Ultimate Edition Gamers?

by on Sep.16, 2009, under Gamers, Linux, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition

A day late and a dollar short, count on a gamers edition it is coming it is Jaunty based. It is uploading as I type, I have slacked long enough. I do not want to put a “Release date” on when I release it; 20 hours just for me to upload it, you know admin & mirrors have first stab right? I have not even md5sum’d it yet minus locally. I have written software I can MD5SUM it right on the server saves me hours of downloading. It is 4 GB I will tell you that; I will also tell you a new tool is included. I seen what this tool can do. Windows / nix barrier starts to crumble as far as games.

I watched Poweruser2600 demonstrate this tool to me & was solidly impressed as he played Battlefield on his solid nix system. I will mirror this software on our repository. It does not end there, a game of Fallout 3 on nix? My game by the way. The list of games perhaps endless. Cedega and their “subscription”, charging you monthly seems to fade away. Don’t think Ultamatix will not ensure this.

Poweruser, once again by the way, is my nix software man. Wait and see them (the creator) go through the roof. If I find something evolutionary I love to bring it to your attention. I will do so when I release Ultimate Edition 2.3 Gamers (it is built in). Oh, I am sorry it will do Office & other apps, this is a gamers post right? Please stand by for details…



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