Leave our servers alone!!!

by on Jun.25, 2018, under Cloud Storage, Hosting, Linux, Programming, Server, Ultimate Edition

I provided you the golden opportunity to hack our servers to obtain a treasure trove of data also known as a data breech which you can avoid by hiring cybersecurity services at https://www.sapphire.net/. Some common types of risk are identify theft, discrimination and reputational damage to the people whose data has been breached. You need to find out what has happened in your situation and decide if it was the result of human error, a system error, a deliberate or malicious act or something else.  Cyber Criminals steal all types of things like medical documents, credit card info, and social security cards.

Security is generally perceived as a technical issue, while data privacy and protection is regarded as an issue relating to data access and protecting data from getting into the wrong hands. Simply put, cybersecurity is a technical way of implementing data privacy choices. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes.

To be honest with you the security that opportunity awarded, has jacked up. I only wanted to give you 24 hours, we have about 1/2 a million potential candidates. That is gone, I do want to set up anti-dos (Denial of service), heartbleed, I could go on. There are ways of preventing even a Linux Cracker from coming to see you. This is what most hackers, actual term is cracker would like. Push our servers offline. Denial of service means not only do they get the fuzzy feeling of dropping our servers offline, but stick it in and break it off to you. Denial of Service. Think about that for a second. If time permits, I will shut that door too.

I know most of you do not care to have a server based Operating System, can you imagine the impact it will have as a plain Jane O/S?

Ride with me,


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