyadvance-gtk
  • cutemupen
  • mupen64plus
  • jpcsp
  • pcsxr
  • vertris
  • gens
  • glc
  • robombs
  • sm-ssc
  • wine
  • playonlinux
  • winetricks

Special thanks to Theemahn, the UE forums moderators and beta testers.

On behalf of Theemahn and the UE team Enjoy,



Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0 Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0 Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0
Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0 Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0 Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0
Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0 Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0



Release Name: Ultimate Edition Gamers 5.8
Architecture: x64 (64bit)
Code base: Ultimate Edition 5.8 Games (TMOSB Built it)
Environments: Mate
File size: 4.2 GB (4,207,253,504 bytes)
MD5SUM: c1bb700bb2c54753343c7694b494070f

This Operating System was auto generated using:
TheeMahn’s O/S Builder (tmosb) 2.0.2, 06/30/2018
GNU tmosb home page: .
E-mail bug reports to: .
Be sure to include the word tmosb somewhere in the Subject: field.

Using the command: tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso -YES
on Mon Jul 2 22:34:48 EDT 2018 by legion on

Source Build platform:
====================== is an AMD Opteron(TM) Processor 6272 resonating at 2100.0000 Mhz
MEMORY: 20,548,084 bytes
HOST ARCH: 64 bit
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=”Ultimate Edition 5.9 LTS”

Destination Distribution Information
Distribution Base: Ubuntu bionic
Architecture: amd64
Detected Desktop Environments:
Crash Logs: NONE
Distro: Ultimate Edition
Version: 5.8
KERNEL: -4.15.0-24-generic
LTS (Long term supported): Yes
Data Preparer:
Data Publisher: TMOSB
Type: Gamers
Default Desktop Environment(DE): Mate
Isoname: ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso
Installed Size: 9,455,730,688 bytes.
Ultimate Edition 5.8 “Bionic Beaver” – Release x64 (20180702)
Build logs: extract-cd/.disk/tmosb-2.0.2-build-logs.tar.gz

Please note: The above url, may not work if the release has not been made public.

Get Ultimate Edition at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads

Thanks to Sourceforge hosting.

Older releases:

Release Name: Ultimate Edition Gamers 3.0
Architecture: x86 (32bit)
Code base: Ultimate Edition 3.0 Lite
Environments: LXDE / Openbox
File size: 4,203,364,352 bytes (3.9GB)
MD5SUM: e66bf5442ab5e8abbce707dc162f56d0

Get Ultimate Edition at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads

Release Name: Ultimate Edition Gamers
Architecture: x64 (64bit)
Code base: Ultimate Edition 2.6
File size: 3.8 GB (3,953,225,728 bytes)
MD5SUM: 9a382b7c8c112e1894634fbbb4582fec

Get Ultimate Edition at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads


Release Name: Ultimate Edition Gamers
Architecture: x86 (32bit)
Code base: Ultimate Edition 2.4
File size: 4.0 GB (4,260,241,408 bytes)
MD5SUM: 31d61c4f93cc1121690bd289a68e37e5

Get Ultimate Edition at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads

Linux Freedom

Release Name: Ultimate Edition Gamers
Architecture: x64 (64bit)
Code base: Ultimate Edition 2.4
File size: 3.8 GB (4,030,230,528 bytes)
MD5SUM: f048342826bcc7bf9986f36b18b48e0b

Get Ultimate Edition at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads

Linux Freedom

Release Name: Ultimate Edition Gamers
Architecture: x86 (32bit)
Code base: Ultimate Edition 2.3
File size: 3.8 GB (4,030,230,528 bytes)
MD5SUM: f048342826bcc7bf9986f36b18b48e0b


63 Comments more...

Any Gamers in the house?

by on Feb.19, 2010, under Gamers, Hosting, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

As promised; We have our own dedicated Urban Terror Server up (this was not free) & rocking the house, thanks to finetuch. He will be accepting donations to help absorb the costs involved. You will be able to read his official announcement on his website in a few days. I have administered the sites to split the server load (7 servers will handle the load overall) to keep ping time down on the gaming server. You can read about that on our forum, you can also learn how to connect to it from there it is fast & would like to give some credit to

A few things I have learned testing the gaming server… Xfire really has crawled under my skin with their lack of Linux support. 4 years of it, read all 17 pages from there. I won’t leave our gaming users out in the cold. On a lighter note, I have created a newer urban-terror-extra-maps version 0.0.3 those using Ultimate Edition 2.4 Gamers it will automatically be upgraded, it is huge, bigger then the game itself & covers a vast majority of Urban Terror users.

Just so you do not think all I have been doing is playing games, in which I have enjoyed. I have dropped Ultimate Edition 2.6 Alpha to admin, mods and beta testers. It has received a warm welcome. I have also been doing a bunch of hardware work, including upgrading / building (undecided currently) the PC that will eventually build Ultimate Edition 2.6 final, both are fast.

USB 3.0 / Sata III is new technology, while first available for Linux is not w/o issue. With this upgrade allows me to be more productive. I really do not want to get into the details, however the same mainboard / cpu that previously built Ultimate Edition will be auctioned on ebay. Sorry for the amount, Quad Core & Quad Crossfire it is no slouch & quite the gaming rig. Worth $300 probably not; sentimental priceless. Still works like a champ.

I hope to see you on our gaming server.


2 Comments more...

Congratulations Dreamhost

by on Feb.08, 2021, under Ultimate Edition

Congratulations, our hosting Company has set new records. Dreamhost is our hosting company. I do not have a affiliate link. Nor do I want one. I have hosted with many Hosting companies Godaddy I used to send data daily at TB a day. Most of our bandwidth is being eaten by Sourceforge (Almost 3 Million Downloads) These are not small files. Them Guys are AWESOME. I do build O/S’s Let me do my job. I am going to re-address this again. DreamHost did not go down, something I am used to. Thanks

They earn free People. Ultimate Edition 6.7 Gamers.iso 41277321216. 5 GB is my max. Developer (60GB) has more Games then the Gamers. Too Big for Sourceforge.

Oh! you were looking for Gamers (one O/S 38GB)!!!

I have used Repostorm to bring our Repositories back online. I am certain that in itself caused a spike in traffic. The 500 errors are gone. You are downloading new software from our repositories. Over 200GB of new apps / Games. Yes, Repostorm GPG signed them. Some of them I re-built, because support was lost, so in essence we have more packages then even Ubuntu.

I suggest you stear clear of Ultimate Edition 7.0 or 7.1 or Hirsute (yes, that is Groovy) all together as far as installing it they do not care , nor do I it is not a LTS. Ever wonder why I did not build a 6.8 or 6.9?

They know the issue is there, however they will not fix it until 21.10. There is nothing wrong with testing it out, however do not install either. Now you know. I could fix the issue, but why re-create the wheel on what they consider “Unstable” software? In April I will have software analyse that situation.

Google “missing efi 21.04” Just Giving you a heads up. At the end of this month I will display Bandwidth usage, February is a short month.

Changed in ubiquity (Ubuntu):
milestone:ubuntu-20.10 → none
tags:added: rls-hh-incoming
removed: rls-gg-incoming

Eat That Ubuntu

ultimate-edition-7.0-x64-lite-xfce.iso< 4 hours ago2.1 GB0< 5 hours ago22.4 kB0
ultimate-edition-6.7-x64-developer-trinity-alpha.iso< 8 hours ago3.5 GB0

7.1 is uploading. You can ignore those Zeros. I almost forgot to tell you I added support for Trinity Desktop Environment:
TheeMahn’s O/S Builder (2.0.5) STATS
tmosb can build 906 different above Operating Systems.
12684 in total, when desktop environments are also calculated.

Yes, I can now build over 12K O/S’s. It is now in the repositories so is tmosb.

sudo apt-get install tmosb# the GUI Version is written in Python The CLI (Command Line Interface) is written in Bash.
sudo apt-get install ultimate-edition-os-builder

theemahn@JackHammer:~$ tmosb
GUI Enabled
USER: theemahn | TRUEROOT:1000 It knows & launches the Python based (GTK) of tmosb.

root@JackHammer:/media/Rocket_3/7.1# tmosb
GUI Enabled
USER: theemahn | TRUEROOT:0
TheeMahn’s O/S Builder (tmosb) 2.0.5, 01/21/2021

What I am trying to tell you based on your current status will launch different applications. Even if I did not have a GUI (Graphical User Interface) it knows that too. I have NEVER SEEN an application do that. I guess I am TheeBomb! I am sure over 100,000 lines of code.

I am a Cocky, How many Packages do you have UBUNTU? How about DEBIAN? I own you both. Did you know I played the game “world of padman” today online, last time supported 2012? Works here, how about there? I am sorry you quit supporting them. Urban terror as well. Did you know I used to have a urban terror servers? 64 slots each server. I am not a Gamer.


▒ Ultimate Edition 6.7 Gamers.iso 41277321216 6a181c67c3da2c14397885bad0bc34fa ▒
▒ ubuntu-ultimate-1.4-cd.iso 667602988 c95a3f7121c1f2888f7e6689f1286ea0 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.4-gamers-x64.iso 4030230528 f048342826bcc7bf9986f36b18b48e0b ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.4-gamers-x86.iso 4260241408 31d61c4f93cc1121690bd289a68e37e5 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.4-x86-gamers.iso 4260241408 31d61c4f93cc1121690bd289a68e37e5 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.5-x86.iso 3187867648 cf13b6229a2094658c64cf815bc606ff ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6-gamers-x64.iso 3732652032 a463b7cc6e2a5f66a5565dffa5eda26f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6-gamers-x86.iso 2480921536 6bf11fd2d5178c1e6692000e827b97db ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6-x64.iso 2540605440 7d3cd6f46af7c66ed7e4df1657bc5ea5 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6-x86.iso 2399199232 cf9e2d59c8921c49f0d7b9e8972061dd ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6.1-x64.iso 2657875968 3cff444b22486be2dfc0c5c49c08bf40 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6.1-x86.iso 2573973504 6cbcfd7f0fe0a05827e47fd604205cfe ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6.3-x64.iso 2809976832 2fa5e5e4b311118663a3f73cb49c2955 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6.3-x86.iso 2731370496 8263eabcd23f736bf86bab4382a6b930 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6.5-x64.iso 2906308608 e0b8f9104a545e1a257c79891d802f0d ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6.5-x86.iso 2798020608 98c0f4d5a46818327066974685e8abbe ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6.6-x64.iso 3069200384 c73b6d3e0241c7b07c4570ac9b614d06 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6.6-x86.iso 3010766848 eec73be2ddc0148bccbd66574b3c1fca ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6.7-x64.iso 3115044864 f76856fb985ed63976bbd691dc10e67c ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.6.7-x86.iso 2914400256 32c6728cdeec905994fba45078ed3f83 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.7-x64.iso 2702352384 fd5f2b0724ebb2507625383e702e7b90 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.7-x86.iso 2563768320 0b82382322790c27a43f3d8815f09001 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.8-gamers-x64.iso 4215861248 0697cfe81259c3009b610f0d63f5b990 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.8-gamers-x86.iso 4206417920 c7b214de3c0e2b3d94718b09931dbe38 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.8-lite-x86.iso 578992128 f993c00e45bec84ddfd384f73bc0cdc8 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.8-x64.iso 2715668480 c1233a4a46af9b78ff84e1c478773e76 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.8-x86.iso 2579570688 5661e6972953f61bf009c8759c04ddbd ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.9-x64.iso 2935584768 5b0ba38fb1f7c33e810b5d090d68b5e6 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-2.9-x86.iso 2954553344 ce45a78485cc3224005baeb256cfdca3 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.0-gamers.iso 4207253504 c1bb700bb2c54753343c7694b494070f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.0-lite.iso 736679936 1b84faf027a2cbc1b0218af3fe9b2217 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.0-x86.iso 3484258304 73568c465ab01baca097cffcf6ac8387 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.0.1-x86.iso 3195105280 c0cf3ee6f1133c8c4ae39cdc9cd92061 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.2-x64.iso 2946416640 5d9c82f20e6dba236a9fcb5e80baa537 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.2-x86.iso 2739775488 7194663ba63f174fe4308ea6f1ae99d6 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.3-x64.iso 3198130176 4184a7db67d7dd620e76a7872277ab5a ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.3-x86.iso 2999779328 b626deff7fd7daf5b1b676f3f7c15c37 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4-lite-x64.iso 2540947456 2b017ca66e48c37dc5a1e6aed02b6c3a ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4-lite-x86.iso 2379317248 38c0c768f17eb233b1785682b8667459 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4-x64.iso 3229618176 a5af310ba7446bef61edb7f183ff8c16 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4-x86.iso 3064203264 df214597caf202b0e56545d1f5e33eaf ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4.1-lite-x64.iso 2816835584 769ebcc7ba999201109eaf6dcf9abd0b ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4.1-lite-x86.iso 2771443712 cce9fd1e11a89afe2119b33b60847560 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4.1-x64.iso 3498170368 f98a4bb9e3ce93c00e22565f75f9de12 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4.1-x86.iso 3360630784 34f169a56c7526befc46d0e5ed811e7f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4.2-x64-lite.iso 2854150144 82f84078b2b4fdfa49369b09185ce6b1 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4.2-x64.iso 3427559424 5ae0bfde27de07fc02d4409862540dd1 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4.2-x86-lite.iso 2529079296 c8eacad8fee941b7d2d6edb7d12a2073 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.4.2-x86.iso 3370328064 225835916b61c3716e09432ca14ff3bd ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.5-x64.iso 3506040832 e92f9e4adcf2ae2cea51224004b084d1 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.5-x86.iso 3385128960 08b7774609b2228a30615e1e61fbfda1 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.5.1-x64.iso 3838826496 055b7aff3701584f84d77f24c61d3bd0 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.5.1-x86.iso 3705886720 0e0088905f624316325b68441c73d8ef ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.5.2-x64.iso 3899574272 d54913b29d5b421c7eed7bf6241cf79f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.5.2-x86.iso 3645628416 d18402879de027239ab80a473ee55416 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.6-lite-x64.iso 659425280 5701633cef91e5bcbc00798ac853a069 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.6-lite-x86.iso 691947520 9f8d799290ef4c1e5e1f8c8ceb89319b ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.6-x64.iso 2335533056 4183293e837300a41e5d64a2b707d2ae ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.6-x86.iso 2293547008 a9e413235cd865559406f3e1b3197d1f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.7-lite-x64.iso 2162184192 8afd4cec22364d2cdbc82e8770fd7e7d ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.7-lite-x86.iso 2617935872 27dec5e131697d946cb1b622a759559d ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.7-x64.iso 3586734080 6fcf7982a4325909ad0b8602e6ed8b17 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.7-x86.iso 3313752064 fcae075be6a56d70466b6785682ba349 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.8-x64.iso 2528905216 41175e6aa5aa0c16f8f4b8d176c9894b ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.8-x86.iso 2463555584 d7e6965842f02732c97e0211288c56f0 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.9-x64.iso 2877493248 21adb908287cd2f7bc80b15262fb8da1 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-3.9-x86.iso 2966786048 a3b9895970d5235a914c590a1181934e ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.0-x64-lite.iso 2185959424 1c113155e761c833712f46d203501326 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.0-x64.iso 3441631232 f37883a9e66926058de9de782c0ab2cc ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.0-x86.iso 3293022208 8a3938140303d2618a9fe66f6f5b3ab4 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2-armhf-lite.iso 1091538944 1414ec73a7d58603374d8acd8a177af9 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2-armhf.iso 471343104 9353426eac95be3bddb7c62f189faddc ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2-x64-gamers.iso 3654668288 0aad1006f91fc3262c2c3140984be49b ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2-x64-lite.iso 3163156480 feb6d627f7a59635058a41c63c5024e6 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2-x86-gamers.iso 3647188992 a3a243f37b4e7c72d28fa34e79563efe ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2-x86.iso 2999975936 acc81ff91db5cb18aead3e1dad08b515 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2.1-x64-gamers.iso 3686961152 93d4359b5e56068205555d501e906001 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2.1-x64-lite.iso 2402779136 e26bc0738db8dc769a8d302f0bdfb45c ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2.1-x64-minimal-server.iso 747634688 1b712729ab8e73f79d02061c97b41728 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2.1-x64-server.iso 2901911552 e9513aea7a47e664460ff2e3004c8a0f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2.1-x64.iso 2933723136 816121b40891e5ff6c490666ade9764f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2.1-x86-gamers.iso 3822837760 4bb204235337097ed259d74643f430c2 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2.1-x86-lite.iso 2539264000 9cf76c5431e3e2b5d2d5046b48a5e6cc ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2.1-x86.iso 2942593024 6e136ed23f6f1a82697478a001c20267 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2.3-x64-lite-mate.iso 2521825280 9a80e99e4e5ad3557d1702f621bc1540 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2.3-x86-lite-mate.iso 2519109632 43ff54b72d87f7f6a776bf47767a4cf5 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.2.4-x64-lite-mate.iso 2792730624 d0441b4a23e5294d6dcdcc18f54d1b89 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.3-x64.iso 3909425152 743d81bffdb08136ceda5db4bd44eef6 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.3-x86.iso 3818432512 e585073a78a8f14151a3e636a15a01cf ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.4-x64-gamers.iso 3437991936 1ab5879e3658bd61cb8290378309a259 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.4-x64-lite.iso 2411401216 4c69a456669a62bcaf5c34fb23d040ef ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.4-x64.iso 2970472448 6362b92068d9a62aa5a87c986c81f9f3 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.4-x86-gamers.iso 3591047168 a5cb1cc091e51a7b1e0fc6982023324d ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.4-x86-lite.iso 2587025408 66d71f71e80f57f77f11e939c61381fe ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.4-x86.iso 3052267520 0460b88f0874f416e7dad84e1a5f9b3a ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.5-x64.iso 3838836736 b5256fa48495213d5ecc0e05a14b19d9 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.6-x64-gamers.iso 4296546304 efa732a24e41b6e941772e072dc2773f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.6-x64-xfce.iso 3222722560 62ff2796d0c2c3775659556bc294f97a ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.6-x86-gamers.iso 4187883520 b95f4fc27f516eeab6d24276f308816a ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.7-x64-loaded-betaII.iso 3365548032 b97363c5429078e0636fad79771a190c ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-4.9-x64.iso 3612344320 fce647c5ac395c2023af2d4226e1b4f6 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.0-x64-gamers.iso 4228114432 1fbfbd4de5fc74b7657cd8599d366540 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.0-x64-lite-mate.iso 3028957184 734632e1e7714a900f746e9d89ec3d06 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.0-x64-lite-xfce.iso 2283614208 dcf91a5d152be6dfaec2a71423a1a5ab ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.0-x86-lite.iso 3075768320 614841c2703004eae53cb0a67ab9c59d ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.0.1-x64-lite-mate.iso 2845628416 81161042bd984c7d43dea2644902826d ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.1-powerpc-kde.iso 2167719936 3a435e18a3023a06bd22ab8843f97ed5 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.1-x64.iso 2896861184 a663fffc2fc75930059b95d0c17cddf0 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.1.1-x64.iso 3051317248 63c167b29eb8bb5a826c7060d8d6b7d5 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.1.2-x64.iso 3223408640 4fa53a5126546d8df4839fa2da71ef1d ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.4-x64-lite.iso 3957782528 7f2fae6205568e2efc95f2e7f507deca ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.5-x64.iso 4279271424 5a941b3123118ab443924260297147c7 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.6-x64-gamers.iso 4353759232 eaf212c39f9ad69b526654f3a997f05e ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.6-x64-lite.iso 3415908352 ecfaa62ac87e3b4180107938cdfe615e ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.6.1-x64-lite.iso 3419750400 e583fbdc2d62a28998bb1a32806652fd ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.7-x64-server.iso 3959107584 815309be832856690cf09b12662fe765 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.7-x64.iso 3699787776 cd732251753fcca6a96f59481512848f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.7-x86.iso 3612661760 584bd66c7e71dbc46941a90fcc4a9e1f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.7.1-x64-server.iso 3926587392 91759cfd225c7f2fccd3a1efbf2f73ea ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.7.2-x64-server.iso 3976296448 18ab8366f82f7f4ab49049634c4ffb39 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.7.3-x64-server.iso 3975112704 f77118764f19fa023be01676d12bd616 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-gamers.iso 4194246656 82b21a8a9dd500fde3fd35151226541e ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-lite-xfce.iso 3216611328 3e0077e2ea68116687a7988169cac374 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-lite.iso 3183376384 8261240f84ddda354bec9b0fc5bcaebf ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.8-x64-xfce.iso 3137169408 67c8f8042c5d179b0925787e943655e0 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.8-x64.iso 3171186688 d79d2d75feaafceeaa4037cf0e98a7c2 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.8-x86-gamers.iso 631592960 d093d1d9b3bc3cc10c0c593a513c69d4 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.9-x64-developer.iso 4299278336 298446819c6f514ecbca1ffb57020074 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.9-x64-server-alpha.iso 3644198912 94af3d241122f85b0901917be052da6e ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.9-x64-server.iso 4270735360 c8098bd23abaf835987d2d3e39f25547 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-5.9-x64.iso 4149907456 c6377ccb06cb94b1c260a852ec51912c ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.0-x64-awesome.iso 3327606784 fd10b51a55bf46d9452fe6dd1796e604 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.0-x64-budgie.iso 3792560128 3efb907bc6280b47872d20d2c3782ed8 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.0-x64-cinnamon.iso 3358799872 304b1e2cecd5dfbdf59b34a4308ff2b2 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.0-x64-gnome.iso 3362265088 d2d42e79be2d8775c5b1565ceb8d7e63 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.0-x64-kde.iso 4099960832 0ce34ef062d87ef6a21cccdc38907639 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.0-x64-lxde.iso 3508488192 0f3b6f33782046904ffab20d266c7307 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.0-x64-unity.iso 3357435904 1f373324981f750192269325680e0328 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.0-x64-xfce.iso 3395903488 69db50cfe564faf401281aa8c77196ae ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.1-x64-alpha.iso 3851581440 3722f3e5bca5f63a17427fe609f886ad ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.1-x64-server-alpha.iso 3975393280 d0092a54ed01f3442db1fd385ae0cd9b ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.2-x64-gamers-gnome.iso 4358666240 bad415f524764a914bb2b0c4dbf12d83 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.2-x64-gamers-mate.iso 4345546752 1ac7f4dee05dbf1dec5427f46edb5297 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.3-x64-developer.iso 4150151168 141a82c16d11988e8a06e8075aa800b2 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.3-x64-gamers-kde.iso 4282796032 a5ed8d32dc531881847bf18c32d202d4 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.3-x64-lite.iso 3479144448 34b324f44d14e3385909d3038d107d8f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.3-x64-server.iso 3569078272 c3be8fdac843ee9d3c10ed0635db3d37 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.3-x64-xfce.iso 3583418368 661cdd1ddee108df0028e9cb1c431a68 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.3-x64.iso 3319994368 ea5f32bcc5bded729382c68d68e0c9a3 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.5-armhf-kde.iso 3634542592 8d77e167143f25bdd907f350c84c6054 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.5-x64-gamers-xfce.iso 4139008000 55482e6bc8a7c17dc9d3d1068d2ea136 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.5-x64-gamers.iso 4069142528 130ec0f8b5de8fabc1f59c78e5d1cc65 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.5-x64-server-mate.iso 4075960320 0556e1c40f0e58db27c6de1eb076f8e6 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.5-x64-server.iso 3965884416 af97d9c0dc7f6272b364347e73c4e99d ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.5-x64.iso 4336322560 5be927e2419ec3d8d3afc5e7134840bd ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-developer.iso 4314519552 f782e3363599b017e6b203f6efcec0ff ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-full.iso 20466561024 27d7a90ed5c568dff58ad58cda076812 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-gamers-mate.iso 4351467520 eedde02b8273e7458f887c8006168692 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-gamers-xfce-max.iso 4384339968 e051cc428b7616fa26a97c439c7211c1 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-gamers-xfce.iso 4367245312 3516210ebe28a9b51ae4124f8274e575 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-lite-deepin-alpha.iso 4072335360 578a507d19d45bc0fcba5545a51923a0 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-lite-mate.iso 1345683456 0a56ef1bf203d419050ee3f92c586ae1 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-lite.iso 1636284416 e03967a367b536482c508ba7a1e07b14 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-mate.iso 3673966592 18a1b82144d1a217abf7a9e538d77131 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-net.iso 77594624 e5bf713621b43207dead707396da29f6 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-server-alpha.iso 4326912000 fd3d77d769295fd1fa351fe7eeb40a5a ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-server-minimal.iso 2480603136 cebd33e3d1c16f97478367d0c5b7b2c6 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-server.iso 2717908992 d8cda68926c4f0d759656a391abd23f1 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64-xfce.iso 3709935616 6eefd0031f8efa68d0568f867955c52b ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6-x64.iso 3727521792 d031924ec16080b7cc20bf3fc920aee3 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.6.1-x64-developer.iso 4329852928 759775daa30551f7f327a0a47f404cee ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.7-x64-developer-Developer.iso 5779243008 53946c92336f6f6a58e62d3f243ddf18 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.7-x64-developer-bigbastard.iso 6731569152 773bcd5e72d62bbe0d7bbc2e825fed58 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.7-x64-developer-kde.iso 4396158976 71a6a527d6bc6952f14a32817722958e ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.7-x64-developer-trinity-alpha.iso 3462709248 66d2dfc56052d058c1e5d0b0a0f8afa6 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.7-x64-developer.iso 65032267776 1df0dcf2c0ebdd643b3330d3b89d1b5f ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.7-x64-lite.iso 3730798592 7718813e6a747d581ba3ee417848b6ff ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.8-x64-gamers-mate.iso 4008368128 6e3c2b6bcc05db7d3f0c75b60e61dcb1 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.9-developer-x64-kde.iso 4251631616 a45441fb4bc85a13607d9f3dce86eb22 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.9-x64-developer.iso 4171571200 0cd228c121cd17e19584ed5b197aa6b5 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.9-x64-lite-mate-lite.iso 3071934464 536979beb9141498251f8af44c7c8528 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-6.9-x64-server.iso 3777331200 6f0b59ac68417241e4ca6c9395af1718 ▒
▒ ultimate-edition-7.1-x64-developer.iso 6892978176 fa05d022d7793edd7519442b216ef081 ▒

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TheeMahn is upset

by on Apr.29, 2017, under Ultimate Edition


I too enjoy playing with new technology. I watch the realms of people flow to Ultimate Edition 5.4. Long term supported (LTS), should at that point be kicked to the curb? I can see multiple stats that ensure I am right. I have been saying this since Ultimate Edition 2.6. I am as well as beta testers are looking to “Refresh” the Ultimate Edition 5.0 series. LTS, means very little to most at least by numbers. Do you feel I should not support LTS? I have been asked about rolling releases. By rolling back to Ultimate Edition 5.0.1 I have found a bug in my nasup software to detect and automatically pick up NAS (Network Attached Storage) that I have written initially started writing in 2012. Most will not care about it. Re-wrote it & loved it in Ultimate Edition 5.4, did absolutely everything I asked. Rolling back to 5.0.1 even with the new version fails. There is no way I would have known that, but stepping back.

In 2014, “Seagate” loved it so much they borrowed my code. I am O.K. with it it is open source, however they should have gave me at least acknowledgement.

I am going to continue to the LTS side of things. Do I need to set up a poll. Does not matter what I want. It is about you the end user. We have Millions on board, only way to move to Billions is a poll? Naturally, faster servers also coincide. We will work though this. A Prick I have been, we will build the O/S for you. I have been doing this for greater then 10 years. Software development since I was 11, 35 years ago.

Am I wasting my time?

05/13/17: Adjusted pre-requsites
I am running Ultimate Edition 4.2.4, had zero access to NAS(Network Attactched Storage) drives. While it did pick up the drive, would not allow me to login. nfs-common was missing, re-write the control file and in seconds I have my NFS based 8TB hard drive hard mounted. This is why I care, It may work for some, not all.

I have moved forward on Nasup to version 1.9.9, even wrote you fellas a manual.

If you would like to learn more about Nasup. You can learn more on our forum. I have considered writing it further to detect and pick up Linux based NAS’s Time is not on my side. Let’s see if Western Digital “Borrows” my code as well 😉

I am adjusting tmosb (TheeMahn’s Operating System Builder) to accept version 5.0.3 a LTS is currently not treated the same way. I have written undocumented switches to “work around” the issue, digging though & rectifying such issues, I have my hands full. We will have both, Software supports building Ultimate Edition 5.7 (“Artful Aardvark”) even though Ubuntu has not set it place. LTS is my current concentration. Software is the answer. It may take me a minute, we will have both. I have got this, please allocate me the time. Did you know tmosb is the largest application on the internet currently? There are larger games, not apps. Another manpage I will have to write, probably 100 pages long. As complexity grows, so does loss in users. Simplicity was set in nasup. There is no simplicity in building Operating Systems.

▒ Ultimate Edition 5.7 Artful Aardvark x86/x64 NO STANDARD KDE
▒ Default Build command(s): ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-x86-lite.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-x64-lite.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-x86-gamers.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-x64-gamers.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-x86-server.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-x64-server.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-x86-minimal-server.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-x64-minimal-server.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-x64.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-x86.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-armel.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-armhf.iso ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-armel.img ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-armhf.img ▒
▒ tmosb –build ultimate-edition-5.7-powerpc.iso

I hope to eventually have a amdnaples Building software for you autonomously. Server environment is huge, yes I own the previous website. a $51 Billion dollar industry #38 on google last check & it is not even out. I will be #1, can you imagine the value? They can offer me 50 Million and will not accept it. Great to have a guy on the positive? I have never been about money. Why did you buy it? Feel free to answer that question for me.


14 Comments more...


by on Jul.21, 2010, under

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ultimate Edition ??

You use it nearly everyday, yet you probably didn’t think twice about purchasing it. It controls most of your work, yet you didn’t think you had a choice when you hired it as your personal manager. What is it? Your secretary?

No, its your operating system. The most important part of the computer experience, your operating system serves as the base of everything you do on your PC. When you purchased your car, you went through extensive research and bargaining. So why not do the same for your OS, which you spend a lot of your day using?

Chances are you’re running a version of Microsoft Windows, probably XP or Vista. These are great products that open the doors to many great PC capabilities. But what if there was another choice that truly offered the same or better performance in all five key areas: speed, safety, appearance, compatibility, and user friendliness?

That choice is here today: Ultimate Edition, with a price tag of $0. Thanks to the power of open source software, what once was a basement hacker’s operating system of choice is now being used on thousands of desktops and allowing users to do things they never thought possible. Based on the renowned Linux operating system, Ultimate Edition offers unparalleled levels of speed, safety, appearance, compatibility, and user friendliness.


How many times do you find yourself reaching for a cup of coffee after powering on your PC? This lengthily process doesn’t have to waste your time. Boot-up times of over a minute are commonplace in Windows, yet are unheard of with Ultimate Edition. Our test system consistently boots up in under 20 seconds. With this time savings, you can get more work done with less waiting.

But it doesn’t stop there. Once you are logged in, the desktop is ready to use immediately. No more waiting for icons to load. And each application loads instantly. You don’t need a supercomputer for blazing speed–you just need a super OS!


Viruses, spy-ware, Trojan horses! These phrases are known by almost every computer user–and have fostered a multi-million dollar software industry just to protect PCs running Microsoft Windows. Not only do security suites add to the cost of your PC, they also detract further from the performance of your computer.

But with Ultimate Edition, anti-virus software is a thing of the past! Since there are virtually no security threats in the wild for the Linux kernel, your PC is safe and sound with just the pre-installed firewall. No extra security software is needed.

While phishing threats (fraudulent attempts to obtain your personal information) can affect any user on any platform, Mozilla Firefox protects you from these risks and at the same time giving you a faster, more dynamic browsing experience just as it does on the Windows platform.


Everyone loves eye candy, especially in video games. But what if you could have cool 3D effects on your desktop that actually helped you get work done? We’re not talking about Windows Flip-3D folks: that is child’s play compared to what is offered with Ultimate Edition.

Not only can you easily switch between running programs with ease–you can have multiple desktops, or workspaces, each geared toward a certain activity. For instance, you might run a web browser and word processor in one, while running a media player in another, while your camera downloads photos in a third desktop. Best yet, you can switch between these dynamic workspaces in a variety of cool ways: a 3D cube, fluid panel layout, or a simple key combination allow you to multi-task. And you can simply drag and drop windows between your workspaces to get everything set just as you like.

Polished appearance isn’t just for multitasking. Ultimate Edition offers a level of refinement and personalisation unheard of on other platforms. You can customise window borders, task bars, application docks and more from dozens of pre-installed themes with the click of a mouse. Your PC can be truly yours–not the way some programmer in Washington thought it should be.


All this sounds good and dandy. But wait, if it can’t run your most important applications, what good is it? Ultimate Edition to the rescue! Not only can you choose from hundreds (yes, hundreds) of pre-installed applications for everything from syncing your iPod to burning CDs to building websites, you can run all of your favorite Windows applications just as you did in XP or Vista.

Thanks to Wine, the Windows Emulator found pre-installed with Ultimate Edition, your favorite Windows programs-Word, Excel, Photoshop, and a plethora of games–are just a click away. Download a Windows program or insert the install CD-Wine does the rest. And surprisingly, Windows programs run just as fast in Ultimate Edition as they do in XP or Vista, thanks to the thin, streamlined Linux kernel. You can see the applications usable with wine at

Programs are great, but what about your hardware. Will your camera, PDA, and printer all work with Ultimate? The answer is a resounding yes–and you won’t have to do a thing! Thanks to the fabulous work of Ultimate Edition developers, drivers are pre-installed for almost every piece of hard ware you can imagine. On our test system, our TV Tuner, wireless card, printers, digital camera, and more all worked from the moment we plugged them in. No more searching for driver disks in the messy depths of your file cabinet.

User Friendliness

Everyone talks about it, but what truly makes a product user friendly? To us, it means that a product is easy to learn, makes sense, and that you can easily obtain assistance if you can’t figure something out. Ultimate Edition fulfils all of these requirements.

Look at the screenshots– essentially, your Ultimate Edition desktop looks much like the one you’re using right now. The same point and click icons, menus, and search boxes that you’re used to will make it easy to adapt to the benefits of Ultimate. And if you don’t like something the way it is, change it! There are dozens of different menus, task bars, sidebars, and docks to choose from to make it easy to use your computer.

And if you can’t figure something out, Ultimate Edition forums are available to answer all of your questions. Located on our Forum & now on our very own Australian forum, as well as at the Israeli site the fabulous community of Ultimate Edition developers and users will make you feel welcome and help you to quickly answer your questions–and learn something new while your at it.

Speed, safety, appearance, compatibility, and user friendliness–Ultimate Edition covers them all. Whether you’re looking for something new to try, or if you’re serious about getting more work done, faster and easier than ever, then don’t hesitate to download and install Ultimate Edition. You can easily try it without installing–and once you make the decision, you can use it while your installing (wouldn’t you like to watch TV while your new operating system loads?). And don’t worry–you can keep Windows on your system too. Ultimate installs a nice boot menu where you can select whether you would like to start your PC in Ultimate Edition or Windows.

If you’re in the market for a new PC, why not get Ultimate Edition pre-installed alongside (or instead of) Windows?

With this powerful combination of great features, reliability, speed, and ease of use, Ultimate Edition truly offers something no other operating system does.

And with a price tag of $0, how can you say no?

Thanks TheeMahn (-;

The above was written by Blackwolf, one of our administers. We also have a more elaborate online guide that is far from complete. I do suggest a browse of the F.A.Q. on the forum it is constantly being updated by our administers. We have over 15,000 members there and people help people one great big happy family 😉

A slew of information is available: Total posts 73410 • Total topics 7412 • Total members 16845

Ultimate Edition Guide

If you would like to learn how to make your own Linux concoction I wrote an article to assist there as well, we are all about sharing and helping people here.

What is the release cycle of Ultimate Edition?

With the exception of the recent Alpha / Beta releases. Ultimate Edition does not conform to any release cycle or schedule. They are built from the stable tree of Ubuntu and are not released until administers, beta testers and I are satisfied with the release. We strive for perfection.

Releases do conform with an even / odd number versioning system the even numbers IE Ultimate Edition 2.6 is Gnome based only. Odd releases IE Ultimate Edition 2.7 has Gnome as well as KDE and sometimes more environments. LXDE, XFCE for example. Since Ultimate Edition 3.6 I have been writing software to automate the entire building process. Removing 1,000 programmers at a time if necessary. You can not beat software, it does not have a bad day, it just does as it was programmed to do. Today, the software I have written can build over 5,000 operating systems. I will demonstrate that fully. We own for example. I intend to bring servers online from my basement to meet our users needs. Building your custom O/S for you. We are not there YET! I further want to inject Repostorm to automate the fixing of errors as it is being built. Stay tuned.

Please see the table below for further information:

[table id=2 /]

We also have speciality releases for the gaming type called Gamers Edition, all gamers edition’s are based on the even cycle gnome only to allow more space to add additional games.

We now provide a "Lite Edition" for computers with low resources, typically powered by Mate, XFCE or LXDE environment.

How do I test / install Ultimate Edition?

Ultimate Edition is great, unlike "Other O/S’s" It allows you to test drive it right off the Live DVD without making any changes to your computer. Naturally it will run slower then it would after being installed, but allows you to make sure everything is going to work before taking the plunge and installing it. Back in the past I had a TV capture card and have watched TV on my computer as it was installing. Eat your heart out M$ 😉

The process involved can be relatively hard for a new user. No, I do not want to scare you away. Many failures in this department are due to a corrupt download or a bad burn. I would like to take the extra time to address both these issues to help make things smooth sailing. I would also like to provide an alternative way of installing it, so easy a cave man could do it 🙂 Provided you have a USB thumb drive of 4GB or greater capacity.

MD5SUM & Windows

MD5SUM is a basic Cyclic Redundancy Check used to ensure the copy you downloaded is not corrupt, this is an important step. It will save you tons of heartache down the road, possibly a few DVD coasters. Md5sum is built into Linux.

I went through some troubled times here trying to find a easy to use & free version of md5sum for Windows. After 4 or 5 of them I settled with winmd5sum, fairly straight forward and easy to use. You need to only copy the md5sum alpha-numeric for the release you have downloaded from the page, browse to the file and click compare:


Now you know you have a good copy, what now? In Windows 7 it could not be much easier, simply right click the file and click Burn ISO File. MAKE SURE YOU BURN AT YOUR DVD BURNERS SLOWEST SPEED!!!:

Burn ISO

Running an older version of windows like xp? All is not lost, I found a free ISO burning tool called Active ISOBurner. MAKE SURE YOU BURN AT YOUR DVD BURNERS SLOWEST SPEED!!!:

ActiveISO Burner ActiveISO Burner

MD5SUM & Linux

Burning & md5sum all in a few steps.

  • Open k3b
  • Click more actions at the bottom and select burn image.
  • Browse to where you downloaded the ISO
  • The Md5sum is shown in the middle, as above compare it to the webpage you downloaded it from
  • Select DVD drives slowest burn speed.
  • Click Start
K3B Burning software K3B Burning software K3B Burning software

Windows, Linux and USB

I have created a custom UNetBootin for Ultimate Edition to make life easy, It will even optionally download the ISO for you. Weather you use Windows or Linux you need only to download this file and extract it anywhere you like go into the folder you extracted it. If running windows double click the unetbootin-windows-485.exe. unetbootin-linux-485 if you are running Linux. The screen shots I am going to provide below are from windows, however the program runs exactly the same no matter which O/S you run it in. You need only to select which distribution you wish to run, select your USB thumb drive and click O.k.

UnetBootin Ultimate Edition Style UnetBootin Ultimate Edition Style UnetBootin Ultimate Edition Style UnetBootin Ultimate Edition Style

Already downloaded the ISO no problem click disk image option select the ISO and click O.k.

UnetBootin Ultimate Edition Style

No matter which direction you went you should end up with the following:

UnetBootin Ultimate Edition Style

All you need to do now is reboot from USB to test it or optionally install. USB is the only way I install, I would go through about 100 DVD’s a month otherwise 😉

Enjoy UE,


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