Moving on.

by on Dec.22, 2017, under Ultimate Edition

I have began moving a singular, dual website. Both will land you to the same. & I have downloaded solidly in excess a Terabyte, we are changing hosting companies. Godaddy has been extortionately been raising costs for years. I have fixed it, perhaps permanently.

I had to write software to “fix” it, you know I love arrays:

declare -a SERVER=();
declare -a USERPASS=();
SERVER=(‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’)
USERPASS=(‘rockamd’ ‘ultimate22’ ‘dow1604804582068’ ‘osbuilder’ ‘testue’ ‘uedonors’ ‘repostorm’ ‘ultamatix’ ‘ultimateplayer’ ‘themelinux’ ‘forumubuntu’ ‘dow1304409265529’)

if ! [[ -d DATABASES ]]; then
for EACH in “${SERVER[@]}”
echo “Processing $EACH”
echo “Command: mysqldump -p -h “$EACH” -u “$UP” “$UP” > DATABASES/”$UP”.sql”
mysqldump -p -h “$EACH” -u “$UP” “$UP” > DATABASES/”$UP”.sql
array_counter=$((array_counter + 1))

I am uploading a 18GB compressed file for gamers, UETOYS are next, followed through with apps. We are still dealing with one website, how many do we own?

This is where I want the hosting site to wake up. I send you a few Million users, straight up don’t charge me. I have had hosting companies send me checks. GoDaddy is not one of them, they year after year raise the amount I pay. You do realise I am working on a Operating System for servers? I may host out of my house.

As far as hosting? I am probably the worst individual you would ever want to mess with. Take a deep breath.


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