Ultimate Edition 5.0 LTS
by TheeMahn on Jun.20, 2016, under Ultimate Edition
Welcome aboard Ultimate Edition 5.0 You can read the release notes on our Ultimate Edition Forum.
Please give the servers time to mirror, it will be slow at best until that has happened.
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Релиз Ultimate Edition 5.0 (MATE) — Блог Александра Белкина
July 9th, 2016 on 1:47 pm[…] страница: Ultimate Edition 5.0 LTSУдачи. Опубликовано в блоге: Linux для начинающих и не […]
Ultimate Edition 5.0.1 Mate já está disponível para download
September 11th, 2016 on 8:08 am[…] Para saber mais sobre a distribuição Ultimate Edition, clique nesse link. Para saber mais sobre essa versão da distribuição, acesse a nota de lançamento. […]
July 12th, 2016 on 2:27 am
Thanks for having me. Although I am fairly new to Linux , would like to install it and see if it will do what I want to do.As yet I have not been able to find the Ultimate 5.0 download link.? Maybe you could steer me in the rat direction .
July 16th, 2016 on 8:01 pm
For XFCE: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ultimateedition/files/ultimate-edition-5.0-x64-lite-xfce.iso/download
For Mate: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ultimateedition/files/ultimate-edition-4.2.4-x64-lite-mate.iso/download
July 13th, 2016 on 7:34 pm
Wow Thanks
July 16th, 2016 on 8:00 pm
You are Welcome!
September 9th, 2016 on 12:44 pm
can you send me 32bit ultimate edition 5.0LTS?
October 13th, 2016 on 9:30 pm
https://sourceforge.net/projects/ultimateedition/files/ultimate-edition-5.0-x86-lite.iso/download 32 Bit.
Better then what you asked for:
September 13th, 2016 on 8:35 pm
Thanks for the add. I am in the process of downloading now.
December 4th, 2017 on 10:18 am
…excuse me i have downloaded now 5 different ISO images and none of them work Mr. the-Man? could you explain what is the problem?…i’m using Ubuntu mate disk image writer, it has never disappointed me yet, i am disappointed, finally i thought i had found a good distribution. obviously not.
December 4th, 2017 on 4:55 pm
i have attained a good iso, checksum all great. so how is any of your distributions bootable with a usb? so far none have worked. you need to sort this out, or are you just not wanting anymore people useing ur invention? if so dnt leave un-useable iso images about, it’s actually quite wrong.
December 8th, 2017 on 11:44 am
use unetbootin to load images to USB thumbdrives: